
The "epidemic" voice thanked | for their heartfelt and warm service in the cabin

At the beginning of March, the sudden new coronavirus swept through Jilin, and a war "epidemic" without smoke of gunfire was urgently launched, and our hospital urgently gathered a medical team to go to Tongyuan Fanggang Hospital to devote themselves to the frontline of the fight against the epidemic with selfless and fearless actions, and let patients feel warm with warm services.

On April 3, Ms. Ren, a frontline worker in a community in Erdao District, Changchun City, and her colleagues were sent to the changchun university of traditional Chinese medicine in Tongyuan Fanggang Hospital for treatment due to infection with the new coronavirus of Aomi Kerong. Symptoms such as cough, fever, and chest tightness brought about by viral infections make patients emotionally nervous and anxious. Attending doctors Feng Ke and Director Tian Lin judged the condition according to the patient's tongue and pulse phase after the round and accurately used the drug, and the patient's condition was quickly controlled. On 8 April, the patient was cured and discharged from the hospital after 3 consecutive days of negative nucleic acid and felt well.

During her hospitalization, Feng Ke not only provided professional medical assistance to patients, but also integrated heart-warming services into it, sending warmth and love to patients in adversity with heart and affection. Knowing that a patient has many years of history of diabetes and needs insulin injection treatment, Feng Ke actively contacted the pharmacy to take medicine and deliver it to the patient's hands; afraid that the patient was not used to eating, Feng Ke took the initiative to send his canned lunch meat to the patient; in order to keep the patients with a positive and optimistic attitude, Feng Ke led everyone to practice Baduanjin together, strengthening the body and also bringing more vitality to the cabin; in the circle of friends, seeing that the patient was still busy with front-line work during treatment, Dr. Feng Ke took the initiative to send paper and pencil for everyone... Behind the small things is the warm service of the Medical Team of tongyuan fang cabin to patients.

The "epidemic" voice thanked | for their heartfelt and warm service in the cabin
The "epidemic" voice thanked | for their heartfelt and warm service in the cabin

After being discharged from the hospital, Ms. Ren sent a thank-you letter through WeChat, expressing her gratitude to our hospital and Dr. Feng Ke, and she said that she would continue to work hard to provide better services for community residents after returning to work. The heart-warming service in adversity is still continuing, and we will eventually win this anti-epidemic defense war!

Text/Feng Xiao

Production/Party Committee Publicity Section

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