
Awaken and reclaim your inner strength!

Awaken and reclaim your inner strength!

Learn and let us meet a better version of ourselves!

Yang Taoming | Yang Taoming | Teacher Yang Taoming shared wonderfully

In the power of all things of life.

There is a huge energy lurking that is often overlooked, and that is awakening.

Awaken and reclaim your inner strength!

The power of life stems from two categories:

Nature and creation.

In a nutshell, it is divided into internal and external formations.

One is possession of itself; and the other is external creation.

Awaken and reclaim your inner strength!

The former is the power of nature's gift to survive, innate, and extinct;

The latter walks by the power of creation, most of which are filled with accumulations.

That's something in essence.

It has not yet been awakened, and has been in a state of deep sleep.

The philosopher Mr. Zhou Guoping said that there are three basic awakenings in life, life awakening, self-awakening, and soul awakening.

First of all, you are a life, and that is why you live in this world, and you have all kinds of life experiences.

Second, you are not only a being, but a unique living individual, and you are clearly aware of this, that is, you are an ego.

Third, unlike everything in the universe, man is a spiritual being, and you are still a soul.

External forces such as power, wealth, fame, and status may allow you to live a beautiful life.

Inner strength teaches people to linger in the meaning of life full and abundant.

However, a clear distinction must be made between the inside and the outside, otherwise it is an inversion of the cart before the horse.

Awaken and reclaim your inner strength!

But it was quickly forgotten. Usually neglect the inner grand power, and pursue more of the external formal satisfaction.

Since living in society, some external pursuits are inevitable and beyond reproach.

It is just that you need to know how to discover the natural life through these pursuits, remember that you are a life, often listen to his voice, to meet its needs, which is the essential need.

Natural life, harmonious coexistence, health and safety, but also including love and affection, etc., natural emotional satisfaction.

These needs are ordinary and eternal. After that, there is the awakening of the self.

You are not replicable. The only one that is unique is just you.

You have to be responsible for life to realize the value of your life. To truly be yourself.

This is also your most basic responsibility. No one can replace the fulfillment you need.

Awaken and reclaim your inner strength!

You are your own master.

You must have your own unique beliefs, be principled, live with heat, and not go with the flow in the world.

You have only one life, and there should be no waste and decadence. If so, who will live for you?

One is faith,

The second is wisdom.

The awakening of the soul, from the original external pursuit to the inner pursuit, attaches importance to the spiritual life, which is a different realm.

The focus of life shifts to the pursuit of life.

Regardless of the blessings and misfortunes, gains and losses, these life processes of rich and poor are regarded as a kind of cultivation of the soul.

Awaken and reclaim your inner strength!

Also, you have to have a detached mindset.

The soul is kept at a distance from external encounters, and the spirit is not subject to the external involvement of the world, and is not dominated by the emotions of great ups and downs.

It will not be indulged in the flesh, nor will it fall into the misery of life.

This is a kind of shift from the body to the spiritual and spiritual transcendence, which is the foothold of life.

What sustains this beautiful life? Exactly – faith and wisdom.

It is the only way to live a life of life and a mission. Life awakens to simple happiness; self-awakening realizes your value for you; soul awakens to faith, wisdom, and authenticity.

Awaken and reclaim your inner strength!

Life is short, why not awaken?

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Author: Teacher Yang Taoming. Yang Taoming: Writer orator! Article source Yang Taoming (ID: Ytm936), with a simple story, to solve the problems of life, reprint please contact this public number!