
Shan He Yueming: How many aspects show that Li Jinglong is not a straw bag, and the merit is greatly envied? Life is too good

author:TV series reviews Jiang Chun eight thousand miles

Li Jinglong, the son of Li Wenzhong, has always portrayed it as a character of a cunning general in history, but is this really the case?

His father, Li Wenzhong, was Zhu Yuanzhang's nephew and the only relative in his hometown after Zhu Yuanzhang's rebellion... Later, he became one of the six great dukes of the founding of the Ming Dynasty - Cao Guogong! Ranked first in meritorious martial arts, he and Li Shanchang's governor's office, Yushitai, discussed the major affairs of the military state.

Shan He Yueming: How many aspects show that Li Jinglong is not a straw bag, and the merit is greatly envied? Life is too good
Shan He Yueming: How many aspects show that Li Jinglong is not a straw bag, and the merit is greatly envied? Life is too good

It can be seen from this that Zhu Yuanzhang has a lot of love for this nephew, and naturally looks at Li Jinglong, the nephew and grandson, with a different eye! In "Mountains and Rivers and Moon Ming", he has a close relationship with Zhu Di, almost becoming a small hair, and the care and promotion given by the royal family have been continuous.

The university hall and the prince collectively attended classes, attended the court meeting as observers, went out to practice military training, and accompanied the general Geng Bingwen of the Expedition to the West... Zhu Yuanzhang cultivated him in accordance with the goal of both civil and military rule, and this boy had a subset of the history of the classics, a platoon of troops, and a method of war... Almost like a river of mouth, gushing endlessly, just like the rich son of Zhao Guo in the Warring States period - Zhao Kuo!

The endorsement of "Zhao Kuo" should have been issued to him by Zhu Di and his imperial literati after the defeat of King Cheng... In fact, Li Jinglong was not so frustrated -

The Battle of Jingnan, on the side of the Jianwen Emperor Zhu Yunjiao, went through four stages: strategic defense, strategic offensive and strategic stalemate, and strategic retreat.

Li Jinglong (played by Han Chengyu) took over the position of General of Emperor Jianwen in the stage of strategic stalemate. At this time, the veteran general Geng Bingwen led the Northern Expedition, and as a result, he suffered several defeats... Emperor Jianwen helplessly remembered Li Jinglong, who was familiar with the art of war!

The reason why Li Jinglong was chosen is because Li Zixiao and Zhu Di are better, know each other, and have a very clear understanding of Zhu Di's advantages, disadvantages and psychological state.

Emperor Jianwen did not use the wrong person!

Shan He Yueming: How many aspects show that Li Jinglong is not a straw bag, and the merit is greatly envied? Life is too good
Shan He Yueming: How many aspects show that Li Jinglong is not a straw bag, and the merit is greatly envied? Life is too good

Gathering the army, Li Jinglong quickly organized an army of 600,000 and went on another Northern Expedition!

Strategically, Li Jinglong's direction of sending troops is very correct... He knew that Zhu Di had already embarked on a southern expedition and that the base camp was empty, so he concentrated his superior forces and besieged Beiping.

After Zhu Di ascended the throne and became emperor with Zhu Gaozi, this history should be rewritten... He tried his best to belittle Li Jinglong's command ability, and boasted that his side had won more with less, taking advantage of the favorable terrain and condescending to force Li Jinglong to withdraw his troops.

However, judging from the effect of the later withdrawal, Li Jinglong's purpose was actually to encircle but not attack--the purpose was to force Zhu Di to return to reinforcements, relieve the pressure of Emperor Jianwen's deployment south of the Yangtze River, and buy time for the imperial court.

Shan He Yueming: How many aspects show that Li Jinglong is not a straw bag, and the merit is greatly envied? Life is too good
Shan He Yueming: How many aspects show that Li Jinglong is not a straw bag, and the merit is greatly envied? Life is too good
Shan He Yueming: How many aspects show that Li Jinglong is not a straw bag, and the merit is greatly envied? Life is too good

By the time Zhu Di returned to the army, Li Jinglong had already set up an ambush in the Baigou River, opened his pockets and waited, waiting for work!

