
Vivo show business flagship X Note main camera: V1 chip to achieve real-time black light night vision

Tonight, Vivo released two flagship mobile phones, X Note this time also used ZEISS certification on the main camera, and also equipped with V1 chips, the performance is quite strong.

According to the official statement, vivo X Note adopts a full-focal length ZEISS four-shot, including 50 million outsole main camera GN1, 48 million ultra-wide angle lens, professional portrait lens and 60x zoom periscope ultra-long-range shooting, landscape blockbusters, close-ups of good objects, camera studios with the same type of photo, can be pinched with one button; at the same time equipped with ZEISS T* optical lens, ZEISS natural color and ZEISS lens package, allowing you to easily shoot professional blockbusters.

Officials also said that under the strong computing power support of the outsole main camera, night scene algorithm engine and V1 chip, vivo X Note can achieve real-time black light night vision, even if shooting extremely dark environments, it can also be almost as clear as night vision.

In addition, vivo X Note debuted the texture portrait group photo function, supporting up to 30 people's large group photos, through automatic face detection optimization, you can take a clear picture of each face in the group photo, from then on bid farewell to the blurry team photo, everyone can appear in high definition.

Vivo show business flagship X Note main camera: V1 chip to achieve real-time black light night vision
Vivo show business flagship X Note main camera: V1 chip to achieve real-time black light night vision

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