
The game version number is resumed, but there are only a few high-quality games, and the original god is still invincible in the world

The game version number is resumed, but there are only a few high-quality games, and the original god is still invincible in the world

After more than half a year, the game version number was finally reopened, and with the news, the stocks in the game sector rose with it. Since August last year, the game version number of the Chinese mainland game market has stopped being issued, many games have not been able to go online, some game projects have been yellowed, and the game that has been developed halfway has been almost completed, and the version number can only be stillborn in the case of delayed devolution. In short, the suspension of the game version number is a huge blow to the entire game industry, and this open game version number is a great opportunity for many games, but look closely at the games that are about to be reviewed, most of them are inferior games, which will not have any impact on the Original God at all!

The game version number is resumed, but there are only a few high-quality games, and the original god is still invincible in the world

In particular, the trend of two-dimensional mobile games becoming popular in the past two years is very obvious, and a number of high-quality games represented by "Original God" have begun to gradually come out of the circle, and even occupy the mainstream game market, but the suspension of the game version number has made many second-dimensional mobile games bid farewell to the market. Although the game version number has now been opened, this loss is irreparable for the two-dimensional mobile game that has been online for more than half a year last year. Many games were originally planned to be launched last year, when the gameplay and content of the game were relatively new and had a certain degree of playability, but with the change of interest of gamers, the past two-dimensional mobile game model is now significantly behind.

The game version number is resumed, but there are only a few high-quality games, and the original god is still invincible in the world

Therefore, in February and March 2020, a large number of two-dimensional mobile games announced that they would go offline, stop operating, and even lay off the entire project department. It can be seen how much the suspension period of the game version number has on the two-dimensional mobile game! But fortunately, in the clouds to see the day, keep the clouds open to see the moon, the resumption of the game version number, for the game industry, this is a good news, look forward to a good game with everyone to meet!

The game version number is resumed, but there are only a few high-quality games, and the original god is still invincible in the world

Although the last game version number stopped for more than half a year, but in the last time, there are still some good games, meet with everyone in time, including "Zero Battlefront", the last time to get the copyright, December to meet with players, in the two-dimensional mobile game, the game has its own characteristics, such as hundreds of top beauty characters, around us, players and beauty warriors, will produce a variety of plot tasks, simply put, is a male two-dimensional mobile game!

The game version number is resumed, but there are only a few high-quality games, and the original god is still invincible in the world

This game inherits the characteristics of the same type of card turn-based game, the character is beautifully painted in HD, sexy and charming, and the game official is still planning to launch new characters, and the beauty of each beautiful character is white and beautiful with long legs, as well as stocking shorts and short skirts, so that people can feel the charm from the two-dimensional beauty!

The game version number is resumed, but there are only a few high-quality games, and the original god is still invincible in the world

Players interested in the two-dimensional beauty game, "Zero Battlefront" is a good choice, and the game is still a game that does not cost much money, and it is possible to have the emperor's enjoyment without how kryptonite, this game is too understandable!

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