
Meditation Sharing Series (5) "Zero Limit" Cleanup

Meditation Sharing Series (5) "Zero Limit" Cleanup

Zero Limit cleanup

Next, I will share with you another relatively easy method of mind cultivation, which I used to cure my writing anxiety disorder. Later, I also found a corresponding improvement in my life, and it can be said that this method is a guiding method for my cultivation of the mind. This method is simple to operate, and its essence is also witnessing.

There is a best-selling book called "Zero Limit" in the circle of cultivation, which introduces this method of mind cultivation, and the translated name is a bit awkward, called "Leo Bonobono", here we use the zero limit to call this method. This method is very simple, constantly meditate on four mantras to clean up the mantra, use the four mantras to clean up the negative information in the heart, and restore yourself to the state of natural emptiness. The term in the book is "zeroing out," and "zero limit" refers to such emptiness. The concept of this method is consistent with the Tao Te Ching and the Buddhist Scriptures, and it is recommended that everyone stay in a state of emptiness, unite with the inner wisdom of his own divinity, and make his thoughts, words, and actions conform to the laws of the Heavenly Path.

The four clean-up mantras are: I'm sorry, please forgive, thank you, I love you. They amount to a mantra used to dispel negative information from within. This method is very simple to implement, that is, to say as many words as possible, especially when there is a problem. When we keep chanting mantras, we are in a state of contemplation, and our consciousness is stuck in the present moment. It is a similar principle to contemplation of breathing, and that mantra comes with some special effects.

There are several key points in this approach that we need to pay special attention to. The first point is 100% responsibility, which means that our external lives are created by our minds. I am 100% responsible for my own creation, and as long as I see the problem, I have the responsibility to clean it up – by constantly reading those four sentences to clean it up.

How can 100% responsibility be understood, and I'll give you an example: Suppose I was walking in the park and saw a mother scolding her child, then I think this is a problem, and I'm going to clean it up. If I don't clean up this issue, it will affect my life later, and maybe after a few days, my child makes a mistake and my wife will scold my child for the problem. When I encounter this problem, it is not necessarily created by me, but it may also be created by the collective consciousness. But now that I've met it, I'm responsible for cleaning it up.

When we realize that we need to be 100% responsible, we often have to stop our consciousness in the present moment and be aware of our thoughts. There will be a lot of victim thoughts in our minds, and these should be cleaned up. These negative messages are more important than our external problems, and according to the law of "consciousness creates reality", we often have negative thoughts in our minds, and then negative life experiences appear in reality. If we can clean up this idea the moment it appears, then it will not manifest a corresponding reality for us to experience.

The second point is to continue to clean up without expectation. This is consistent with keeping the mind clean. When we see the problem, or perceive that there are some victim's ideas in our minds, we recite those four sentences. The process of doing the clean-up is equivalent to sending out a will to return to a pure state of mind. We don't expect this problem to be solved, and in what way. We just have to clean up these thoughts, and we don't interfere with the rest, and the universe will have its own way of dealing with it. Regardless of the method, it is generally difficult for beginners to achieve "without expectation". Our usual idea is this: it is precisely because I have a problem that I want to change it that I do the cleanup; if the problem is not changed, the cleaning is completely meaningless, it is self-deceiving chicken soup.

I also had this idea at first, and the answers I found in this circle later were probably the following points. First, the cultivation of the mind is actually a process of anti-mind. People often see the reality change before they believe it; but the cultivation of the mind is the opposite, first believe, and then the reality will change. In essence, it is the law of "consciousness creating reality" at work.

Second, our minds often expect different effects than the solutions given by our inner wisdom. To take a typical example, if a person is in debt because of gambling, he wants to get good luck through liquidation and continues to repay money through gambling, then this kind of cleaning is generally ineffective. Because the inner wisdom often gives the solution is to let him stop gambling and work steadily to repay the money. So if that person keeps gambling money but complains that the cleanup is ineffective, then it's normal. I believe that everyone can understand this.

