
Why does the horse queen in "Mountains and Rivers Moon Ming" lead everyone to break the defense?

author:The art of painting and calligraphy

Recently, the TV series "Mountains and Rivers Moon Ming" was popular, in which Ming Chengzu Zhu Yuanzhang and his wife Xiaoci Gao Empress Ma Shi's behavior was really enviable, netizens have said "This is love", "the original ZhengZheng iron bone also has such a tender side" "Zhu Zhongba is a rake ear". How sweet it was at the beginning, how sadistic it was later, so that the death of Empress Ma made everyone break through the defense line and rush to the hot search list in one fell swoop.

Why does the horse queen in "Mountains and Rivers Moon Ming" lead everyone to break the defense?

As we all know, Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang was harsh and ruthless. After overthrowing the Yuan Dynasty and establishing the Ming Dynasty, he once killed the bureaucrats and meritorious officials in the DPRK, and he especially hated corrupt officials and corrupt officials, and when he punished them, he was very cruel, and even ordered people to take off human skins, stuff them into straw, and then publicly display them. During the Hongwu years, it was common for officials to be beaten, beheaded, castrated, picked, and even whipped to death on the spot in the court. During his 31-year reign, more than 150,000 officials were killed. He was also known as "the fiercest anti-corruption emperor in history."

But it was such an emperor who climbed up step by step from the bottom, experienced countless swords and light sword shadows, and his heart was as hard as iron and stone, but at the age of fifty-four, he cried urgently, because in the fifteenth year of Hongwu, his empress Ma fell ill and died. This dealt a heavy blow to Zhu Yuanzhang and greatly affected the government of the Ming Dynasty during the Hongwu period.

So what is the special charm of the historical horse queen, which is worth making a generation of kings cry for her?

Why does the horse queen in "Mountains and Rivers Moon Ming" lead everyone to break the defense?

▲ Chen Baoguo plays Zhu Yuanzhang

In the first year of the Yuan Wenzong Calendar, Zhu Yuanzhang was born in a poor family, because he ranked fourth in the family and his brother ranked eighth, so he was named Zhu Zhongba. At the age of seventeen, the Haozhou disaster occurred, and the following spring there was a severe locust plague and plague, and famine and disease filled the already poor family. Because the corrupt officials and corrupt officials in the local area did not give relief, they repeatedly came to oppress and plunder, completely smashing the family.

Zhu Yuanzhang's parents and three older brothers have all died one after another, and the only remaining sister has married away from home in order to make a living. Lonely and helpless, in order to survive, he defected to the gaobin monk of huangjue temple and shaved his head as a monk. However, the disaster was not alone, the local famine also began, the temple could not get alms, the abbot had to send the monks to travel to the fate, so zhu Yuanzhang, who was only 17 years old, had to leave the monastery and wander.

Why does the horse queen in "Mountains and Rivers Moon Ming" lead everyone to break the defense?

▲Portrait of Ming Chengzu

During his travels, Zhu Yuanzhang mistakenly hit and defected to the anti-Yuan rebel army led by the leader Guo Zixing, also known as the "Red Turban Army". Here Zhu Yuanzhang won the favor of Guo Zixing by virtue of his own behavior and ingenuity. Over the years, Zhu Yuanzhang gradually became Guo Zixing's confidant, remembering his talent, and in order to consolidate his rights, he betrothed his beloved adopted daughter Ma Shi (the daughter of Guo Zixing's deceased best friend) to him.

Ma Shi has been intelligent since childhood, gentle and virtuous, able to draw poetry, especially good at poetry books, and has a stubborn personality. After Ma Shi and Zhu Yuanzhang became intimate, they had a deep affection for him and followed Zhu Yuanzhang in the southern expedition to the northern war and carefully assisted him.

Although Guo Zixing was very serious about Zhu Yuanzhang, he was grumpy and suspicious, and he had suspected Zhu Yuanzhang's loyalty many times, and once when he was angry, he ordered people to lock Zhu Yuanzhang up and not allow him to eat, and after Ma Shi knew, he "stole the bottom of the bell and fed it, and it was worth steaming and steaming gong heat, and then took advantage of the heat to steal the thin milk of one of his arms, and the milk was chyme." He also gave all his property to his adoptive mother to be able to save Zhu Yuanzhang.

In the years of conquest, Zhu Yuanzhang gradually came to the fore, and the soldiers who followed him came in batches and batches, and the team continued to expand. In order to encourage the soldiers, comfort their dependents, and stabilize the rear, Ma Shi personally sewed clothes and shoes for the soldiers, and also took out all the gold and silver treasures he obtained to reward the soldiers, stabilizing the hearts of the army, and played an important role in Zhu Yuanzhang's victory.

