
Babies within three years of age self-examination, smart four performances, parents should pay more attention

After the baby is born, although it will surprise the novice parents, it is accompanied by a rush of hands, sometimes worrying about feeding problems, and sometimes worrying about the baby's intellectual development. So for new parents, how to judge whether the child is smart? The following performances, parents can pay more attention.

Babies within three years of age self-examination, smart four performances, parents should pay more attention

1. Start exploring the new world with your mouth.

After the baby reaches three months, he begins to explore the world with his mouth, which is the so-called "oral desire period", which stimulates the mouth to induce the brain to quickly recognize new things and achieve the purpose of understanding the world.

This is also the reason why the baby appears to be full of saliva, don't dislike the baby's saliva, if I say this is a smart performance, will you still be disgusted, I guess the mothers want to stay more!

After the brain begins to develop, it will be full of curiosity about the external world, the original brain memory can not meet the rapid maturity of the development, naturally there will be new attempts, so it will take the first step of exploration-—— oral exploration.

Babies within three years of age self-examination, smart four performances, parents should pay more attention

As for why the mouth is used first, it is because the body movements have not developed to the extent that they can be explored, and the coordination ability of the two hands is almost zero, only the tongue is flexible!

2. The performance of recognition of life began 6 months ago

Before the baby is half a year old, looking for the mother is dependent on "milk", because this stage of the baby's way of thinking only recognizes "milk", "there is milk to eat is the mother", with the growth of half a year, they also master the mother's body odor, with their own sense of smell to find the mother, slowly the sense of hearing began to develop, you can not distinguish the mother's different timbres, the child's mother's dependence is innate, the so-called world only the mother is good, the mother's embrace is the most reliable.

However, after half a year of age, it will begin to enter a new stage, will be their own accumulated experience all at once, began to like "looking for mother", commonly known as recognition, once the mother disappeared in the line of sight will panic and cry.

Babies within three years of age self-examination, smart four performances, parents should pay more attention

During this period, the baby only has a mother in his eyes, and can only identify whether it is a mother or not.

3. Hand-eye cooperation ability after one year of age

After one year of age, babies enter a new stage of learning, including language, walking, etc. Learning is from the imitation of the beginning, so the family's tone of speech, walking posture at this stage need to pay attention to, the baby's imitation ability is very strong, unconsciously the baby will become your bad habits, and the correction can be another big project. Want to teach your baby something small. For example, if the mother tears the tissue in front of the baby, then the baby will also find the right time to try to pull, and there will be new attempts in the future.

Babies within three years of age self-examination, smart four performances, parents should pay more attention

4. Exercise of concentration at the age of two

It is very necessary to cultivate children's concentration, which will affect the baby's life. Two years old is the best time for babies to learn, starting from the love of repetitive games, like to play the same game repeatedly, happy every time, and more interest than once. This is actually an effective concentration exercise, the more like to repeat the instructions the better the development, from the game to help the baby grow and learn, and the parents' companionship they think is to help them find a solution to the problem, help them accumulate experience.

On the road to parenting, we are all novices, how to take better care of children, you can pay attention to me, and discuss with me those things on the road to parenting.

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