
He was said to be stupid, but he wrote this strange poem, which is easy to understand and thought-provoking

"That's it! When does the yufushi Uchiha have to be restored? Is it not entrusted to stay? What do you want to do? Wealth is not my wish, and the imperial hometown cannot be expected. Huai Liangchen is lonely, or planting a staff. Dengdonggao wrote poetry with Shu Xiao and Qing Liu. Talk about multiplication to the end, Lefu Destiny is doubtful! ”

At that time, Tao Yuanming was dissatisfied with everything in the official arena and decided to resign from the official government and go into hiding. Since you have come from nature, you must also return to nature to be complete. "Not bending the waist for five buckets of rice" is because you are unwilling to become inflamed and attached to the situation, maintain your own integrity, and "out of the mud without staining, mao qing lian without demon" is how precious.

What a wise choice to go to nature for the sake of your own pure, unpolluted heart. Look at how many of us know we are in a quagmire and are unwilling to extricate ourselves? Until I was completely dragged in, I regretted it.

He was said to be stupid, but he wrote this strange poem, which is easy to understand and thought-provoking

Luo Hongxian of the Ming Dynasty was such a person. At the age of 25, he won the title of the emperor at that time, but because he was dissatisfied with the official field that was full of black smoke and miasma at that time, he soon resigned from the official position and returned home to farm. At that time, it also caused quite a stir. Some say he's stupid, some say he's stupid, some say he's reading and his brain has a problem.

Luo Hongxian completely ignored all this, and spent three years compiling the first atlas on the mainland that could actually measure the province, "Guangyu Map". Not only that, he also wrote this group of "Awakening Poems", the most famous of which is the twelfth of them, which is easy to understand, thought-provoking, and also a strange poem, which seems to say to those who question his problems: I have a problem? No! You will understand it when you read it:

Hurriedly and painstakingly pursued, cold and warm in spring and autumn.

Toward the twilight of the family plan, ignorant and dim for their own plots.

Yes and no, what time is it, and when is it time to rest?

It is clear that there is a road, and thousands of people refuse to repair it.

Looking at the name of this group of poems, "Awakening Poems", we can understand that the poet's intention is to make us wake up, to treat the world again, to see the world clearly, and not to walk through our own life as confused as before.

He was said to be stupid, but he wrote this strange poem, which is easy to understand and thought-provoking

The most peculiar thing about the whole poem is that the first four words of each sentence are words composed of two overlapping words, that is, AABB style, which plays the role of emphasizing and highlighting the key points, which are just right to use, do not feel obscure at all, and are easy to understand, simply saying a person's life.

We people have been in a hurry to pursue our goals all our lives, and have spent many warm and cold spring and autumn; we are busy all day for our own family plans, and the road we have planned for ourselves is unclear and has no clear direction.

"When is the day" and "when is the rest" modify "right and wrong" and "trouble", and the road of life will be constantly filled with "right and wrong" and "trouble", which is a more torturous place, but everyone can't get rid of it.

At a certain stage of life, I suddenly realized which road my life really belonged to, even if there were thousands of roads in front of me, I would not go, I would only take the road that belonged to me.

He was said to be stupid, but he wrote this strange poem, which is easy to understand and thought-provoking

In today's parlance, it is: keep the original intention, you must always. Your original intention can not be forgotten all your life, you must continue to run through, do not be swayed by external "right and wrong" and internal "troubles", and finally realize the greatest meaning and value of your life.

Looking at the whole poem, the biggest highlight of this poem is its peculiar form, using two sets of overlapping words to open sentences, which is eye-catching and arouses the reader's interest. In just eight sentences, it is easy to understand and complete the life of a person, so that the reader is full of reflection, thought-provoking, thinking about how to live his life, rich in philosophical and educational significance.

For ourselves, what to pursue determines what your value is. No matter how difficult the road of pursuit is, as long as you always keep your original intention unchanged, you can finally reach the destination in your heart.