
Dark LightYear Medusa Legend God Creation System Divine Costume Split Raiders!

Hello everyone! In the Dark LightYear Medusa Legend Attack Speed Edition, the God Creation System is an important part of the god costume synthesis and splitting, today to introduce you to the Dark Light Year God Costume Synthesis and Splitting Strategy, gift package welfare at the end of the text.

Dark LightYear Medusa Legend God Creation System Divine Costume Split Raiders!

The God Creation System can open the God Costume Synthesis Interface by finding the "God Creation" in the Secret Realm of the Third Continent's Journey to the West, and the following are the relevant rules for god creation

1. The formation equipment can be used to create gods with the special equipment of the corresponding part

2. After creating the god, the basic equipment retains the original attributes and enhancements, and obtains additional attributes corresponding to the special equipment

3. After creating the gods, the special equipment will not retain the original enhancement

4. The equipment after the creation of the gods cannot be created again

5. When creating a god, you need to take off the equipment from the body first

6. The equipment of the created god needs to be split before upgrading

Dark LightYear Medusa Legend God Creation System Divine Costume Split Raiders!

All right! The above is the introduction to the gameplay of the Dark Light-Year Medusa Legend God Creation System God Costume Synthesis Split brought to you by the president! Hope to bring some help to everyone! More game first-hand news is in the "Dark Lightyear Single Career Journey to the West Edition", take a look!

Dark LightYear Medusa Legend God Creation System Divine Costume Split Raiders!

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