
What should I do with allergic rhinitis? Don't do either of these things!

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It's spring again

The city is full of spring flowers and herbs

Finally, it has arrived at the long-awaited spring


Spring is sensitive to certain bodies

It can be said to be a "nightmare"

Especially in patients with allergic rhinitis

(allergic rhinitis,AR)

(Tips: see the last benefits oh)

Even if you haven't experienced it yourself, you must have a rhinitis patient around you.

Because the incidence of allergic rhinitis is too high, the average incidence in the mainland is more than 10%, the number of patients is as high as 300 million, and the incidence in some areas is even close to 40%.

It is hereditary and closely related to the environment, so usually more than half of the people in the family or in the same office have allergic rhinitis.

What should I do with allergic rhinitis? Don't do either of these things!


allergic rhinitis

Common allergens


●Seasonal AR, common and other allergens are pollen and fungi;

●Perennial AR, common allergens are dust mites, cockroaches, animal dander, etc.

What should I do with allergic rhinitis? Don't do either of these things!


How to judge yourself

Got allergic rhinitis?


Compare these typical symptoms:

Paroxysmal sneezing

Clear watery snot

Nasal itching and nasal congestion

Most people with pollen allergies also have ocular symptoms

These include itchy eyes, tears, redness and burning sensations

In addition, according to the literature, 40% of AR patients have asthma and may have cough, shortness of breath and chest tightness, so don't underestimate allergic rhinitis, this is a disease, to be treated.


How doctors diagnose it

Do you have allergic rhinitis?


The doctor will ask you in detail about your symptoms, do a nasal endoscopy for you, detect allergens through skin tests, blood draws, etc., and comprehensive analysis to diagnose allergic rhinitis.

What should I do with allergic rhinitis? Don't do either of these things!


Once allergic rhinitis is confirmed

What to do?



Try to stay away from anything that makes you allergic

In the face of all kinds of allergens in the world, you only have two ways to eliminate them, or stay away from them. I can't afford it, I can't hide it

If you are allergic to dust mites, you should wash more bedding, curtains, sofas, etc., and do not keep pets (people and pets shed dander is the favorite food of dust mites).

If you are allergic to pollen, try not to go out during the peak period of pollen spread, and it is recommended to be fully armed when going out, using special masks, eyes, nasal filters, pollen blockers, etc.


drug therapy

Once allergic rhinitis is diagnosed, standardized treatment should be started, and the earlier the treatment, the more the harm of rhinitis can be alleviated. The point is that it must be a regular treatment!

Never do either of these things


Do not go to superstitious sea shopping, online shopping "folk remedies", "miracle drugs" because of the long-term healing, the use of drugs without the guidance of doctors is easy to produce side effects, if the drug composition is unknown, it is even more inflammatory.


Standardized treatment can not be stopped without authorization. Many patients are worried about the side effects of nasal hormones, and after the symptoms improve slightly, they stop the drug without authorization, which can easily cause rhinitis to be repeated and even aggravate the condition.

In fact, nasal hormones are low and rarely enter the bloodstream, so don't worry too much. Adequate courses of hormone therapy are required to continuously improve symptoms.



Patients are given a gradually increasing dose of allergen extract (therapeutic vaccine) to induce immune tolerance in the body, so that the symptoms of the patient are significantly reduced when they are exposed to the corresponding allergen again, or even do not produce clinical symptoms.

At present, the commonly used methods are subcutaneous injection and sublingual administration, which are divided into two stages: dose accumulation and dose maintenance.

Treatment course: about 3 years.


Health education

Patients who have been plagued by rhinitis for many years do not have to worry too much, allergic rhinitis treatment is a long process, it is necessary to improve the awareness of prevention and treatment, increase compliance and self-confidence, it is important to recognize the disease, treatment to go to regular hospitals, find a reliable doctor.

April 16 is National Nose Love Day

Run Run Shaw Will Organise Free Consultations

The first 80 registered patients will receive free expert consultations

Includes 10 respiratory specialist free consultation numbers

Free consultation information


April 16, 2022 8:30-11:30


Ching Chun Branch of Run Run Shaw Hospital

Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, North Area, Second Floor of the Outpatient Clinic

Event benefits

Free on-site testing of dust mite allergens (limited to 50 cases)

How to register

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