Zhu Di was indeed successful in the plan, and was wrapped in dumplings, and the general Zhang Yu was also killed in battle, and Zhu Di's first fierce general, Zhu Neng, almost died. At this time, Li Jinglong's general Qu Neng, who was in full swing in peace, was about to annihilate Zhu Di's entire army... Who knows that there are unpredictable storms in the sky, suddenly fierce winds, flying sand and stones - this is recorded in history!

Li Jinglong's attacking troops were blown to pieces by the wind and sand, while Zhu Di's cavalry, which was fighting the trapped beasts, was intact - including the tens of thousands of Mongol cavalry he had kidnapped from King Ning!

Shan He Yueming: How many aspects show that Li Jinglong is not a straw bag, and the merit is greatly envied? Life is too good
Shan He Yueming: How many aspects show that Li Jinglong is not a straw bag, and the merit is greatly envied? Life is too good

If it were not for the help of strong winds, I believe that Zhu Di's battle at the Baigou River would have stopped... This is the first time that there is a strong wind to help!

There is a first time and a second time!

Later, in the Battle of Jiahe, Zhu Di was again taken care of by the strong winds, so the King of Yan was one step closer to Nanjing...

Although Li Jinglong was a great general and commanded at the front, he was always disturbed by the instructions of Zhu Yunjiao and those Confucian elders around him! Fearing that the remaining 500,000 wang divisions would be consumed by the Yan king, they urgently ordered the withdrawal of their troops, and at the same time sent envoys to negotiate with the Yan king, hoping to cross the river and rule...

Li Jinglong's position is somewhat embarrassing!

If he attacked again according to his will at that time, he would definitely defeat the Yan army, and even capture Zhu Di alive... However, the court, which suspected that he had support for his own self-respect, did not allow it to continue to attack--a number of imperial historians went up to impeach Li Jinglong, saying that he was "out of law and lost his master, with two hearts, and should be killed." ”

Fling dirt enough and some will stick!

Shan He Yueming: How many aspects show that Li Jinglong is not a straw bag, and the merit is greatly envied? Life is too good
Shan He Yueming: How many aspects show that Li Jinglong is not a straw bag, and the merit is greatly envied? Life is too good
Shan He Yueming: How many aspects show that Li Jinglong is not a straw bag, and the merit is greatly envied? Life is too good

Even Fang Xiaoru and Huang Zicheng, who had earlier recommended him as a great general, began to say that they wanted to kill him... Where to go, Li Jinglong is in danger!

At this time, the olive branch extended by the Zhu Di camp - after thinking about it, no matter what, it is a contribution to the Zhu family, and whoever serves is a relative!

Li Jinglong secretly defected to Zhu Di and organized underground workers to actively respond to the Yan King, opening the Jinchuan Gate and surrendering!

Because he was of noble birth and the son of the Duke of Cao, he guided Zhu Di into the city of Nanjing, and his merit was great... As a result, after Zhu Di rewarded him, he caused the jealousy of the old ministers of the Yan King, and criticized him a lot.

Tree big trick - Li Jinglong doesn't care at all, his origin is too good!

The Great General, the Incompetent, the Straw Bag General... How could he stop the tongue of the world that picked the bones in those eggs!

Shan He Yueming: How many aspects show that Li Jinglong is not a straw bag, and the merit is greatly envied? Life is too good
Shan He Yueming: How many aspects show that Li Jinglong is not a straw bag, and the merit is greatly envied? Life is too good

Later, Zhu Di found an excuse to confiscate his family property and imprison his family for the elderly! It was a kind of blocking the mouths of the people.

Zhu Yunjiao was killed by Zhu Di, and all the documents and historical records were destroyed, and no one knows how Li Jinglong was treated that year. Later, in order to highlight his personal wenzhi martial arts, Zhu Di wantonly revised history, and it is very likely that Li Jinglong was deliberately portrayed as a straw bag!

Shan He Yueming: How many aspects show that Li Jinglong is not a straw bag, and the merit is greatly envied? Life is too good

But we believe that the private relationship between Zhu Di and Li Jinglong must be very good, there is nothing to drink a little wine, imagine the boyhood... In the same year that Zhu Di died, Li Jinglong also died!

What do you think of Li Jinglong in "Mountains and Rivers moonlight"? Discussion is welcome.

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