
The self-discipline that goes deep into the bones is to insist on doing these 4 things

I like a sentence from Wang Xiaobo:

"I want to love, I want to live, I want to take responsibility for myself."

On the road of life, no one can force you to be self-disciplined, and the life you want to fight for must be fought for by yourself!

As long as you are determined to start changing, those seemingly confused roads ahead will also become within reach.

Spare no effort to improve yourself

Can you believe it?

The turning point of life is actually hidden in every thought you want to become better.

I want to share Matt's story with you.

He worked as a senior engineer at Google, and while his life was rich and worry-free, he also became more and more lazy.

So he set himself a 30-day transformation plan, forcing himself to improve every day.

Savor his plan, no matter how big or small, but can bring double nourishment to the body and mind:

Refuse to stay up late and insist on getting up early to read;

Exercise every day and insist on walking 10,000 steps;

Bike to work;


After 30 days, his writing ability improved, and he could fluently write tens of thousands of words of novels.

Long-term exercise has also made his physical fitness stronger, and he has successfully climbed the highest peak in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro.

And these achievements were all things that he had never dared to imagine before.

The self-discipline that goes deep into the bones is to insist on doing these 4 things

So you see, as long as you keep improving yourself, Heaven will reward you with a new beginning.

Never give up on becoming a better version of yourself, so that you can be worthy of the infinite possibilities that life has given you.

Cherish the body from the heart

I once read a very realistic sentence:

"The world is yours and mine. But in the end, it is good health and long life! ”

When I was young, I always felt that it was good to go to bed early and get up early, but it was just a loud slogan.

Only now do I understand what a fortunate thing it would be to be able to be disease-free and disaster-free until I grew old.

You may say that you are busy with your life now, and you have no time to take care of your body.

But don't forget, good health is always the first priority!

The money we earn by working hard is to live an ideal life, not to pay the hospital bills.

Don't wait until you have back pain before you realize the importance of exercising.

Don't feel that you are still young, you can stay up late and drink without restraint.

The self-discipline that goes deep into the bones is to insist on doing these 4 things

If you can, please take the porridge and dish every day seriously, please get up early to feel the warm shimmer of the morning, and please give your body some time to relax.

Taking good care of yourself is the best cherishing of life and the greatest peace of mind for your family.

Remember, the prerequisite for all things to go well is good health.

Manage the image over the years

Image designer Hemaya once said:

"When you can't put yourself in a good state, it's like declaring that you've been defeated by life, time, work, and family."

A person's external image can often reflect the person's inner state and spiritual pursuits.

The story of Guo Wanying at the end of the Republic of China has inspired many people.

She was born into a rich family, had servants in food, clothing, shelter and transportation, and all her intercourse was full of magnates.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long, and a huge change completely disrupted her life.

The jade plate delicacies of the past have become 8 cents a bowl of Yangchun noodles, and it is difficult to satisfy every day.

Instead of cleaning the toilet every day, the fingers are bent and deformed.

But even so, she would comb her hair neatly, wear clean clothes, and wear decent makeup on her face.

The self-discipline that goes deep into the bones is to insist on doing these 4 things

Someone once commented on Guo Wanying:

"After such a terrible thing, she still sat in front of you with dignity, drinking black tea gracefully, and the fragrance of her snow-white curls was emitted."

"Do you think there's anything she can't cross?"

Admittedly, managing the image is giving yourself a strong psychological cue.

A person who does not forget to hold his head high in the face of adversity and dresses brightly in the plain can always overcome the difficulties of life.

Self-discipline is not only to improve the inner, but also to pay attention to both internal and external cultivation.

Go all out to cherish the moment

Another name for insisting on self-discipline is grasping the present.

Just like grasping every opportunity, valuing every new life, cherishing everything in the moment.

There are too many people around me, always feel that the coming to Japan is long, the goal that cannot be completed today is postponed to tomorrow, and the clothes that cannot be worn this year will simply try again next year.

But did you find out?

The more high-quality things are, the more sought-after they are, and the more exciting life, the more they need to be chased early.

Laziness is not only a waste of time, but also a failure to live up to oneself.

Let's take a look at the following picture:

The self-discipline that goes deep into the bones is to insist on doing these 4 things

Any small effort, as long as it persists for 365 days, will bring about a leap of nearly 38 times.

Only if you start to self-discipline and grasp the moments and seconds, you have enough ability to win a better life for yourself.

Don't always talk about the future, don't always feel that there is still tomorrow, and any moment in your life should not be wasted.

Instead of faltering on the years, it is better to cherish the present and spell out a future for yourself.

Self-discipline and hard work now will make you happy in the future.

I once read a saying: "Do more things to make yourself better, be more patient, wait for the flowers to bloom, time will give us the answer." ”

It takes time for melons to ripen, and it takes more time to become famous.

From now on, be a self-disciplined person, cherish the body, cultivate yourself, and live without regrets!

- END -

* Author: Xiao Lai, Source: Xiao Lai Good Morning and Evening (ID: zhulilaiye), Xiao Lai to accompany you, go to bed early and get up early, become a better self.

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