
Wilkins on Zion: Show 360-degree dunks show he can play

Wilkins on Zion: Show 360-degree dunks show he can play

Live Bar April 15 Today, NBA star Wilkins talked about Zion on the "Dan Patrick Show" show.

Wilkins said: "I heard you say he can dunk 360 degrees, for me, he can do these moves to show that he can play, but who knows? I'm from another era, and in our day you could set foot on the pitch and you could run, then you could play. I don't know why, maybe the mentality is different, I used to play with two finger dislocations, ankle sprains and 43 degrees Celsius, because I love to play, I feel obligated to play for my teammates, that's my mentality. ”

Wilkins on Zion: Show 360-degree dunks show he can play

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