
Before your baby is three years old, drinking water can't be too casual! Don't make a mistake in these points so as not to hurt your baby

Introduction: Before the baby is three years old, drinking water can not be too casual! Don't make a mistake in these points so as not to hurt your baby

Water is an important substance to maintain the normal physiological activities of the human body, everyone is indispensable to water every day, the same is true for babies, lack of water can not be.

But is there anything to be careful about giving your baby water to drink? Do you feed water at any time, or do you feed it when you're thirsty? I believe that some parents are ambiguous about these issues, and may have done it wrong because they are not clear.

Before your baby is three years old, drinking water can't be too casual! Don't make a mistake in these points so as not to hurt your baby

Before your baby is three years old, drinking water can't be too casual! Don't make a mistake in these points so as not to hurt your baby. Come and see what exactly you need to pay attention to, the sooner you know, the better, and don't let your baby get hurt.

The first point: feed the baby according to his age, do not drink too little, do not drink too much

Exclusively breastfed babies, generally within 6 months do not need additional hydration, unless the baby is sick to replenish water, the rest of the time only drink milk is enough, breast milk contains a lot of water, can meet the baby's daily needs. If it is a milk powder-fed baby, you can properly replenish water, but do not drink too much water, the total amount of a day does not exceed 150 ml, each drink of water is best between two drinks of milk as well, this will not delay the normal drinking of milk, but also to avoid the baby on fire.

After the baby starts to eat complementary foods, it is necessary to give him more water, but do not eat and drink water immediately, and do not just finish eating and drinking water, otherwise it will affect the appetite or support the stomach.

Before your baby is three years old, drinking water can't be too casual! Don't make a mistake in these points so as not to hurt your baby

The second point: give your baby boiled water

Many people think that the quality of boiled water is poor, and they will drink some other water for the baby, such as mineral water, which sounds very nutritious, but it is not good to drink such water for the baby, because the baby is too small, the intake of minerals is too much, the body will not accept it, then it will hurt the health of the body.

Do not give the drink when the baby is thirsty, on the one hand, the drink contains a lot of sugar, on the other hand, the drink contains a lot of additives, which is not good for the baby.

Therefore, if you give the baby water to drink, it is best to drink boiled water, as long as the water is boiled every time, boiled water is the healthiest water.

Before your baby is three years old, drinking water can't be too casual! Don't make a mistake in these points so as not to hurt your baby

Third point: Don't give your baby too hot water

Some parents are more anxious, or they like to drink hotter water, so when giving the baby water, they will also let the baby drink hot water, thinking that it is good to drink more hot water, if you do this, it is wrong. Adults feel that hot water can be drunk, but it is not suitable for babies, its intestines and stomach and other parts are very fragile, drinking water that is too hot will cause burns. And often like this, the baby will slowly not like to drink water.

Therefore, before feeding water each time, be sure to dry it first, and wait for the water to cool down and become warm before giving it to the baby to drink.

Before your baby is three years old, drinking water can't be too casual! Don't make a mistake in these points so as not to hurt your baby

Fourth point: prepare a special water cup for your baby

For babies less than six months old, parents can use a spoon to feed water, but after six months of growing up, they must prepare a special water cup, which can not only cultivate the child's habit of drinking water, but also meet the baby's growth needs. Different stages of the baby with different cups, the baby six months to one year old with a duckbill cup, two years old with a straw cup, after two years old with a handle of the open cup, by changing the cup to exercise the child's ability to drink water, if you have been using the bottle to drink water, the baby's mouth, teeth are harmful.

Before your baby is three years old, drinking water can't be too casual! Don't make a mistake in these points so as not to hurt your baby

The above points are good for the baby, are you doing it right?

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