
Why don't men like fat women? Not just because of appearance, but for these three reasons

Uncle Lover's Introduction:

Beauty and ugliness should not be defined, but in love, beauty and ugliness will still become the criteria for many people to choose objects.

Some people think that the appearance will affect future generations, some people feel that the figure reflects whether a person is self-disciplined, and men often pay attention to these aspects when looking for objects, after all, everyone wants to have a perfect home.

Although beauty and ugliness cannot be defined, many people still have their own judgments. Many people in this world are unfriendly to fat people, some people will dislike or even laugh, and many fat women have experienced setbacks in love.

Can you accept very fat women? Let's look at what these men think.

Why don't men like fat women? Not just because of appearance, but for these three reasons

What causes obesity is important

There are many causes of obesity, some people are caused by their own indiscipline, some people are obese because of illness, and there is an essential difference between the two. If it is because of illness and medicine and injections, this matter can be forgiven and accepted, after all, no one wants to be like this. And if it is because of the obesity caused by eating and drinking, then many men cannot tolerate it.

Now in this society, everyone wants their own opinions, people are pursuing beautiful people and things, no one wants to face a fat woman all day, to be direct, many people are too fat and really ugly and greasy. Men who have a little choice will not accept very fat women, slightly fat can say that the wind is rain, but obesity is absolutely disgusting.

Obese women will always give people a greasy and sloppy feeling, you can make up for the layers of flesh on the stomach, and two or three chins, men generally do not like this. This reflects a woman's self-abandonment and indulgence.

Why don't men like fat women? Not just because of appearance, but for these three reasons

Women who are not disciplined do not deserve good feelings

In the eyes of men, image is indeed an important part, but this is not the most important, the most important thing is the problem reflected by obesity. Figure is also a woman's business card, and a man can initially judge the person's life by the woman's figure.

An excellent and self-disciplined woman will definitely be strict with herself, she will not allow herself to eat and drink, will not allow herself to lie down and not exercise, she will be very active to face life, but also understand what is restraint, such a woman will not allow her body to become the laughing stock of others.

What men mind is not the fat of women, but the indiscipline of women, and women who are not self-disciplined in the eyes of many men are not worthy of good feelings. But whoever has the choice wants to find a good person, at least not so ugly.

Why don't men like fat women? Not just because of appearance, but for these three reasons

Fat is actually a pathology, no one will resist beautiful people and things

Many fat women even feel that being fat is already discriminating, yes, fat should be valued rather than discriminated against, it is their own attention to this problem. Because you have to know that being fat is actually a pathology, obesity can cause a lot of diseases, which need to be paid attention to.

Don't always take your own weight seriously, women should lose weight when they should lose weight, don't feel that others don't like you are others are not right, fat is not healthy, nor good-looking, people themselves must know how to pursue self-motivation, and strive to become healthy and beautiful. Because only good people and things will always be liked.

Uncle Epilogue:

Men who can accept fat women are actually lowering their own standards, no one naturally likes fat people, if you like it, it is only because there is something worth liking in fat girls, but this can not be a reason for fat girls to be fat all the time. The figure is always your own, and you must take action when you have the opportunity to become thin and beautiful. Eat less, take one more step, and your world will be very different.

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