
Lakers coaching position becomes hot potato Management interferes too much Anonymous broker: unattractive

The NBA playoffs are on schedule, and 16 playoff teams are ready. However, there are still 14 teams on the holiday early, and the Los Angeles two male Lakers and Clippers are in this rank. Today, the Lakers still face a difficult problem, after the Lakers fired Vogel, which led to the Lakers need to find a new manager. However, the Lakers coach position has become a hot potato, and no one seems willing to take over this stall.

Lakers coaching position becomes hot potato Management interferes too much Anonymous broker: unattractive

According to the Los Angeles Times reporters Brotherrick Turner and Dan Woike, there are currently 8 candidates for the Lakers coach position, including 3 current NBA team managers, namely Rivers (76ers manager), Snyder (Jazz manager) and Nas (Raptors manager). In addition, there are 2 former NBA team managers, brooks (former Wizards manager) and Stotts (former Blazers manager).

Lakers coaching position becomes hot potato Management interferes too much Anonymous broker: unattractive

The other three candidates are Juwan Howard (University of Michigan coach), Alex Jensen (Jazz assistant coach) and Mike Brown (Warriors assistant coach). Judging from the number of candidates, the Lakers coach position seems to be a fragrant feast. But a coaching agent, who asked for anonymity, shattered that calm. The anonymous coaching agent was blunt, asking rhetorically whether the Lakers coach position was attractive? Then he dropped the sentence, "I'm not sure, but in the end someone has to take over." ”

Lakers coaching position becomes hot potato Management interferes too much Anonymous broker: unattractive

Being able to let the coach agent anonymously ridicule the manager position can be seen that there are indeed no small problems within the Lakers. The reason why the Lakers coaching position has become a hot potato is mainly because the Lakers have a bad reputation in the coaching circle. Sources revealed four key factors, the first is the excessive interference of the Lakers management, which led to the Lakers' confusion in the reinforcements. The second is the inability to get long-term contracts, which makes many famous managers uninterested and feel that their future is not guaranteed. The third is that the Lakers' lineup has no small problems, and the fourth is that the outside world is too complicated.

Lakers coaching position becomes hot potato Management interferes too much Anonymous broker: unattractive

Vogel was fired by the Lakers, which can only be regarded as an account of the Lakers to the outside world. To be honest, the Lakers' current problems can't all be left to the coach. When the Lakers got Westbrook, the Big Three lineup didn't play its biggest role. Davis has been plagued by injuries, which has led to the Big Three playing just 21 games together this season. A season has passed, the Lakers' big three still have not run into success, but the starting lineup has changed dozens of sets, and Vogel is actually in a dilemma.

Lakers coaching position becomes hot potato Management interferes too much Anonymous broker: unattractive

No matter who will coach the Lakers next, they need to rectify the internal factors before they can lead the Lakers back on track. However, just too much interference by management is really a headache. The Lakers' reputation in the coach is not good, can only be said to be the accumulation of many factors, and there are really many places to improve, and it is not only a new coach who can solve it!

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