This example may be more extreme, it is easy to see the problem, and in reality, the problem we sometimes encounter is not so extreme, we are not easy to see, but we all also ignore the solution given by the inner wisdom, thinking that the cleanup is not effective. Frankly, I used to think that there was nothing wrong with the results I was looking forward to, but after a year, after my cultivation framework was further improved, I looked back at my own mentality before, and I saw the problem.

Third, this point may not be easy to accept, let's refer to it first. This probably means that sometimes there will be some difficulties and challenges in life, mainly forcing a person to continue to cultivate and improve, and if this difficulty is eliminated, that person will have no motivation to continue to grow. He's comfortable in the short term, but not a good thing in the long run. If a person does well in many aspects, but there are always one or two problems that have been bothering him, it is often the arrangement in this regard. For example, in reality, the common money, love, health, family, friends who encounter these problems are often very good in other aspects, but they are stuck in a certain problem and cannot be relieved. In addition, there is also a saying of causal reincarnation in the cultivation circle of the heart, and sometimes the difficulties we experience are to pay off the karmic debt, and it is good to pay it off.

There is a saying that sums it up well, "But do good deeds, don't ask about the future". As long as we continue to clean up and continue to give kindness to the world, at least we are already walking in the path of heaven. None of us know what the Heavenly Way has, we treat ourselves well and others well, we make our hearts pure, and everything else follows.

Next, I will tell you how I usually use the "zero limit" method. I first encountered this method during the 2015 writing anxiety disorder outbreak, and I looked around the Internet for ways to save myself. I stumbled upon an article mentioning this method, and at the time I felt it should work for me. It wasn't a desperate time for me, but it was painful enough, and in order to save myself, I practiced with great care, sometimes reciting those few words for an hour in a row. Constantly clean up your mind and restore yourself to a state of calm.

This method worked for me, and after a few emotional releases, after about a week, my anxiety disorder recovered. The so-called emotional release is that you can't help but cry during the clean-up process. Later, I found that many beginners will have such a situation, and emotional release is indeed an important part of healing, after the release will be more relaxed, will not be so depressed pain.

I continued to clean up this method for several months, and my life also underwent some noticeable changes. I don't want to over-trumpet and deify this method here, but I have proved through my own practice that this method is useful to me. In the past few years of mind cultivation, I have also come into contact with many friends of mind cultivation, and several of them have reported that this method is very effective. For me this method is almost my bottom card, if a certain period of time my mentality is relatively poor, all kinds of methods do not work, I will do this exercise with high intensity, such as cleaning up for more than half an hour each time, cleaning up two or three times a day. I can see changes in the usual cleanup for a few days. Initially it's calm, and then there's some inspiration to know what to do next. Sometimes nothing is done, just keep cleaning up, and then the opportunity comes, and the problem that bothers me automatically improves.

This method is simple enough, and it also conforms to the basic rules of mind cultivation, so I highly recommend practicing this method. Although the zero limit book tells a lot of amazing things, I have indeed verified it myself. But I still recommend that you don't have expectations, you just clean up, don't cling to seeing miracles. It's good to be able to calm yourself down by cleaning up.

Another important practice in the field of meditation is meditation. I've been meditating for a few years now, and I've found that meditation plays a role in at least mental adjustment. I used to think a lot before going to bed and often had insomnia. Over the years I used to meditate for a while before going to bed, empty my head, let the brain quiet down, meditate for ten minutes and fall asleep easily. Occasionally I drink coffee and I can't really sleep, and I don't feel anxious when I sit quietly. Regular meditation is also helpful for emotional stability, and in recent years I have felt that there are many fewer distractions in my head and it is easier to quiet down.

To summarize here, the last few articles are mainly to explain to you the law of "consciousness creates reality". We must pay attention to the power of the mind, and the goal of mind cultivation is to be carefree, focus on the life of the moment, do what we really like, without expectation, and go with the flow. The key point of mind-cultivation is contemplation, which allows you to practice mindfulness, meditation, and zero-limit cleansing.

Starting with the next article, I will share with you some common "pits" in life.

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