
Why can't A wasp bee be killed, and how not to be bitten by a wasp?

author:Know-it-all cats

#广西多人扫墓遭马蜂袭击致1死多伤 #

On April 5, qingming festival, a grave sweeping incident occurred in Mashan County, Nanning City, Guangxi Province, a number of villagers were stung by horse bees while sweeping the grave on the mountain, and one of the men was stabbed more than 80 times, and died of serious injuries.
Why can't A wasp bee be killed, and how not to be bitten by a wasp?

Horse wasps, also known as wasps, wasps. There are many species of them, and there are about 9,000 species of wasps living in the country. Of these, about nine are classified as social. Among them, the most common are the Yellowjacket and Hornet (Hornet), which is referred to as the horse wasp later in this article).

Why can't A wasp bee be killed, and how not to be bitten by a wasp?

The two look very similar and are about the same size, and their instinct to protect their nests can lead to attacks on people, with bumblebees nesting underground and wasps nesting on the surface, so many times you don't see the honeycomb and you're already in the forbidden zone.

A sharp bite

It doesn't matter if you get stabbed by a bee, but a horse bee bite is super painful. Horse wasp venom and bee venom are very different in chemistry, but they both contain a bee venom peptide (amino acid chain).

Why can't A wasp bee be killed, and how not to be bitten by a wasp?

These peptides have been specifically evolved to cause pain in other animals and can directly activate pain receptors in the skin.

Usually, brighter-colored wasps are more toxic, they have larger venom glands, and brighter colors are a stronger warning signal to creatures that threaten their nests.

Why are horse bee bites deadly? May cause heart disease and stroke

First, because horse bee venom contains a large number of compounds that cause a person's blood vessels to contract, stinging can cause blood vessels in the brain to constrict enough to cause a stroke.

Why can't A wasp bee be killed, and how not to be bitten by a wasp?

In addition, according to the report, some compounds in wasp venom can cause blood to clot, allow blood to accumulate in the heart, and trigger an irregular heartbeat of atrial fibrillation, which makes it easier for blood clots to form and move upward to the brain, leading to stroke.

Finally, a severe allergic reaction can cause a person's blood pressure to drop, and not enough blood flows to the blood vessels in the brain, which can lead to a stroke.

Why can't A wasp bee be killed, and how not to be bitten by a wasp?

In addition to the brain, the heart is also at risk. Wasp bites most likely cause a reaction to a type of white blood cell called mast cells, which in turn can lead to rupture of plaque in their arteries. When a plaque ruptures, it causes blood clots, clogs the arteries and reduces blood flow. The loss of blood flowing to an area of the heart can lead to the death of heart cells, which can lead to a heart attack.

High risk in spring and summer

A nest of wasps can exist for 2-7 years depending on the lifespan of the queen. Their life cycle is roughly as follows:

Why can't A wasp bee be killed, and how not to be bitten by a wasp?

The new queen bee usually wakes up in the spring and finds a place to nest and feed her first female workers, who will soon establish a colony.

The more eggs the queen lays, the more they grow into more workers. These female workers breed new potential queens by feeding them richer foods.

Why can't A wasp bee be killed, and how not to be bitten by a wasp?

At the same time, the male wasp hatched and then mated with the queen bee, soon dying (the male wasp docile and without thorns); the queen hibernated over the winter, and the remaining workers died with it.

Why can't A wasp bee be killed, and how not to be bitten by a wasp?

Therefore, in general, horse wasps appear in large numbers later in spring. But if the climate is warm, they can also be active all year round.

Horse bees are not a good thing

Horse wasps are predatory wasps that kill bees and other insects.

Why can't A wasp bee be killed, and how not to be bitten by a wasp?

As true social wasps, horse wasps are very common in the tropical regions of the continent, and they actively protect nesting sites when threatened, and all females can sting.

How to prevent the bite of a wasp?

First of all, never slap!

It's not a good egg, the wasps have strong dynamic vision, can see any sudden, vigorous movement, and when you try to slap the wasp with your hand, they will be provoked and make it want to fight with you even more.

If you've managed to kill the wasp that harassed you, congratulations, you're in danger! A dead wasp releases a pheromone, and other nearby bee sisters are immediately drawn to attack them.

Killing the horse bee is equivalent to: "an arrow through the clouds, thousands of troops and horses to meet each other."

Why can't A wasp bee be killed, and how not to be bitten by a wasp?

Therefore, when you meet a wasp, all you have to do is calmly cover your bare skin with clothes and quickly leave the scene.

Or, if you only meet a wasp that wants to attack you, try covering it with clothes so it doesn't come back to the nest, tell other people where you are, and bring someone back to beat you.

Why can't A wasp bee be killed, and how not to be bitten by a wasp?

Your dressing style also has a certain relationship. Wasps prefer white, bright blue, and yellow, but they don't see red in their eyes, so unlike what we think, wearing red clothes doesn't irritate the wasps.

Finally, wasps hate the taste of cloves, geranium and lemongrass oil, so smear some on it.

Why can't A wasp bee be killed, and how not to be bitten by a wasp?

Owls thank you for your attention (¬_¬)

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