
Forever Huaiyang Normal 047: Luan Guangming: Lonely everyone

Forever Huaiyang Normal 047: Luan Guangming: Lonely everyone

In Zhoukou, very few people knew Luan Guangming, even in Huaishi, and not many knew him.

The day before yesterday, student Liu Guoli invited guests to dinner, and when he saw Guangming during the banquet, he saw that his face was yellow, his steps were faltering, he was plagued by diabetes, and his appearance was not as good as before. I and Guangming Tonggeng, a few years ago got a cerebral infarction hemiplegia, the line of natural embarrassment, old friends meet, naturally sigh fox rabbit. Asked for close-ups, he lived alone. The next day, my wife and daughter took him to a folk Chinese medicine practitioner who specialized in diabetes, and after taking the medicine and leaving a meal at noon, he nagged and said: You, the emotional card is better than mine. I know, it just doesn't do well.

Luan Guangming, Zi Zhaoyuan, Luyi people, Lao Tzu fellow countrymen. In 1971, he joined the Huaiyang Normal School, which was the first class after the Huaiyang Normal School resumed enrollment during the Cultural Revolution. I joined the Huai Division in 1974, Guangming has stayed in the school to teach, teaching us Erhu, and later I also stayed in the school to teach, and worked with a teaching and research group in Guangming for 9 years, and I also knew each other well.

In my impression, Guangming belongs to the thermos bottle personality, the heart is hot, the appearance is calm, a little wise and foolish. He does not trim the edges, does not wash his hair, I asked him why he did not wash his hair, answered: brain oil is a natural conditioner, the more diligently washed the scalp itch faster, do not wash on the ecological balance, but not itchy. In those years, there was a lack of entertainment, he and I liked to watch movies, and the county cinema changed new films every 3 days, and we took turns to buy tickets, never empty. I remember that "Shaolin Temple" confused us both and watched it 5 times in a row.

About 83 years, an accident occurred to Guangming, and he was "double-expelled" (both husband and wife were dismissed from public office) for violating family planning. Chinese New Year's Eve night I went to see them, and I saw that the husband and wife were dressed opposite each other, and they were miserable, only two sons were not yet minors, and they lit cannons to celebrate the Spring Festival. At the beginning of the incident, someone advised him to find the relevant leaders, punish him lightly, and at least keep his job. But Guangming did not go anywhere, no one looked for it, just like a stone standing still, allowing the pouring rain to soak the whole body.

After the punishment, there is no livelihood, and Guangming can only work. Lu Huaizhang, the old principal of Huaishi, pitied him and recommended him to draw children's paintings at the Municipal Experimental Kindergarten. A year later, the huaishi leaders felt that talent was rare, recruited him to re-enter the job, and started all over again. Many years later, the Central Academy of Fine Arts invited him to give a lecture, and the condition must be above the lecturer level, but unfortunately Guangming has not yet been evaluated for his title!

I admire the broad talent. Erhu reached the level of solo, "Horse Racing" and "Erquan Yingyue" are required for every performance; vocal music reached the level of solo singing, the school rehearsed "Long March Suite", he was the lead singer, a baritone "Four Crossing Red Water Surprise Soldier", applause thunder; painting reached the level of creation, he created the print "Guo Moruo" I have preserved to this day. The school worker died of illness at the head, and the memorial service could not find the remains, so the leader let Guangming copy the scene, and half an hour later, the old Yu head portrait came to life. The famous painter Luo Jingquan was teaching at Huaishi, and Mr. Luo confessed that he was not as accurate as Guangming in terms of the type of sketch.

A few decades have passed. During this time, I left Huaishi, lost contact with Guangming, and reunited, we were all carved by time almost into shape. His black hair, which did not wash his hair and maintained "ecological balance", disappeared, leaving only a circle of gray circles of bald children, the wise eyes disappeared, the eyeballs were like the jade that had been playing for many years, round and blurry but full of tolerance; the only constant was his silent smile, turning all the encounters in his life into a wan'er.

My wife and I went to Guangming's apartment, an old house in the former Zhoukou Spinning Factory Children's Primary School, where he lived alone, and his wife and children were not in front of him. The rooms are shabby, the furniture is simple, the light is dim, the pen and ink paper and the leftovers are old, the dilapidated sofas are the same as the stools in front of the beds, and everything is natural. Guangming showed me his work, which was an ear of wheat from his life, and I respectfully took over a heavy pile. His works are collected into the "Cabinet Collection", which has a total of 58 volumes, totaling 3 million words, including monographs, calligraphy, paintings, essays, essays, fables, stories, etc., involving philosophy, literature, biology, education, painting theory, mysteries of the universe, etc.

When I looked at these works, I didn't know why my eyes were sour, I almost burst into tears, and I sighed in my heart: What is the purpose of people living? Why be so persistent? Is it really difficult to become a Buddha without going to hell?

Guangming's real academic work was in 1984, and it was after he was "expelled" for family planning, perhaps it was the repression of life that triggered his spiritual publicity: Lao Tzu did not allow children to give birth, and it was always okay to do learning. So I couldn't get it! Ten years later (1994), Guangming took "Treatise on Chinese Painting" and walked into the highest hall of fine arts in China to teach the graduate class of the Central Academy of Fine Arts; twelve (1996) years later, Guangming's academic monograph "On Early Chinese Painting" won the "Zhang Anzhi Scholarship" of the Central Academy of Fine Arts; fifteen (1999) years later, the first 18 volumes of Guangming's "Cabinet Collection" were collected by the Peking University Library. Subsequently, works such as "The Theory of Form theology", "On Su Shi's View of Painting Art", "Sheikh's Six Laws of My Opinion", "Review of the Study of the Six Laws", "A Brief Discussion on the Painting Method of Chicks" and other works were published one after another, which were published in the Journal of the Central Academy of Fine Arts "Art Research", the Shanghai Art Special Journal "Duoyun", the Beijing Art Journal "Art Guide", "Book and Painting", "China Calligraphy and Painting News", "Meiyuan" and so on. Seeing these works being published, I acquiesced, there is justice in the world, the broken sleeve cannot cover the night pearl, and the society finally agrees with Guangming!