Why does the horse queen in "Mountains and Rivers Moon Ming" lead everyone to break the defense?

▲ Wang Ji plays Empress Ma

In the first month of the first year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang was based on ying tianfu, the state name Daming, Jianyuan Hongwu, and the Lima clan as empress.

After taking the throne, Empress Ma was a model of the harem, she was amiable, industrious and loving, and personally handled Zhu Yuanzhang's meals every day, even the meals worn by the crown prince and grandson, she also personally inquired about it, taking care of everything.

She did not covet wealth, was diligent and frugal in running the family, led by example, and repeatedly refused Zhu Yuanzhang's request to visit her relatives to be rewarded.

She understood the great righteousness and stopped the killing, and whenever Zhu Yuanzhang was furious, she always had no fear to come forward to stop it, protecting many sages from being killed.

With her unique insights, she solved Zhu Yuanzhang's political and economic strategic problems and played a vital role in Daming's economy.

Why does the horse queen in "Mountains and Rivers Moon Ming" lead everyone to break the defense?

▲ Portrait of the Horse Queen

She was merciful and righteous, preferring to sacrifice herself to protect her people. In the fifteenth year of Hongwu, Empress Ma was seriously ill, and Zhu Yuanzhang looked around for medical treatment for her, but Empress Ma refused to be treated, and she said to Zhu Yuanzhang: "Death and life, fate, prayer is good!" And how can a doctor live! If the medicine is not effective, will it not be a concubine and sin against the doctors? All her life, she has been thinking about others, even in the last moments of her life, she is still advising Zhu Yuanzhang not to anger innocent people because of her illness.

When she was about to die, she left her last words: "May Your Majesty seek advice from the wise, and be cautious in the end, and all the children and grandchildren will be wise, and the subjects will have what they want." "Say it, and leave the world with a smile."

Why does the horse queen in "Mountains and Rivers Moon Ming" lead everyone to break the defense?

▲ Wang Ji plays Empress Ma

I would like to ask who can not love such a virtuous queen who does not argue or grab, is diligent and thrifty, does not love fame and fortune, loves his children, and is devoted to his husband, the people, and the country?

Unfortunately, after Zhu Yuanzhang lost her, he was extremely mournful, and the historian recorded that "the emperor wept and did not recover." And his heart became colder, his behavior became more violent, he paralyzed himself with diligence in government affairs, and from then on until his death, he hardly had a day off. Moreover, Zhu Yuanzhang restored the system of human martyrdom that had been abolished since the Qin and Han dynasties, and once issued an edict to bury all forty concubines who were sleeping with Ming Xiaoling. Zhu Yuanzhang's palace martyrdom in the Ming Dynasty was the largest, and since then, it has been rapidly popularized, and its scope and influence are rare in successive dynasties, which is also an extremely cruel and oppressive system of feudal rulers. It was not until the time of Emperor Ming Yingzong that this cruel system was abolished.

Although Zhu Yuanzhang was diligent in government affairs, the authentic works he survived were extremely rare, and the Palace Museum contained a copy of Zhu Yuanzhang's book "Dajun Ti".

Why does the horse queen in "Mountains and Rivers Moon Ming" lead everyone to break the defense?

"The Great Army Thesis", book on paper, album, length 33.7 cm, width 47.4 cm, line book, 14 lines, 169 words.

This post is a letter written by Zhu Yuanzhang to the general. From the analysis of content, at this time, Zhu Yuanzhang had eliminated Chen Youyu, Zhang Shicheng and other forces, and was attacking the north with all his might, and wars were frequent. Where the army passed, there were many officials of the Yuan Dynasty. Zhu Yuanzhang wrote to his subordinates on how to properly dispose of these officials.

This post is clumsy and smooth, the style of the book is thin and strong, the writing is natural and smooth, the manners are vivid, and the wind god is unique.

Tao Zongyi of the Ming Dynasty commented on his calligraphy in the "History of Books": "God will be longitudinal tomorrow, tacit understanding of calligraphy" Kang Youwei "Guangyi Zhou Double Series" Xingcao Twenty-fifth Commentary: "Ming Taizu Shu is strong and invincible."

I often wonder if Empress Ma hadn't died early, wouldn't Daming's prosperity have gone to a higher level?

——The pictures in this article come from the Internet, if there is infringement, please contact to delete

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