
Historically today 4.11

author:Come bottle of old snowflakes

Today is April 11, 2021, take you to see this day in history.

Significant events

220 - Cao Cao, king of Wei Wu, is buried in Gaoling

491 – Flavi Anasitas becomes Emperor of the Byzantine Empire, known as Anastasia I.

618 - The Sui Emperor dies in a mutiny, and the Sui dynasty dies.

1079 – Stanislaus, Archbishop of Kraków, Poland, is executed by order of King Polesław II of Poland.

1241 – The Mongol army, led by Batu Khan, defeats the Hungarian army led by King Beira IV at the Battle of Mushi.

1381 - Zhu Yuanzhang built a mausoleum.

1689 – William III and Mary II ascend to the English throne.

1713 – The War of the Spanish Succession ends with the signing of the Treaty of Commerce in Utrecht.

1865 – U.S. President Abraham Lincoln gives his last public address.

1868 – Japan ends shogunate politics.

1899 – The United States occupies the Philippines and Spain cedes Puerto Rico to the United States.

1905 - The first sports meeting is held in Kyoshi University Hall; Einstein publishes the "Theory of Relativity".

In 1910, the Jinpu Railway (the predecessor of the Beijing-Shanghai Railway) opened passenger trains for the first time.

1912 - The Buddhist Association of China is established.

1919 – The International Labour Organization is established.

1921 - Iowa becomes the first state to increase a cigarette tax.

1935 – The United States is hit by a dust storm.

1945 - U.S. troops liberate Buchenwald concentration camp.

1955 – The Kashmir Princess plane explodes, an attempt by Kuomintang agents to assassinate Premier Zhou Enlai (Kashmir Princess Incident).

1957 – The United Kingdom agrees to Singapore's autonomy.

1961 – Eichmann appears on trial for anti-Semitic activities.

1965 – 51 tornadoes in the United States hit six Midwestern states, killing 256 people.

1968 – U.S. President Johnson signs a civil rights bill calling for an end to unrest, and Rudy Dushke, a Marxist student activist in the Federal Republic of Germany, is shot and killed.

1970 – The United States launches the Apollo 13 spacecraft carrying astronauts Lovell, Hayes and Swegat for its third lunar landing. After 56 hours of flight, the oxygen tank in the service module exploded, and three astronauts faced being buried in space. But they were not afraid, according to the accurate calculation of the orbit of the ground scientists and the orders of the ground commander, manually operated the spacecraft, using the oxygen and power of the lunar module, and successfully returned on April 17, creating a miracle of survival in the history of spaceflight.

1972 – Bruce Lee's second kung fu film, Jingwumen, is released.

1979 – Ugandan dictator Idie Amin is overthrown.

1982 – Gandhi wins eight awards, including the Academy Award for Best Picture.

1983 – The "Hugh's Theory" of human microcirculation is recognized.

1984 - The city appeared in the agricultural and sideline products wholesale market.

1989: Japanese Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita.

1991 – The United Nations Security Council declares a formal ceasefire in the Gulf. On January 17, 1991, the U.S.-led multinational force launched a massive airstrike code-named Desert Storm against Iraq, leading to the outbreak of the Gulf War. On April 11, the Gulf War officially ceased fire.

1991 - China's first 100 models fashion exhibition was held.

1991-Beijing 2000 Olympic Bid Committee was established.

1992 – A race riot breaks out in Los Angeles.

1993 - The first test of the U.S. "Sea Ghost" stealth battleship prototype ship.

1996 - The Pilot Work Conference on the Expansion of the Reform of the National Medical Security System for Employees was held.

1997 - The pilot project of the modern enterprise system and the work conference on the standardization of the original joint-stock company were held.

1997 – The British Naval Base in Hong Kong is closed.

1997 – Peru announces its withdrawal from the Andean Community.

2002 – A coup d'état in Venezuela against incumbent President Hugo Chávez.

2006 – Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claims that Iran has refined uranium.

2006 – The center-left "unity" coalition led by former Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi defeats the center-right Freedom House coalition led by then-Prime Minister Berlusconi to win the re-election of Parliament.

2007 – Two consecutive bombings in Algiers, Algeria, killed 33 people and injured 222.

2012 – An earthquake measuring 8.6 on the Richter scale struck the west coast of North Sumatra, Indonesia.

In 2015, the first World Micro Business Conference was successfully held in Yiwu.

2016 – Kyrgyz Prime Minister Sariyev announces his resignation in connection with a tendering scandal.

2016 – In Afghanistan's Nangarhar province, a bus is hit by a suicide bombing, killing at least 12 people and injuring about 38 others.

