
What should I avoid when I am older? After the age of 50, eat more than 5 kinds, eat less than 3 kinds, must pay attention

author:Let's meet for a gourmet meal

As the saying goes, the body is the capital of the revolution. A healthy body allows us to enjoy the beauty of life. This is especially true for the elderly. Diet has a great impact on health, for the elderly, in the diet need to pay attention to more details, there are some foods to eat less as well, there are some good foods can be appropriate to eat more, pay attention to moderation. What should I avoid when I am older? After the age of 50, eat more than 5 kinds, eat less than 3 kinds, must pay attention.

Eat more of these 5 foods

Fresh fruit

Fruits are high-quality foods that everyone advocates to eat more, and they are rich in nutrients. But not all fruits are suitable for older people. Common fresh fruits, such as apples, oranges, bananas, kiwi fruits are bought fresh, not only good taste, but also high vitamin content, the elderly should eat more.

What should I avoid when I am older? After the age of 50, eat more than 5 kinds, eat less than 3 kinds, must pay attention


Milk is one of the most nutritionally balanced foods, it is rich in high-quality protein, which is very good for health. Moreover, the elderly are prone to calcium deficiency, fresh milk is rich in calcium, and the elderly can insist on drinking milk. It is recommended to drink some skim milk so that there is no caloric burden and nutrients are ingested at the same time. Some dairy drinks on the market are not recommended for the elderly.

What should I avoid when I am older? After the age of 50, eat more than 5 kinds, eat less than 3 kinds, must pay attention


The elders in the family are more dependent on staple foods, but the refined staple foods are often eaten, and it is easy to consume too many calories, so it is necessary to eat some coarse grains appropriately. Coarse grains have relatively low calories, but a strong sense of satiety. High-quality coarse grains are corn, yam, oats, millet; these coarse grains are also very nutritious, dietary fiber is more, so when eating, it is recommended to cook more will be easier to digest.

What should I avoid when I am older? After the age of 50, eat more than 5 kinds, eat less than 3 kinds, must pay attention


Fish is delicious and nutritious, suitable for a variety of ways to eat. Eating fish often is also very good for health, because the fat content of fish is relatively low, and it is easier to digest, and the nutrient solution is easily absorbed. Therefore, it is recommended that the elderly eat more fish appropriately, of course, to buy some fresh fish back, it is very good to make fish soup to drink.

What should I avoid when I am older? After the age of 50, eat more than 5 kinds, eat less than 3 kinds, must pay attention


Walnuts are rich in nutrients, which is not only a healthy and nutritious snack at hand, but also a good product for brain supplementation. Walnuts are also rich in protein, vitamin A, B vitamins and various minerals, which can help the elderly improve sleep quality, but the elderly should pay attention to the appropriate amount of walnuts when eating.

What should I avoid when I am older? After the age of 50, eat more than 5 kinds, eat less than 3 kinds, must pay attention

Eat less of these 3 foods

Animal offal

Usually, the elders of the family go to the vegetable market to buy chickens and ducks to take them back, bring back their internal organs, and are reluctant to lose them. Animal offal is generally not liked by young people to eat, the elders think that this is a very nutritious good thing, it is a pity to lose it, so they insist on eating it. In fact, animal offal can not eat more, especially not suitable for the elderly, because these ingredients contain high purines.

What should I avoid when I am older? After the age of 50, eat more than 5 kinds, eat less than 3 kinds, must pay attention

Heavy flavor food

Nowadays, many young people sometimes go out to dinner and bring their parents with them, such as eating hot pot and barbecue. These heavy-tasting foods are indeed tempting, but they are not suitable for older people. There is too much oil in the hot pot, and all kinds of food are skewered together to eat, and the elderly are easy to be uncomfortable after eating. The same is true for barbecue foods, the ingredients are not fresh, so the elderly still eat less of this type of heavy food.

What should I avoid when I am older? After the age of 50, eat more than 5 kinds, eat less than 3 kinds, must pay attention


The elders are very frugal, after all, they have lived a hard life before, so the leftovers and leftovers that have not been eaten are reluctant to be discarded, often in the refrigerator, and the second meal is hot and then continues to eat. In fact, although the purpose of this habit is to save, it is better to eat less leftovers and leftovers. Leftovers will not only lose nutrients, but also breed bacteria and harmful ingredients, and sometimes heating can not be removed, so it is better not to eat. When cooking, try to prepare the portions that you can eat that day to avoid leaving leftovers.

What should I avoid when I am older? After the age of 50, eat more than 5 kinds, eat less than 3 kinds, must pay attention