
Human growth requires "three senses" and two major abilities

Learn and let us meet a better version of ourselves!

Yang Taoming | Yang Taoming | Teacher Yang Taoming shared wonderfully

Growth is a constant search for the depth, height, and meaning of life.

Man has only one life, and the causes and conditions converge to form us, but when the candle burns out, the fire is extinguished and gone.

Because of this, we should cherish every day in life more and make every day more exciting, fulfilling, happy and joyful.

1. Misconceptions about growth

One of the concepts I want to clarify is, what exactly isn't growth?

1. Do different things on the same level.

For example, today you do administration, tomorrow you do manpower, and the day after tomorrow you do the market, but you always work at the same level, always at the grassroots level or always be directed by others to do it;

No matter what different work you do, but because you don't have to use your brain, you can't learn the real experience and the wisdom you have really accumulated in your work, and even if you do different things, it is not a concept of growth.

Some people do change multiple jobs in their lives, and some even change more than a dozen jobs, but they are not really interested in this job, nor do they continue to dig deeper in this work to become experts in this area, but frequently change jobs, this thing has nothing to do with growth.

2, working in different regions, not necessarily the concept of growth.

For example, some people work hard in Shanghai for two years, go to Beijing for two years, and then run to Shijiazhuang for two years, although you meet different people in different cities, it does not necessarily mean your growth. Growth is a kind of connotation improvement.

3, do everything on the same level of thinking.

People will grow old, but some people's thinking ability and thinking ability will not be improved, will not be improved.

Human growth requires "three senses" and two major abilities

You will find that some people have lived in a narrow, paranoid, stubborn self-consciousness all their lives, and some people will always insist that their views and opinions are correct, and others are always wrong.

In this way, it is maintained at the same, even one-way level of thinking, no matter how many jobs are changed or no matter how many environments he changes, because the thinking ability is not improved, which means that the problem will never become more acute or more transparent, more tolerant, and more pluralistic to think about the problem, which means that it has not actually grown.

4. Stay in the comfort zone.

The state of the comfort zone is actually that many people can feel it, and many people are not easy to get out of the comfort zone after they go to the comfort zone of life, the so-called warm boiled frog;

Human growth requires "three senses" and two major abilities

Unconsciously, slowly in the process of your comfort zone, you may lose your fighting spirit, or lose the desire to extend outwards, and lose a state in which you are willing to accept challenges and expand your life to a new dimension or a new life horizon.

Many of us have the wrong feeling, am I changing jobs, going to college, traveling, changing the work environment, the city, is it even if I have grown?

Of course, this thing may bring you a lot of opportunities to grow, but these behaviors themselves are not necessarily a sign of growth.

Human growth requires "three senses" and two major abilities

Whether you can grow from one thing or not, in fact, it is completely from this thing, and you yourself presuppose what kind of goal you want to have, what kind of appeal you have.

Man is such an animal who is led by goals and aspirations and desires, so this is very important.

2. The "three senses" of life and the two major abilities

I often say that there are "three senses" in life: knowledge, insight, and courage.

1. Knowledge

In general, the improvement of knowledge is a dimension of growth, which is also a purpose of our reading and learning.

2. Insight

Insight is sometimes not necessarily related to knowledge and can be separated.

Many Chinese entrepreneurs only have junior and high school education, but they can make the enterprise very large. Many PhD graduates have instead collapsed their businesses, and these are related to insight rather than just knowledge.

In my case, my mother died, and I posted an article online reminiscing about my mother that got hundreds of thousands of hits.

My mother though not cultured

But she is a knowledgeable person who knows where her children should go in the future.

So when I was a child, she asked me to study, to go to high school, to go to college, which is the best growth path that a rural woman can give to her children, and my mother's insight has made me what I am today.

Of course, the more knowledgeable you are, in principle, the more knowledgeable you should be, and if in the end the more knowledgeable you become, the less insightful you are, it will be a very troublesome thing - such as a nerd.

