
Museums in a Virtual World: How Web3 Technology Helps Historic Sites

author:Mars Finance
Museums in a Virtual World: How Web3 Technology Helps Historic Sites
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Editor: Remember to pay attention

Source: Block Age

Metascopic events at ancient and historical sites could soon become another future for tourism.

Owners of physical castles and villas, which have drafted an augmented reality blueprint for their properties, believe their ambitious plans to attract visitors in the virtual world will work, as virtual events can help them pay huge maintenance fees for aging properties and provide opportunities to change the historical narrative.

The downturn in tourism brought about by COVID-19 has accelerated the Metaverse travel model, but the industry may already be moving in that direction.

Currently, the major Metaverse platforms are bulky, difficult to use, and are waiting for more "real estate" developments, but companies are focusing on what is possible. Brands seem to be entering the Metaverse in large numbers just for PR bragging.

Thus, it seems that the possibility of learning existing, new, and revised histories through the metacosm is not so far away.

Irreplaceable castles, villas and castles

Michelle Choi, founder of Web3 Venture Labs 3.O Labs, turned to digital opportunities to fund the maintenance of physical paintings, such as the sale of irreplaceable tokens or NFTs, as a fundraising campaign to protect non-current assets.

Choi was a product manager at Google when she noticed that COVID-19 was causing a downturn in museum tourism and saw it as an opportunity for the virtual world of the future. She then quit her job and started her own metaverse experiments.

She first teamed up with a team to launch the NFT exhibition and auction event Non-Fungible Castle in October 2021 at Lobkowicz Palace, a real castle in Prague. The campaign's paintings and goals 500 years ago were to "expand access to cultural heritage".

The proceeds from the launch are sufficient to cover the rehabilitation of all emergency projects at the property. Inspired by this proof-of-concept, Choi and 3.O Labs are now busy curating metaversary travel experiences around the world.

To make Web3 accessible to all users, 3.O Labs is already incubating a range of Web3 projects, from NFTs to decentralized autonomous organizations or DAOs. In its vertical virtual world, the Risk Lab has built a project in a castle in Germany, followed by a villa in India and possibly a museum in Ghana.

Museums in a Virtual World: How Web3 Technology Helps Historic Sites

Lobković Palace. Source: Prague Morning Post

Choi told Cointelegraph about her long-term vision for metascopic travel:

"Travel will be enhanced as a teaching tool. In the past, travel meant visiting a place. The photo was 2D, but then there was a 3D trip with virtual headsets. 4D time experiments are now available. Now we can mesh different time periods. There is a teaching perspective. ”

This raises a series of questions about what new history will be created in metasections.

Will the history of the metaverse be rewritten?

For better or worse, travel businesses, educational platforms, and museums can reimagine the history of the virtual world.

Priyadarshini Raje Scindia's family owns Jai Vilas Palace, a 200-year-old palace converted museum in Madhya Pradesh, India. She is planning an NFT collection by a local artist to fund a one-dimensional cosmic experience. COVID-19 closed her museum for two years, setting aside time for some of the needed but expensive restorations.

Scindia told Cointelegraph that NFTs should be considered art because "every generation has its own art and interpretation of it." It's a new medium and a new platform for hungry emerging Indian artists. She added, "There shouldn't be any obstacles to artistic creation. ”

Scindia firmly believes that the metaverse is the future, because "a person usually visits a museum only once," but they can visit the metaverse multiple times. Especially in India, she said, museums are not considered the first destination for entertainment. Private museums in small towns can be taken for granted, especially when compared to shopping malls and cinemas. So she's working with 3.O Labs to "create immersive experiences — for example, animations that expose you to short history documentaries." This is opening more doors for dialogue and education.