April 11, 2017 Microsoft discontinued Windows Vista system service support and security updates.

2019 – Israel's Genesis lunar probe crashed on the moon before it was about to land on the lunar surface, and Israel's first failed attempt to land on the moon.

2021 – A shooting incident in downtown Seattle, USA. The incident left four people injured, including a 2-year-old girl.

2021 – A fire breaks out in a slum on the outskirts of New Delhi, India. The accident killed 2 children and burned more than 150 houses.

2021 – North of Apolis, Minnesota, a man (Wright, an African-American man) is shot and killed by police.

2021 – Kim Porter (female), a police officer in Center, Brooklyn, Minnesota, and several colleagues stop a car that violates traffic laws and discover that the driver, Danter Wright, is an unaccounted for suspect. During the arrest, Potter shot Wright and killed him.

Birth characters

1770 – Former British Prime Minister George Canning.

1810 – English scholar Henry Rawlingson.

1825 – German politician Ferdinand Lassalle.

1893 – U.S. Secretary of State Dean Acheson.

1895 – Yang Xianjiang, theorist of modern Chinese education.

1910 – Antonio Spinola, former President of Portugal.

1917 – David Westheimer, American screenwriter and novelist (author of The Great Escape).

1937 - Liu Shanghe, expert in static electricity and electromagnetic protection, electromagnetic environmental effects, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

1942 - Hong Kong actress Yu Qian is born.

1944 – John Milieus, american male director. Representative works "Sky Fox Invasion 1984 Edition" and so on.

1953 – Former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Vorstadt.

1963 – He Saifei, Chinese actress

1964: Takashi Nohara, born in Akita Omagari City, Japan.

1965 – Zhang Zequn, host of China Central Television.

1974 – Lee Si-chieu, Hong Kong actor

1975 – Xiu Qing, Chinese actor.

1976 – Lin Yifeng, Hong Kong singer-songwriter.

1978 – Tian Jiada, Taiwanese actor

1979 – Ni Jingyang, Chinese mainland actress.

1981 – Han Wenwen, Chinese mainland actress and singer.

1981 – Alexandre Ambrosio, brazilian model for the Victoria's Secret Angels.

1982 – Julian Jiang, Korean-French mixed-race actor.

1984 - Popular writer Anthony is born.

1986 - Yaoyao Huang Yuzhu, twin sister of Black Girl member Apple, I love Black Astringent Stick Cousin.

1986 - Huang Yuxiang (a man) Black Girl member Apple's younger brother, Yao Yao's older brother The second member of "Model Lollipop Hall".

1987 - Mainland actress Liang Jingjing (played by the eldest grandson of "Sui and Tang Heroes") was born.

1987 - Lights Canadian pop singer and composer.

1989 – Ren Jialun, Chinese mainland actor and singer.

1991: Japanese female singer Erina Mano born.

1992 – Kong Xiaoyin, member of the Chinese group SNH48.

1994 – Dakota Blue Richards, Englishman, plays Lyra Berakova in the film The Golden Compass.

1997 – Zhang Shuyue, Chinese mainland hostess.

1998 – Zhou Shiyu, member of the Chinese group SNH48.

1998 – Li Xikan, member of the Chinese group MR-X.

Deceased characters

479 BC – Confucius dies. Confucius, mingqiu, zi zhongni, Lu guoren in the Spring and Autumn period, was an educator in the Spring and Autumn period.

thinker. (Note: This is an estimate date because the calendars used across countries during the Spring and Autumn period were inconsistent.) )

1856 – Juan Santa maria, National Hero of Costa Rica.

1903 - Rong Lu, a major minister of the Qing Dynasty.

1971 – Chen Jiangong, modern Chinese mathematician.

1985 - Death of Albanian leader Enver Hoxha.

1986 – French writer Simone de Boval dies.

1997 – Wang Xiaobo, Chinese writer. Heart attack.

2012 - Dezhen, a talented woman in the field of illustration, a well-known illustrator in Taiwan, known as "Oriental Painting Ji", 37 years old.

2019: Kazuhiko Kato, a famous Japanese manga artist, passed away from pneumonia.

2020 – Liu Dehai dies in Beijing at the age of 82.

2020 – Princeton University Mathematics Professor John Conway died of COVID-19 at the age of 83.

2021 – Wang Wanhua died at the age of 84 due to ineffective medical treatment.

2021 - The famous Japanese actor Rondae died of cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 64.

Throughout history, talk about the past and the present, praise and attention, and take you to understand today in history.

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