
This sign is very good at healing the body

2022 Ask for attention

This sign is very good at healing the body

Accompany your dreams come true~

On April 20, 2022, the Sun entered Taurus and opened Taurus Birthday Month.

This sign is very good at healing the body

This is undoubtedly also a time for friends who have planets in the birth chart that fall in Taurus (such as Venus Taurus, Moon Taurus, etc.), and it is undoubtedly a time when personal strength, charm, and fortune are blessed by the sun.

I wish all Taurus a happy birthday, full of wealth, happiness and happiness

This sign is very good at healing the body

As is the old custom, I want to open the Taurus Rainbow Fart Special Session; in order to prove that there is no selfishness, all the praise I have to say is taken from the writings of the astrologer

This sign is very good at healing the body

( ) If any Taurus is full of shortcomings and does not show advantages, it is really necessary to reflect on it

I look forward to sharing the advantages of taurus you/relatives/friends on the message board

Other constellation rainbow farts

1. Calm

Excerpt from Contemporary Astrology Studies Sue Tompkins

Taurus is one of the most endurance and down-to-earth of the twelve, as well as the most calm, calm and patient: it is like an oak tree rather than a willow.

Oaks are not as elastic as willows, but we must understand that leaning against oak trees is more comfortable.

2. Connection with nature

Excerpt from Contemporary Astrology Studies Sue Tompkins

Taurus people appreciate the beauty of nature, the food produced by the land and the abundant resources, and this tendency brings a good sense of harmony between life and art.

They can connect with nature, but also with the needs and abilities of the body.

They also have highly developed perceptual abilities – especially taste, smell and touch. A keen sense of form and texture is very conducive to engaging in textile-related industries, as well as the development of tactile-related techniques, such as massage, aromatherapy or freehand therapy. Construction, music, agriculture and gardening are all suitable jobs for Taurus people.

3, perfect at this moment

Excerpt from "The Inner Sky"

Taurus must touch, which is the most basic.

He finds the world through his senses, through his skin, through his fingertips, and he can never look straight through his mind to find it.

We feel the earth under our feet, we hear music in our ears, we feel our partner's body clinging to our body.

The nature of life? Who knows? Who's going to think about it? Leave it alone.

The perfect moment is the nature of life. Talking about it will only cover it with a veil again.

4. Appreciation

Excerpt from The Inner Universe

The key concept of Taurus is: a deep sense of appreciation associated with immediate physical sensations.

When the planet lands in Taurus, it will have more stable qualities and will have excellent retention.

5. Body healers

Excerpt from Soul Astrology Notes

Taurus is the first contact of the spiritual body with the earth element, through the qualities of Taurus, the power of the land flows naturally, spreading a relaxed atmosphere to those around it.

Therefore, Taurus people are natural body healers.

When the taurus's energy is fully exerted, a single touch is enough to remove people's energy barriers and complete the healing of the body.

In Taurus, the mental body learns the energy flow of the elements, understands the limitations and energies of the body, and the range of physiological needs.

In the second earth sign, Virgo, the lesson is how the material world works; in Capricorn, the last earth sign, this knowledge is applied to the pursuit of the interests of most people in this world.

6. The concept of matter

Excerpt from The Four Elements of Life

Taurus basic concepts:

Awareness of things arises immediately through awareness of the present moment.

7. Advantages

Excerpt from the Book of Astrology

Taurus Pros:

Stable, strong, inclusive, organized, down-to-earth, sensitive to beauty and nature.

8. Talent

Excerpt from Classical Medical Astrology: The Healing of the Elements

This part is not a excerpt from the book, but some of my understanding of the content of the book extending to taurus traits:

The book has the position of taurus, which is to connect the throat with food and everything used to maintain the body.

We can understand this: Taurus's gift is to master the resources of survival and to continuously occupy/preserve the things that will make people survive.

It's not outward, it's not someone else's, it's its own resources and strength.

Therefore, their survival and happiness can be minimized from the influence and threat of others.

9. Endurance

Excerpt from "The Soul's Goal"

The evolution of taurus can also be understood with the help of taurus:

They are determined to enjoy the fruits of their labor and to create a good life for themselves and those they love, and fate always tests their energy and endurance, and the seemingly inexhaustible resilience used to gain energy and endurance.

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