
How to deal with life's "darkest hour"?

Introduction: We have encountered very special times in recent years, which are a huge test for everyone. We can no longer face the familiar world, the business environment, employment environment, etc. that we were used to have changed a lot in the current environment. How can we respond to the problems and even crises caused by these changes to make a smooth transition for ourselves?

Pay off 600 million yuan of debt in three years, which is undoubtedly the best performance in business for Luo Yonghao's more than ten years of entrepreneurship.

How to deal with life's "darkest hour"?

Lao Luo exhausted various ways to pay off debts, the most influential of which was to log on to the Douyin live broadcast room to live stream goods. With his help, the performance of the Make Friends company has grown amazingly. According to the data released by the Make a Friend live broadcast room in January 2022, the company ranked first in the Douyin live stream with actual delivery sales of 5 billion yuan in 2021.

Looking at such good results accumulated by this, it is undoubtedly a successful transformation after facing the crisis.

After Lao Luo owed a body of debt, in the face of this crisis moment in his life, he did not leave himself too much decadent time, but quickly took action to find a way to make money and repay. He went on variety shows, talked about talk shows, shot commercials, and gave interviews that he didn't like.

When the live broadcast room was gradually on the right track, he announced that the personal live broadcast time continued to drop to 3%, and the live broadcast room was transformed into de-IP, and then launched the live training business school.

After this step-by-step operation, Lao Luo not only stood and earned money, but also saved enough to continue to be an idealist.

Lao Luo, who is about to pay off his debts, intends to return to the tech world in the near future and launch a new project on VR/AR/MR equipment.

How to deal with life's "darkest hour"?

When problems arise, because this is the law of reality, no one can change the fact, we can only have a chance to successfully overturn the market if we actively respond.

As the philosopher Julian Baggini wrote in his book "Do You Think the Meaning of Life Is the Meaning of Life?" 》(What’s it all about? In the face of crisis, we can succeed in becoming who we want to be, and we can only achieve this through action. This success is more of a process than just a result.

How to deal with life's "darkest hour"?

First, face the reality of being in crisis

It is only after people acknowledge the crisis in which they find themselves that it is possible to actively confront it and find a solution.

1. Recognize the crisis

Crisis scientist Rosenthal argues that a crisis is a compilation of the core values of decision makers who are seriously threatened or challenged, have little information, are highly uncertain about developments, and require rapid decision-making.

Crisis itself is two sides of the same body, crisis and opportunity coexist, everything has two sides, therefore, in the face of crisis, we can not be stagnant because of its harm, we should see the development opportunities hidden under its harm. Seizing this opportunity may occupy an important place in the future wave of the world. "The wise change from time to time, and the knower follows the situation", Johnson & Johnson, Coca-Cola, KFC, Mercedes-Benz, and Huawei are good at cultivating opportunities in the crisis and opening a new situation in the change. From our personal point of view, in the process of crisis management, as long as we can fully understand the essence of the crisis, deeply grasp the law of crisis, and adopt scientific strategies in a timely manner, we can resolve the crisis in a timely manner and turn "crisis" into "opportunity".

2. Acknowledge the crisis

When we find ourselves facing a major challenge that we can't overcome in our usual way, it means that we have encountered a relatively large crisis.

Many of the big crises in life are sudden, and we can find out about them right away, such as sudden dismissals, natural disasters, etc.; but there are also many crises that are hidden, such as emotional breakdowns, chronic diseases, etc. At this time, many people will numb themselves, think that they have not encountered a crisis, and thus miss the opportunity to solve the crisis. Therefore, it is very valuable to bravely admit the crisis, and progress in its resolution can only be made after acknowledging that "I am indeed in crisis".