3. Courage

Courage is whether you dare to break through yourself, bravely do something you have never done before, throw yourself into it, and jump in.

But the world has no one-size-fits-all solution, and there is no 100% guarantee system that allows you to jump without any loss, so it is an option.

We can't take a leap from high school to college, because we know that we can learn more knowledge than high school in college, and undergraduate graduation, master's and doctoral degrees cannot be regarded as leaps forward.

The real jump is that when you jump in, you may lose your sense of security or even lose. But once the choice is right, it can lead to great success in this kind of thing it's called a jump.

4. Two major capabilities

Whether you can have knowledge, insight, and courage involves your vision, mind, level, pattern, and thinking ability to see things, and involves your ability to move space and gather resources.

Activity space ability refers to your ability to make your radius larger, which means that you may encounter a little more opportunities.

Human growth requires "three senses" and two major abilities

After the activity space is large, the ability to gather resources will naturally become stronger and stronger, and these interpersonal and social relationships will become very important resources in life.

3.8 Signs of Growth

Growth is mature and not sleek, sophisticated but not sophisticated, enterprising and not reckless,

Decisive without stupidity, ordinary without mediocrity, exploring without confusion,

Loneliness is not alone, failure is not discouraged, and so on.

Human growth requires "three senses" and two major abilities

People's growth is not afraid of danger, and the ability to cope with various things is an external sign of growth.

Mature without sleekness

Maturity is to do things thoughtfully and take care of the interests of all people; tact is that all behavior is based on self-protection and selfishness.

Sophisticated and unworldly

If a person no longer adheres to his principles and values after reaching the age of thirty or forty, and no longer insists on considering problems from a fair and equitable standpoint, this is not sophisticated, but sophisticated.

Aggressive without recklessness

People need to be enterprising.

To make progress is to make a leap forward under the premise of thinking correctly about the problem, or basically grasping the direction of future progress, and knowing what consequences this road will bring to oneself if it does not work.

Decisive and not stupid

Stupidity is acting decisively, but without thinking through the brain.

Human growth requires "three senses" and two major abilities

Decisiveness sometimes occurs in several situations: one is the same as the crowd; the other is stubborn.

It may seem decisive and aggressive on the surface, but it's a fool's errand because he doesn't really think about the impact of what he does on everything around him, including people and society.

Ordinary and not mediocre

Being a person can be ordinary, simple, and simple, but it cannot be mediocre. Mediocrity is the idea of not using one's brain to improve one's life, willingly falling into laziness or confusion.

Ordinary is just a mentality, I can not wear brand-name clothes, live in a small house, do not buy a car, but the middle of the heart is still in the pursuit of a better future and life in the future.

Explore without being confused

Confusion is not knowing the southeast, northwest, or even where the direction is, and not having the will to explore.

Lonely and not alone

People can enjoy a lonely life, and a lonely life can have a lot of thinking. But loneliness is feeling alone, as if the whole world is alone, unaccompanied.

Failure does not discourage

Many people are easily discouraged and give up when they encounter difficulties, which is a sign of immaturity.

There are all kinds of hardships, setbacks, and misfortunes in the world, and your attitude affects whether your life will be improved in the future or continue to stay in different states of low-level suffering.

At last

Regarding growth, the most important things are a few elements:

First, growth is a personal choice, not about him, or even about the surrounding environment in a sense, the most important thing is the personal choice.

Second, growth is a deliberate act. It is not the growth of the subconscious, nor the growth of nature, we are not animals and plants, we must be intentional.

Third, growth requires us to make an effort

If we don't work hard and don't make progress, of course we can't grow.

Fourth, growth is a price for us, because you can't grow without abandoning what you used to be, and even some of the things you have.

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Author: Teacher Yang Taoming. Yang Taoming: Writer orator! Article source Yang Taoming (ID: Ytm936), with a simple story, to solve the problems of life, reprint please contact this public number!