
I enjoyed being in close contact with him like that

Recently I saw a lot of friends backstage urging more chicken wings, no problem, today for you to arrange immediately! Today, Wing Brother brings you another of his favorite cars, Suzuki Jimney, and shares his experience with us in maintaining his car.

Whole car beauty, that is, including car washing, waxing, polishing and other three steps of the collective term. Many friends also like to wash their own cars, but the steps of waxing and polishing that sound cumbersome are generally handed over to professional car wash shops. This time, Chicken Wing teaches everyone how to complete the simple version of "whole car beauty" by themselves.

I enjoyed being in close contact with him like that

According to Brother Yi, every step of the whole car beauty has matters and techniques that require special attention, and the cleaning tools used are also exquisite, and he also gives recommended car washes.

I enjoyed being in close contact with him like that

I believe that after the "car wash secret" of the chicken wing, everyone has also mastered more DIY car wash skills, and you may wish to try it yourself when you have time. Next, Chicken Wing will also share with you more interesting experiences of playing with cars and using cars, and everyone remembers to continue to pay attention to it

I enjoyed being in close contact with him like that

*The content in this issue is representative of the views of the content creators only.

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