
The Milk Carton Challenge: Why People Fall So Badly on Social Media


According to a foreign media CNET article, there is often a strange new trend on the Internet, for example, the Milk Crate Challenge. You'll find a series of videos on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter. In the video people trying to climb the crates like climbing stairs while stacking milk crates, in the process they are in danger of falling – believe it or not, piles of milk crates don't fit as sound structures.

The Milk Carton Challenge: Why People Fall So Badly on Social Media

Before the ban on TikTok, the #Milk Carton Challenge's hashtag videos have garnered more than 10 million hits and the #Milk crate Challenge has garnered more than 82 million hits, after which the platform began to take down these videos. Here's information about milk cartons:

What is the Milk Carton Challenge?

It is understood that the adjustment requires the milk cartons to be stacked into a pyramid so that they form a step. The challenger needs to climb up from one side and then down from the other side. When they take the wrong step or the situation is unstable, they fall to the ground.

The Milk Carton Challenge: Why People Fall So Badly on Social Media

Did anyone get hurt in the challenge?

It is difficult to say whether anyone was seriously injured. Doctors told the media that falls can lead to "life-threatening conditions such as wrist fractures, shoulder dislocations, ACL and meniscal tears, and spinal cord injuries." ”

The Milk Carton Challenge: Why People Fall So Badly on Social Media

The Baltimore Health Department warned on Twitter that given the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic, if you are injured in this trend, there may not be a suitable hospital bed for you.

The Milk Carton Challenge: Why People Fall So Badly on Social Media

There was also a skilled lady who successfully completed the challenge in her high heels.

The Milk Carton Challenge: Why People Fall So Badly on Social Media

How did this challenge begin, and what do people think about it?

It's unclear exactly how this trend started, but it appeared to have picked up somewhat at the end of last week. On Monday night, it even appeared on "Jimmy's Chicken Feather Show," where guest host Stephen A. Smith showed off some footage and talked about how stupid he thought the trend was. "While we're all worried about COVID, TikTok is going to kill us."

"Hulk" Mark Ruffalo also expressed his opposition on Twitter, saying that the Hulk would not attend because he hated climbing stairs.

The Milk Carton Challenge: Why People Fall So Badly on Social Media

Conan O'Brien joked on Twitter that the trend requires FDA approval.

The Milk Carton Challenge: Why People Fall So Badly on Social Media

What does TikTok think about this?

If you search directly for "milk carton challenge" on TikTok, the platform will pop up a message that says, "This phrase may be related to behavior or content that violates our guidelines." TikTok did not immediately respond to a request for comment. It also looks like some of the videos have been taken down.

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