
Human resources consulting company: salary performance system design program management consulting

author:Hua Qinghong Consulting

The human resources management program --- the remuneration management system

Huaqinghong Consulting can provide you with the following services:

According to the actual situation of enterprises, it provides a variety of basic wage and welfare system design, including post skill wage, post performance wage, broadband ability wage, hourly piece wage, commission wage, etc., and provides the application of innovative incentive methods such as super profit sharing, equity options, group system, and follow-up investment system. For group enterprises, we provide dynamic adjustment and control schemes for the total remuneration of its subsidiaries.

First, what is the salary system

Compensation management refers to the dynamic management process of determining, distributing and adjusting the principles of employee compensation payment, salary strategy, salary level, salary structure and salary composition under the guidance of the organizational development strategy. It is an important part of human resource management and an important means for enterprises to attract, retain and motivate talents. As an important part of the human resource management system, compensation management is the most concerned content of senior managers and all employees, which is directly related to the effectiveness of enterprise human resource management and has an impact on the overall performance of the enterprise. Flexible and effective compensation systems play an important role in motivating employees and maintaining their stability.

Second, the current enterprises may face the salary management problems

1. The inconsistency between the salary strategy and the company's development strategy orientation. At present, the salary strategy implemented by some companies is largely decoupled from the company's business strategy. Instead of designing the compensation system from the perspective of the company's overall strategy and human resources strategy, but on the basis of compensation, the fair and reasonable distribution of compensation itself is regarded as a purpose, rather than focusing on what kind of compensation system will be conducive to the realization of the company's strategy and human resources management.

2. The remuneration system is unreasonable. The remuneration system is a system in which the company divides various types of remuneration according to factors such as the complexity, precision, degree of responsibility, heavy burden and working conditions of labor, and determines the salary standard according to the grade.

3, the salary is not "dynamic", and the correlation between salary and performance performance is not strong. Performance incentive is the company's salary management method under the premise of doing a good job in basic guarantee, taking performance as the premise, taking assessment as the means, taking incentive as the guide, and taking the progress of employees and the development of the company as the purpose. At present, the welfare policy of some companies is only related to the number of years of work or the number of workers, and has little to do with employee performance and lacks incentives. Under the premise of taking into account fairness, the welfare treatment should be based on the contribution of employees and try to open up the grade.

4. The means of incentive are too single, ignoring the "spiritual value" in the salary system. At present, the management of some companies understands the remuneration as what we call "external remuneration" and ignores the "intrinsic remuneration". Operators still hold a conservative and short-sighted concept of paying employees, thinking that as long as they are paid a salary equivalent to the value of labor, it is enough to attract and retain talent. Companies often do not respect the personality of employees enough, or even do not pay attention to the existence of "intrinsic compensation", resulting in negative intrinsic compensation of employees, extremely low satisfaction of employees with the enterprise, and tight labor relations.

Third, Huaqinghong salary management solutions

After years of exploration in consulting practice, Hua Qinghong has developed five compensation management models, including "ability-based", "position-based", "market-based", "performance-based" and hybrid, as well as their corresponding evaluation methods, analysis tools and design frameworks, which have universal practical value for solving the outstanding problems of internal unfairness and effective traction and external lack of competitiveness in Chinese enterprises. At the same time, based on the accumulation of consulting experience in multiple industries and famous enterprises, HuaQinghong has a large number of first-hand industry salary and welfare data and related analysis reports, which has also become an important guarantee for Huaqinghong to provide customers with the most valuable professional salary products and services.

Human resources consulting company: salary performance system design program management consulting

◆ Calculate labor costs

Based on historical data, we calculate the Company's personnel expense ratio and labor costs under certain sales targets from information such as sales, gross profit from sales, and total personnel expenses corresponding to them.

◆ Determine the total salary

Under the premise of total labor cost and social compensation level, determine the total salary of each level (such as manager level, supervisor level) and each position (such as sales manager, accountant).

◆ Design salary structure

According to the characteristics of the company's product composition and the differences in the functions of each department, the grade and performance compensation structures are designed according to the nature of production, administration, sales and service.

◆ Formulate a salary system

Formulation: performance appraisal and salary adjustment, enterprise performance and salary adjustment, personnel changes and salary adjustment, inflation (austerity) and salary adjustment, special contribution awards and year-end payment methods, the relationship between attendance and salary, the relationship between administrative penalties and salaries.

Remuneration management system strategy positioning

Human resources consulting company: salary performance system design program management consulting

Remuneration management system strategy positioning

Compensation management design steps

Human resources consulting company: salary performance system design program management consulting

Compensation management design steps

Fourth, Huaqinghong provides value to customers

1. Let talents stand out and reward outstanding people. High-quality resources are always inclined to excellent talents, and a good salary mechanism should make the strong stronger and encourage the weak to keep up with the pace of the strong.

2. Attract key talents. There are three basic principles in the design of the compensation system: external competitiveness, internal fairness, and incentive for individuals.

3. For the safety and security of the company's employees. It can effectively provide protection for employees, provide strong competitiveness, improve the stability of the company's employees, and ensure the sustainable development of the enterprise.

4. Value affirmation. The remuneration given to employees is definitely not based on rank alone, but must be based on the value of the position, returning to the contribution of the position to the enterprise.

Human resources consulting company: salary performance system design program management consulting