
200 pounds of friends lose weight, weight is not important! Preserving or even increasing muscle is their king of weight loss

author:Liu Da's weight loss logic

There is a fan friend who weighs more than 200 pounds, the amount of exercise per day is fast walking 4 kilometers, the weight loss effect is not ideal, he wants to lose 30 pounds a month... I'm different from everyone else's approach. Because I personally helped a friend of 200 pounds lose weight, half a year lost 30 pounds, he began not to understand, and then ecstatic. Because he found that the weight he lost, not a pound rebounded. That's what I'm going to focus on today.

The most important thing for a person of 200 pounds is not how many pounds you can lose in a month, but how to ensure that most of what you lose is fat, not muscle. It will not be repeated in the future, and it will not cause a significant decrease in the basal metabolic rate, which is the most fundamental.

1, for people with 200 pounds, how many pounds to lose in a month is not important

200 pounds of friends lose weight, weight is not important! Preserving or even increasing muscle is their king of weight loss

In fact, to be honest, a person of 200 pounds, at least overweight is more than 30 pounds. It is normal for such people to lose more than a dozen pounds a month, so losing weight is easy for them.

But what is so hard? After subtracting it, it will not rebound, it will not repeat, which is the hardest. Only weight loss that does not rebound is the real weight loss, you lose 10 pounds this month, 15 pounds next month, in fact, there is no point.

Caught in the vicious circle of continuous rebound, weight loss rebound, rebound weight loss, not only the body has been damaged, but the money spent is also countless.

For people with large weights, there is only one important point in weight loss, and that is to preserve muscle, and even increase muscle and shape body shape.

200 pounds of friends lose weight, weight is not important! Preserving or even increasing muscle is their king of weight loss

Because muscle cells are rich in a large number of mitochondria, mitochondria are the power plant of human cells, L-carnitine will transport fat and sugar to the mitochondria to burn and generate heat for use throughout the body.

In general, the increase in muscle also means an increase in the number of mitochondria, and the more mitochondria burn, the more fat will be decomposed. In this way, the volume of fat cells is reduced and the purpose of weight loss is achieved.

So why people with a lot of muscle have a high basal metabolic rate and are not easy to gain weight is this reason.

2. How to do it?

In fact, it is very simple, first of all, starting from the total amount of food, according to each person's situation. I used to have a weight loss client who was also over 200 pounds and liked to eat hot pot very much.

So I asked him to eat a little less every time he ate hot pot, and slowly, months passed. He still likes to eat hot pot, but the amount is much smaller than before, and he will be full if he can't eat a lot.

200 pounds of friends lose weight, weight is not important! Preserving or even increasing muscle is their king of weight loss

I also lost more than 20 pounds of weight. So weight loss is a gradual process, if there is this condition, do not control it very tightly at the beginning, you can slowly guide the habit. Let him lose weight successfully unknowingly.

Then big weight friends, protein intake must keep up. This problem is very important, once the protein is lacking, it will greatly affect the effect of weight loss. The body is likely to break down muscles for energy supply and reduce the basal metabolic rate.

For example, if your weight is 200 pounds, then according to the Chinese Nutrition Society's weight loss increase period, each person consumes 1 to 2 grams per kilogram per day. The amount of protein you consume every day is 100 to 200 grams.

Converted into meat (raw weight), that is, 500-1000 grams of chicken breast or beef lean meat, if you do not eat enough, find a way to supplement with some other protein supplements.

Muscle is white is protein plus water, so eating determines the number of muscles, and exercise determines the quality of muscles.

200 pounds of friends lose weight, weight is not important! Preserving or even increasing muscle is their king of weight loss

Coupled with the high food thermal effect of protein, more calories are consumed while digesting protein. Protein digestion also takes 3 to 4 hours, during which the body will have a strong sense of fullness. Therefore, the principle of eating more meat can lose weight is multifaceted.

Here to say, many people think that eating too much meat will damage the kidneys. But according to my experience and some literature, as long as you have no kidney problems, it is okay to eat 1 to 2 grams of meat a day.

Finally, there is the structure of staple foods, which should also be paid attention to. Weight loss success is actually a myriad of details piled up. When you lose weight, you can eat white rice, of course, you can eat. But I suggest you eat less.

200 pounds of friends lose weight, weight is not important! Preserving or even increasing muscle is their king of weight loss

Why? The principle is also very simple, white rice tastes good, delicious, you may not be able to resist eating more, so that more calorie intake, hindering the effect of weight loss.

If you really like to eat white rice, you can mix it with mixed grains. Eat some black rice, black beans, red rice, red beans, mung beans, white kidney beans, chickpeas, quinoa, oats, buckwheat, wheat, barley, barley, red rice, black rice, barley and other multigrains.

The higher the degree of mixing of cereals and legumes, the higher the nutritional value. This is the original words in our textbooks, and the reason is very simple. Because incomplete proteins complement each other, the body can absorb more types of proteins.

Generally speaking, compared with white rice of the same quality and mixed grains, the satiety of mixed grains is several times that of white rice, but the calories are only a fraction of 1 of white rice. Ideal for eating as a staple food when losing weight.

Here is another point, when losing weight, you must remember not to eat instant noodles. It's not that instant noodles are junk food. Instead, instant noodles have a relatively high salt content. Salt, in turn, locks in some moisture and makes your weight bounce back.

200 pounds of friends lose weight, weight is not important! Preserving or even increasing muscle is their king of weight loss

Although it is best to lose all fat during the weight loss process. But in fact, this is also impossible, and it will inevitably lose some water and muscle. All we have to do is lose as little water as possible and lose more fat.

To sum up: here said more than 200 pounds of friends, weight loss priorities and dietary precautions, as long as I said these points can be believed, half a year to lose about 20-30 pounds should not be a big problem. And most people lose fat, which is not prone to recurrence. #非常病例 #

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