
Cherish the present, enjoy life: from now on, only walking, idleness and sorrow

The sky is high enough to "let the birds fly"; the sea is wide enough to "leap with fish".

If the heart is wide enough, there will be no difficulties in life.

Winter to spring, read the following ten poems! Life is impermanent, and peace of mind is at ease.

Cherish the present, enjoy life: from now on, only walking, idleness and sorrow

"Less than 100 Birth Years"

Han Dynasty: Anonymous

Born less than a hundred, often pregnant with Chitose worries.

The days are short and the nights are long, so why not swim with candles!

For the sake of le dangling in time, how can you stay in Laiz?

The fool cherishes the fee, but scorns for the hereafter.

Immortal Prince Joe, difficult to wait with the period.

People complain that the days are short and the nights are long, so why not hold the candles and play at night?

Life is short, don't let yourself down.

When it's time to rest, rest; when it's time to get away from the noise, we're away from the hustle and bustle.

Perhaps, in the quiet afternoon, in the small garden of jasmine flowers, holding an ancient book, making a pot of good tea, listening to a long ancient song, our hearts can get a rest.

"Kasuga Higashiyama Main Hall"

Tang Dynasty: Li Jianxun

Idleness wins out, and the weather gradually melts.

Shuma climbed steadily, and there were many ancient temples in the southern dynasty.

The early flowers are slightly colored, and the new wine is ready to make waves.

From then on, I was only happy, and I was idle.

"From now on, I will only be happy, and what will I do with idleness?" There are only people in the world who can't think straight, and there is no road that can't be walked.

In life, there is no smile when crying, there is no smile when you can't think about it, and you don't want to get it.

Life, there is no great truth to speak of, living a life, is a mood, with a good mood to live, tired is not tired, bitter is not bitter.

Happiness may be reflected in this "do not say tired" and "do not say bitter".

Cherish the present, enjoy life: from now on, only walking, idleness and sorrow


Tang Dynasty: Huineng

Bodhi has no tree, and Spiegel is not a platform.

Originally there is nothing, where to stir up dust?

There was no Bodhi tree, and it wasn't a bright mirror, it was originally the four voids, where did it get dusty?

The simpler you are, the more peaceful your life will be.

How wide the heart is, how wide the road of life is.

Life is like this, it constantly delivers gifts to your hands, and receives them not in yourself.

"Nine Songs of Absolute Sentences, Four"

Tang Dynasty: Du Fu

February has broken in March,

Growing older can be done several times in the spring.

Moth has infinite things outside of him,

And a limited cup before death.

Don't think about the endless things outside of you, it is better to drink the wine in front of you.

Life has gains and losses, don't live too tired.

Tired is a lot of mental pressure, psychological burden, if you want not to be tired, you must learn to relax, life is expensive in the tension and relaxation, to learn to liberate yourself, not afraid of too busy, afraid of too tired.

Cherish the present, enjoy life: from now on, only walking, idleness and sorrow


Tang Dynasty: Luo Yin

To gain is to sing and to lose,

Sentimentality and hatred are also leisurely.

There is wine in this day and drunk in this day,

Tomorrow's nostalgia tomorrow.

If you have wine today, you will get drunk, and if you have worries tomorrow, you will wait for tomorrow to worry.

The famous piano master Rubenstein once gave a friend a box of fine cigars. Friends said they would treasure this special gift.

"No, don't do this, you must enjoy them, this cigar is like life can not be saved, you have to enjoy them as much as possible, without love and can not enjoy life, will not be happy." 」

Have fun in time, feel happy, so that you will feel that life is so beautiful.

"Planting Seedlings"

Tang Dynasty: Budai monk

Hands plant green seedlings all over the field,

Look down and see the sky in the water.

The pure heart is the Way,

The regression turned out to be forward.

The farmer plants the seedlings while retreating, and it is precisely because of this way that he can plant all the seedlings, and the retreat is to move forward.

The blindness of ordinary people lies in: looking high does not look low, seeking far rather than near.

Only when we are willing to bow our heads can we truly know ourselves and the world, and we will suddenly be enlightened: the regression is originally forward!

Cherish the present, enjoy life: from now on, only walking, idleness and sorrow

"The Way of Heaven"

Tang Fifth Dynasty: Feng Dao

Poor people are all destined, He Lao sighed.

But if you know how to do good things, don't ask about the future.

In winter, the ice whiskers are pan, and the spring grass grows on its own.

Please look at this reason, the way of heaven is very clear.

But to do righteous deeds and do good deeds, don't ask what the results are, don't ask what benefits they can bring, God has his own arrangements.

When doing good and doing good deeds, it is okay for a while, and when you have paid for a long time, you will not be rewarded, and your heart will inevitably be lost.

The way of heaven in the world, but to do good deeds, do not ask for return, your own peace of mind, is to get.

《Xi Jiang Yue》

Song Dynasty: Zhu Dunru

The world is as short as a spring dream, and human feelings are as thin as autumn clouds.

Don't worry about hard work, everything has a destiny.

Fortunately, three glasses of wine are good, and a new flower is new.

The film is laughing and dating, and tomorrow is uncertain.

Don't worry about your own hard work, everything is already predestined.

Life is like a dream, the years are merciless, and I suddenly look back to find that people are alive is a mood, whether they are poor or rich, whether they are gained or lost, everything is a passing cloud.

Think about it, no matter yesterday, today, tomorrow, it is a good day to be suddenly enlightened.

Regardless of family, friendship, love, it is a good mood to cherish forever.

Don't forget what you once had, and cherish what you have already received.

Cherish the present, enjoy life: from now on, only walking, idleness and sorrow

"Man Ting Fang"

Song Dynasty: Su Shi

Worm horns are false, fly heads are slightly profitable,

It's a lot of work.

Everything is predetermined, who is weak and who is strong.

and while idle and not old,

Let me go, some madness.

In a hundred years, hun religion was drunk, thirty-six thousand.

Think about it, how much can it be?

Sorrow and wind and rain, half of them are in trouble.

Why resist death, say short and long.

Fortunately for the breeze Haoyue,

Tess exhibition, cloud curtain high.

Gangnam is good, a thousand bells of fine wine, a song full of fang.

What is worth keeping busy with a small amount of vanity?

Zhuge Liang said in the Book of Commandments: "There is no clear purpose without indifference, and there is no distance without tranquility." ”

In fact, in this world, people are just passers-by who come and go in a hurry.

Fame and profit are all over the clouds, rather than being tired of it all their lives, it is better to live a real, happy and happy life, look at it with a normal heart, and look at everything lightly.

"Drinking Under the Flowers"

Ming Dynasty: Tang Yin

Ninety spring light throws a shuttle,

Drink wine and sing in front of the flowers.

The flowers on the branches can bloom for a few days,

How much can life be in the world?

Good flowers are difficult to plant and do not bloom,

Teenagers are easy to get over and don't start again.

Life does not get drunk before the flowers,

Flower laughing life is also staying.

Life is alive, if you don't have fun in time, the flowers will laugh at you as a fool.

Life is short, there are too many gains and losses, worries and pleasures.

Sorrow is a day, happiness is also a day, why not live happily?

Haruki Murakami said: There is no right choice in the world, and all we can do is try to make the original choice correct.

In the world, there is no perfect life, and all we can do is make ourselves happy.

Cherish the present, enjoy life: from now on, only walking, idleness and sorrow

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