After 2005, guangmingzhi shifted the direction of learning and began to study Laozi, and successively wrote "Illustrations of Laozi" (Guangming translation and drawing) and "Miscellaneous Feelings after Reading Laozi". Reading these two works of Guangming, I felt that Guangming was holding a pure heart, standing naked in front of me, that heart dripping blood, Yin red blood dripping on the snow-white rice paper, stained with more than 500 pictures and more than 50,000 words of annotations. Guangming told me that more than 500 pictures, he painted for 10 years, revised 9 times, until the painting can not move, the eyes can not see clearly, then put aside the pen.

What is the concept of 1 painting 9 times, 500 painting 9 times? 4500 times, God-like existence! Guangming, out of the pursuit of perfection in art, tirelessly changed it, in fact, the "Illustration of Lao Tzu" has long been finalized and mature. Lao Ziyun: Great straightness is like bending, great cleverness is like clumsiness, and great debate is like a big argument. "Lao Tzu Illustration" is this style, he uses simple lines, comic brushwork, cute characters, stupid shapes, intuitive expression of the connotation of Lao Tzu's chapters and sentences, let people see at a glance and at the same time want to dance. Under careful reading, I suddenly realized: This is no one else, this is the Feng Zikai of the 21st century! Mr. Feng's life was gentle and compassionate, his painting style was kind and pure, and his cartoons "can see the big in the small, and there are aftertones outside the strings", which has become a cultural symbol of the Republic of China era. Didn't Guangming inherit and develop this style of "small can see big in the middle, and there is an aftersound outside the string"? The famous film actor Huang Bo once said that beauty is never lacking, but lacking in discovery. Greatness resides in the ordinary, and many great things are accumulated over the years of complicated and trivial work, like the accumulation of countless fine soil dust, until one day you suddenly find that it is a mountain.

Guangming also showed me his "semantic calligraphy" work, which is also something he has been fascinated by in recent years. The so-called "semantic calligraphy" is to use the characteristics of Chinese character strokes that can be disassembled and combined, and use one or several Chinese characters to form a new character, representing an idiom or aphorism. Guangming was very fond of this kind of calligraphy, created many works of new character art, and painstakingly summarized the "five laws" of character creation, namely the group character method, the pictographic method, the deformation method, the image method, and the borrowing method. I am lonely, except for him, I have never seen a second person in my life to use this method to create characters; I do not understand calligraphy, do not dare to add a beak, but there is one thing I admire, his bold and innovative spirit is not ordinary. Looking at Guangming's childlike smile, like several family treasures talking about the mystery of creating words, I can only give him a golden sentence from General Secretary Xi: Only innovators advance, only innovators are strong, and only innovators win!

When I met Guangming, I had a lot of insights. This kind of encounter is not only the encounter of life, but also an encounter of life, the encounter of life. Human society has a paradox: misfortune makes genius, and loneliness makes everyone. If Mozart had not been poor, he would not have had such a high musical talent; If Beethoven had not been deaf, he would not have become such a great musician; Balzac would not have written his 96 "Comedy on Earth" if he had not been in debt for life; Van Gogh would not have been able to sell a single painting in his life if he had not suffered misery, and would not have become a legend of oil painting after his death; Li Yu would not have become the first word person in the ages if he had not perished in the country; Xu Wei would not have become a generation of masters if he had not been impoverished and insane and self-harmed, and even Qi Baishi would have been willing to be a "walking dog under the Qingteng Gate." "Human beings are so strange, this is the reason why you don't go to hell and become a Buddha." In this way, Guangming's snub and loneliness in real life is an inevitability, a kind of life price that has made him brilliant. I say this, I don't know if Guangming agrees.

However, human nature is always good and profit-oriented. Although Guangming is lonely, his career has laid his position, he is destined to be a bigone, a "city treasure" level figure, even if "the outside of the station is broken, lonely and open without a master." "I have contacted the municipal library, the museum, and the Cultural and Educational Office of the Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, hoping to collect Guangming's Cabinet Collection and pay attention to Guangming's current situation. Zhoukou developed, began to attach importance to culture, put forward "full of city culture half city water", and care for contemporary cultural people, pay attention to their cultural achievements and survival status, is also the party committee and government attach importance to culture should be the proper meaning.

Forever Huaiyang Normal 047: Luan Guangming: Lonely everyone

Yang Xiaobo male, born in 1952, 74th Huaiyang Normal Art student, creative works: 40 episodes of contemporary rural long-form TV series script "Farmer" (won the first prize of the Propaganda Department of the Henan Provincial Party Committee); 40 episodes of long-form TV series script "Singing" (henan province Yu Theater acquisition); contemporary novel "Boiling Land" in the upper, middle and lower three parts. The paper "Why Zhoukou is the Ancestral Court of Chinese Medicine" (rated as "Key Paper of Henan Provincial Federation of Social Sciences").

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