3. Assume Responsibility

In the face of a crisis, the most important thing is not to sigh and worry, we can rely on our own hearts and think about what we really have. What we are most powerful is actually having inner strength. Because when we are in crisis, we actually have no map to rely on to choose a path to survive, no experience to rely on. After admitting that I am in a crisis, people's next sentence is often: "But the reason why I am in crisis is that other people or external factors have caused my life to be so miserable." "This kind of self-pity, along with the victim mentality, is the most common excuse people use to escape personal crises." After acknowledging that they are in a crisis, the second barrier for people to solve the crisis is to take the initiative to take responsibility for solving the crisis. "There are extrinsic factors and other people's influences, but none of them are me. I can't change other people, all I can control is my own behavior. If I want those external factors to change with other people, I have to take responsibility, make a difference, and change my own behavior first. If I don't take action, others won't take the initiative to change anything."

How to deal with life's "darkest hour"?

Image from Unsplash

Second, change the negative emotions in the crisis

Julian Baggini in "Do You Think the Meaning of Life Is the Meaning of Life?" If you feel stressed by any external thing, it is not the matter that bothers you, but your own judgment of the thing that bothers you. You have the ability to eliminate that judgment right now.

Modern psychology has also studied this emotion. When we feel that the intensity of emotions exceeds the ability to cope with emotions, we enter a state of emotional overwhelm. In a state of emotional overwhelm, your ability to think and reason is hindered due to confusion of thoughts. If not handled properly, this painful state of mind can affect everyday life. If proper rationalization and communication is prevented, it can even break relationships.

1. Improve your ability to grasp happiness

We will not only feel happiness, but also feel pain, sorrow, sorrow and other bad emotions. Happiness is not only a feeling, but also a kind of ability, and there is a way to follow, as long as after practice, happiness is obtainable, the source of happiness is: happiness work excellent and great success, "everything in the world is not good or bad, but the thoughts", just like the famous experiment of half a glass of water, the same is half a glass of water, optimistic people say "great, there is even half a glass of water", and pessimistic people will say "Oh my God, only half a glass of water". Grasping happiness is really an ability, which has little to do with many external things, and it needs to be cultivated by the environment, it needs to be strong inside, and it needs to have a heart that loves life. Everyone has their own advantages, but also have flaws, carefully analyze themselves, and then calmly accept their various imperfections, and strive to carry forward their own advantages, and let their advantages become more and more obvious, in fact, everyone can do it.

2. Get rid of negative emotions

Many people feel that negative emotions are a manifestation of psychological unhealth, and think that if you are a person with good self-control, there will be no negative emotions. In fact, no matter how mentally healthy people are, they will encounter negative emotions. Most of the time, its appearance is silent, that is, others do not know what is happening, only their own feelings of changes in their hearts. Therefore, the way each of us deals with negative emotions is often unknown.

When negative emotions are not easy to show, many people will feel that negative emotions are a very bad thing, it is difficult to accept that they have negative emotions, but in fact, we do not know how to treat them.

Use empathy to understand others and yourself, and eliminate helplessness and crisis feelings invisible. Helplessness and sense of crisis in the final analysis, in essence, is a negative emotion for people and things, when we let go of the mentality of complaining about the world, use empathy to interpret people and things, have more understanding and empathy in our hearts, use empathy methods, to put ourselves in the shoes of reflection, what else can not be tolerated and relieved. With the ability to empathize, it is natural to think openly and let go, and the calm in the heart, helplessness and sense of crisis are reduced.

How to deal with life's "darkest hour"?

Third, action is the ladder to respond to crises

In the face of the crisis, some people have successfully crossed the past, and it is true that some people have not succeeded, so what is the reason? One of the key reasons is the lack of action, which is a factor in resolving crises. In the process of getting along with young people day and night, many people do not like to act and have been giants of thought, but prefer to imagine and dream, and even fantasize. However, the key determinant of a crisis response is action, that is, without action, we must not be unable to deal with the crisis.

