
Light encounter: The official response to the price increase of the friend tree is TGC's original intention, and the candle is used on her?


Hello everyone, I am a Meng Po uncle who likes to play games and talk about games.

International service opens the performance season in advance, and at the same time, in the new version, the official also brings a blockbuster new gameplay! The friend tree, the unlocking of many nodes, is much higher than before. In the face of players' doubts, the official also came forward to respond. Today, on the matter of the friend tree, let's talk about it. From the change of price, look at the official attitude and the significance of social.

Today's topic: The official response to the price increase of the friend tree is the original intention of TGC, and the candle is used on her?

Light encounter: The official response to the price increase of the friend tree is TGC's original intention, and the candle is used on her?

Official response

TGC staff, in response to the question of the friend tree price increase, said, "The friend tree version is the ladder we expected." This also shows that the official is deliberately adjusting, not bugs, or accidents. Looking back from the side, the optimization and adjustment of the friend tree is also a change in the light encounter social, and it also expresses the official attitude. Let's talk about it in detail below, only the personal views of the uncle, for reference only, welcome to discuss together.

Light encounter: The official response to the price increase of the friend tree is TGC's original intention, and the candle is used on her?

TGC's original intention

From the expression of the staff, it can be known that the official reason for doing this is to increase the difficulty of socializing! In the existing gameplay, the uncle is also deeply experienced, we and Xiao Heijia as friends, slowly establish a relationship, and emotional entanglements occur. The friend tree, starting from 0, until it is all unlocked, but it seems not to be cherished, scattered and scattered, and divided. The official price increase on the friend tree is also a reminder to players to be cautious about emotions.

Light encounter: The official response to the price increase of the friend tree is TGC's original intention, and the candle is used on her?

The candles are worth it

Uncle found a phenomenon, with friends to unlock all the buddy tree, it seems to enter the strange circle, slowly, the feelings will have problems, faded, scattered, divided, it is always difficult to last (except for their own trumpet). But from another point of view, at least when unlocked, the heart is full of joy, and at that moment, the subconscious thinks that the "so-called good person" has been found, and the candle is worth using. Of course, the ending is not good.

Light encounter: The official response to the price increase of the friend tree is TGC's original intention, and the candle is used on her?

Summary for today:

The part of the price increase, mainly the node of the red candle, the ordinary node, the original 2 red candles, adjusted to 5 red candles. The node of the transmission rises from 2 to 10 red candles. In addition, the two new sets of actions also added the unlock node of the red candle, which also requires 10 red candles. This is also too difficult, this is to force the player to sacrifice, the uncle now only has 2 red candles, how can this be good!

Light encounter: The official response to the price increase of the friend tree is TGC's original intention, and the candle is used on her?

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Light encounter: The official response to the price increase of the friend tree is TGC's original intention, and the candle is used on her?

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