
2022 Premium Boyfriend Test Roll

Exam Instructions:

1. This paper shall not be modified and smeared, shall not be self-propositional, and shall not be handed in

2. Candidates must abide by the examination discipline, respect the spirit of the examination, and do not despise, despise, or be arrogant. Test cheaters, depending on the seriousness of the situation, are given a month of disqualification from marriage and are not allowed to smoke, drink, play games, and eat supper

3. The right to interpret the answer this time is in the respondent's girlfriend

I. Multiple Choice Questions: (2 points per question, a total of 20 points)

1. I get up at six o'clock in the morning to go swimming, your first reaction is ( )

A crazy B is too powerful to worship C pressure mountain big D I also want to go along

2. If I were to pursue career development and gradually try my ideal things as an amateur, you would feel ( )

A has ideals, B, no time to accompany me, C, does it make sense, and D I supervise you

3. You prefer to ( ) on weekends

A date and then go shopping and eat and watch movies B Find classmates and friends to eat and chat

C Settle down and read D Fitness or outdoor exercise

4. Are you a relatively elegant boy? ( )

A Good personal hygiene habits B Good walking, sitting posture, table etiquette is good

None of the above C has D or above

5. If you feel hurt ( )

A quarrel B Find a good atmosphere to talk about untie the knot

C Girls well don't bother with you D don't want to argue break up

6. What do you think is most important for a boyfriend :( )

A have money B have a lot of money The best kind of financial freedom

C Smart fun bar D has independent will and a complete worldview

7. Your favorite girl should be ( )

A long-legged big chest B good look interesting D like-minded D good wife and mother

8. How much does the girlfriend occupy in the future planning:( )

A doesn't know if it can be counted in, B consider getting married, so it's family

C is just like my own D is just a small single and has been through so many years

9. The following must be done for the girlfriend, you are more willing to choose: ( )

A Make a meal feed her B Take her shopping Pick a gift to make her happy

C accompany her to plan work Relieve stress D Kind words comfort her irritable mood

2022 Premium Boyfriend Test Roll

II. Fill-in-the-blank questions: (5 points per blank, a total of 40 points)

1. Her shoe size ( )

2. Her net height ( )

3. Her New Calendar Birthday ( ) Lunar Birthday ( )

4. What color is her favorite ( )

5. The city she most wants to play ( )

III. Judgment Questions (3 points per question, a total of 15 points)

(1) She likes to stick to you ( )

(2) She doesn't hate straight men ( )

(3) She likes to drink carbonated drinks ( )

(4) She can tolerate her boyfriend playing games ( )

(5) She will not say it directly when she is angry ( )

2022 Premium Boyfriend Test Roll

IV. Essay Questions: (15 points per question, a total of 15 points)

1. What do you think is the basis for lasting time with your lover?

V. Short Answer Questions: (6 points per question, 30 points in total)

(1) What your girlfriend likes about you

(2) Your girlfriend looks at your WeChat and flips through your chat history with others, what do you think

(3) If you quarreled particularly badly, would you bow your head and admit your mistake? Why?

(4) What will you do when your girlfriend comes to the great aunt

(5) What will you do if a girl talks to you, or asks you for QQ WeChat?

2022 Premium Boyfriend Test Roll

VI. Writing Questions: (30 points per question, a total of 30 points)

Write down your "girlfriend in your eyes" with a word count of no less than 300 words.

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