Scindia also has a story to tell the world through the metacosm:

"I disagree with my family history. We had rooms in the palace to study the documents. Now is the right time and the right platform to correct history. ”

She told Cointelegraph that she wanted to portray a historical narrative with her immersive experience as "telling the true story of my clan, the Maharatas." Retelling the story told by the British sounds like a game of thrones book – dark and savage. We fought for independence from all external forces, but it turned out that we were fighting the Indians in India. It is a historical fact that after the Mughals, the Maharatas were the rulers of India. Their narratives and value systems are even more important for learning and understanding today. I wanted to use this platform to change the narrative through art, culture, and history. ”

"I disagree with the way Marathi history is described. Today, however, there is a new interest, perhaps because of the charm of cinema, but there is also a new world there. Today, there is a keen interest in history and art and history are being rediscovered. The metaverse could be the right platform to provide information and education to people and spark interest, so they can start their own journey to gain insight into history, art, and culture through this magical world. ”
Museums in a Virtual World: How Web3 Technology Helps Historic Sites

Gevilas Palace. Source: Mohitkjain123

DAO for castles, villas and castle restoration

Prince Heinrich Donatus of the Schaumburg-Lippe family owns Bueckeburg Castle, a castle in northern Germany, a 45-minute drive from Hanover. Schaumburg-Lippe was one of the 16 reigning families of the German Empire until 1918. Later, British troops on the Rhine confiscated the castle and used it as its headquarters from 1948 to 1953. It remained under U.S. control after the end of the world in 1945 until the establishment of the German occupation zone.

A bullet hole in the outhouse reminds the castle of its recent history. During the war, the Americans were the first to reach Fort Birk, and their tank shells piercing the dome can still be seen in the castle's museum. The family displayed the shells and left holes in the ceiling as a reminder of the war.

Donatus has the same idea as Scindia: a metacosm for historical preservation.

Museums in a Virtual World: How Web3 Technology Helps Historic Sites

Birkberg Castle. Source: Travel Advisor

Donatus, who co-founded 3.O Labs with Choi, will soon host an NFT exhibit and a DAO-focused hacker house inside the castle. He told Cointelegraph, "The metacosm is not a virtual reality world. This is a new economy. For example, an incentive to enter the metaverse might be to protect a castle. ”

But why support aristocratic families in 2022?

For non-current assets like sprawling estates, maintenance costs can outweigh a household's cash flow. Therefore, the preservation of historically significant, privately owned sites is a major challenge for owners and national or global public goods.

In 2001, Donatus's grandfather sold a castle for 1 euro, while the new owner's two recent attempts to sell the same castle for 1 euro have not found a buyer. Donatus added:

"Foreigners who bought a European castle gave up a year after realizing what was involved."

"Bückburg Castle is no longer meant to be inhabited — it's primarily a cultural site," Donatus said, "and we have a responsibility to sustain this history with limited resources, and all of a sudden, resources can be greatly enhanced and crowdsourced." ”

"Virtual tours can be lucrative, although the idea of a metacosm can take years to pay off," Cui noted. "But in the long run, Metacosm has no maintenance or air conditioning expenses."

Donatus said he expects to launch a DAO vault for renovation, similar to the "People's UNESCO" — a Reference to the U.N. agency responsible for protecting sites of cultural and historical significance.

THE DAO is borderless, which can create network effects for new modes of tourism. "A pleasr DAO for castles," Donatus said. "They will include decentralized access/management of castles, as well as castle hackathons – because castles are great places to party."

Enhanced 4D metasection events

Historical stories and experiences can also be enhanced to create surreal and impossible scenes.

"Under any circumstances, I don't want to experience something that I can experience in the real world," Donatus said. "The metacosm can reconstruct and preserve the past." He said people could host a "tennis match in the ballroom of versailles as a great tourist card."

Choi said: "In the virtual world, we can upload guns and recreate wars for use in history teaching. The historical reenactment of reconstructed weapons takes place around the world, including the United States, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and Italy, and there may be many teachable moments in the virtual world of the future.

If meta-sections are really the future, then start planning their rules and composition now. For example, that's why a group of Aboriginal Australians are planning to set up embassies in the virtual world. The fusion of old and new may seem trivial, but it all depends on how optimistic people are about the importance of the future metaverse Chinese totem.

As metaverses become the new paradigm of tourism, they may also rewrite history in the process.

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