
This constellation is very good at "heroes save beauty"

2022 Ask for attention

Accompany your dreams come true~

On March 20, 2022, the Sun entered Aries and opened Aries Birthday Month.

This constellation is very good at "heroes save beauty"

This is undoubtedly also a time for friends who have planets in the birth chart that fall in Aries (such as Venus Aries, Mars Aries, Jupiter Aries, etc.), and it is undoubtedly a time when personal strength, charm, and fortune are blessed by the sun.

I wish all Aries a happy birthday, full of wealth, happiness and happiness

This constellation is very good at "heroes save beauty"

As is the old custom, I want to open the Aries Rainbow Farts Special Session; in order to prove that I am not selfless, all the praise I have to say is taken from the writings of astrologers

This constellation is very good at "heroes save beauty"

( ) If any Aries is full of shortcomings and does not show advantages, it is really necessary to reflect on it

I look forward to sharing the advantages of Aries you/relatives/friends on the message board.~

Other constellation rainbow farts

1. Lead

Excerpt from Contemporary Astrology Studies Sue Tompkins

As the first zodiac sign, Aries is concerned with new beginnings.

The main psychological trait of this zodiac sign is that it likes to grab the first, is easy to get hurt, and is naïve and not pretentious.

Any planet that falls in the constellation of Aries is affected by this preemptive and competitive trait.

2. The brave

Most of the chivalrous heroes in mythological stories or the samurai who ride a white horse to save a shipwrecked woman are mostly wearing the aura of Aries.

The fall of the planet to Aries represents both the savior and the object of salvation, and it is not necessarily the man who saves the woman.

3. Lock the target

Excerpt from Contemporary Astrology Studies

Aries needs action, as a sign of action, waiting for things to happen is not its style, so Aries people always bravely move forward to face life.

Having a specific goal brings out the best in this sign means they have to work hard for something or someone.

4. Trailblazers

Excerpt from The Inner Universe

Aries is groundbreaking and values self-expression.

Jobs that require pioneering or competition, constant challenges, and creativity are all for Aries.

5. Militants

Excerpt from "The Inner Sky"

Nature prepared the mountain for the Aries.

Born belligerent, energetic and instinctive, Aries' soul is direct and passionate, frank, active, enthusiastic, independent, and an aversion to authority—these are Aries' resources.

6. Eye-catching

Excerpt from "Notes on the Soul Zhan Star"

The spark of life is small, but extremely bright.

Brave, never worry about the future,

Striking and inspiring.

7. New energy flow

In Aries, the mental body learns to let new energies flow.

Breathe life energy into your own or other people's ideas, start new plans, and enter new areas.

It means the discovery of fire, representing the elements of energy; and manifests itself as: activity, humor and enthusiasm.

In the second fire sign, Leo, the priority is the control of fire.

In The Archer, the last fire sign, fire must be used constructively.

8. New experience

Excerpt from "Human Nature"

The key concepts of Aries are:

Towards new experiences.

Targeted energy release.

9. Advanced warriors

Excerpt from Extension and Healing

We can learn from Aries to assert ourselves to explore the possibilities of our own lives.

Because Aries is the one who dares to ask for and dares to fight.

But mature warriors don't use violence, and they don't have to win; they understand that double victory is the most beautiful thing – becoming a peace warrior is something Aries will learn all their lives.

10. Powerful ideas

Excerpt from The Complete Book of Psychological Astrology

Aries is guarded by Mars.

Mars has the qualities of acceleration and stimulation in psychological astrology, symbolizing self-actualization and protection, and the idea of continuing life is quite powerful.

In primitive life, it is necessary to run faster than other animals, stronger than other animals, so that they will not be eaten; they must have the ability to grab food; they must also be more competitive than their peers, in order to win the mating willingness of the opposite sex and further reproduce.

From here, we can also see the reflection of Aries and its guardian star Mars.

11. Heal yourself

The advantages that a planet that falls in Aries can develop:

Confidently pioneering, innocent, trying something new,

Egotistic, courageous, idealistic,

Those who take risks are not afraid of failure, and those who stand in a position of leadership.

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