1. Break the cognitive misunderstanding "I was born with weak willpower"

When doing something, there will often be a lot of doubts and interference voices ringing in the ears, ignore it, and firmly go to the path you choose. If our faith is always shaken by these voices, not only will our ability to act be greatly reduced, but we will also have feelings of self-doubt. Some people will label themselves negatively, such as "I am a guy with weak willpower" and "I have a character defect", once they label themselves, people will fall into a vicious circle of self-blame, which will make people more and more depressed. But in reality, willpower is not an obstacle to action. Just like the co-pilot of a car must remember to wear a seat belt, in the past, many people were troublesome and did not wear seat belts, but now, as soon as everyone sits in the car, it is natural to fasten the seat belt, but this does not rely on willpower. Jun Ishida said that whether it is work or life, it is not the will that helps us succeed, but the action. In this era when plans cannot keep up with change, you may wish to act first, adjust while doing, and the blueprint of your dreams will emerge. By taking action to get through the darkest hours, you can get closer to your dreams. If you have an idea, do it, instead of thinking about whether it is okay or not. Action is more important than fantasy. As long as you want to get started, it's never too late.

2. If you want to do too much, find out which one is most important

There are many important things, but the most important things are always only one. Just like success, it is always gradually obtained, we can only do one thing at a time, step by step. Everyone has all sorts of ideas, and we often get frustrated when ideas go against reality. Use a simple list of tasks for people, which is simple but a great way for us to remember what we have to do. We tend to be overly enthusiastic when writing to-do lists and write a lot of entries. However, when looking at this long list of tasks, we feel limited in energy and start procrastinating. But do these things really need to be done? When you want to do too much, it will cause a lot of interference to yourself, at this time, list everything according to the priority, choose the most important and urgent things to do first or have a very classic principle, classify the things in front of you, think about which things on the task list are particularly important, pick two or three re-write on another task list, this list will not be so scary, and I find it easier to take action and complete the task list.

3. Simple principle, easy start, reduce resistance

Many times in the face of crises, the reason why we delay in taking action is that the resistance to action is too great, or the difficulty is too high, and it takes too much time and energy.

Start where it's easiest

Before doing things, learn to reduce the resistance to action, reduce resistance, and let yourself start easily. Break down a complex task into units of action that can be accomplished effortlessly. Even if you have a big dream, please try to start with the simplest, easiest action to complete, preferably psychologically there is a feeling that it is easy to palm and can be completed with your hands. Create a good atmosphere and start with ease. Just like playing a game, when we are new to the village, the ability, willpower is not strong enough, do not give ourselves an ambitious, too difficult task, very easy to dissuade.

1 minute rule, move fast

Many times, in the process from "thinking" to "doing", the most difficult thing is the beginning of the moment. In fact, once we get moving, a lot of the work behind us will come to fruition. If you plan to start doing it, don't think about it, act first, and we will surpass most people. Because sometimes, the more we think about it, the less we may want to act. When we do it, it is worth affirming, and even if we fail, we have taken a very important first step.

We can try to say to ourselves: do it for 1 minute first, and if the 1 minute time comes, you really don't want to do it anymore and you can stop it immediately. 1 minute is a short time, we don't have too many ideas, and we can start to act.

In the process of doing it, we slowly got used to this feeling, and then when the time came, we could say to ourselves, "It's so simple, it looks effortless, let's go for 3 minutes!" "。 Even sometimes, we may forget the time and immerse ourselves in the process of doing it all the time.

How to deal with life's "darkest hour"?

We often tell others that I am willing to take responsibility, but people judge our ability to perform our duties not by our ideas or our views, but by our effective action. When we face change, we must have an efficient response speed, and be able to find direction and adjust the rhythm faster than others in the crisis. In a completely changing environment, look at our entire mobility and the speed of our response. Many people want to adjust quickly in response to the crisis, and if they do not have the ability to act quickly, there may be no way to adjust. To have the ability to integrate the entire resource, to have the ability to open the borders to find cooperation, to be able to seek the possibility of cooperation with each other.

As the saying goes, "If you are timid on the day of affliction, your strength will become insignificant." "There is no eternal success in the world, and there is no eternal failure. In difficult and unfortunate days, maintain morale, confidence and patience. A successful person must be a person who will never be knocked down by failure. ”

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