
"Double Gun Li Xiangyang" hosted China's first Spring Festival Gala, and his grandson Guo Xiaoxiao was involved in Hou Yaowen's legacy case

author:Tianjin Past
"Double Gun Li Xiangyang" hosted China's first Spring Festival Gala, and his grandson Guo Xiaoxiao was involved in Hou Yaowen's legacy case

(Guerrillas of the Plains)

The double-gun Li Xiangyang is the most deeply rooted screen image in the 50s, "One Li Xiangyang will scare you like this!" "One of the most classic lines in Chinese cinema. Guo Zhenqing (1927-2005), who played Li Xiangyang, was born and raised in Tianjin, and later went to changchun film studios to become a generation of superstars.

Very few celebrities who came out of Tianjin returned to their roots, with the exception of Guo Zhenqing, who later returned to Tianjin to work as a director at the Tianjin Radio and Television Art Troupe. In addition to acting in movies, he also loves to talk about crosstalk, and his "Selling Clothes" can still be heard on the Internet, which shows that Haihe culture has a deep influence on him. His grandson Guo Xiaoxiao studied under Hou Yaowen and was Guo Degang's brother-in-law.

Guo Zhenqing's father was a Wuqing native who worked as a tea house at the Huizhong Hotel in the French Concession of Tianjin. Guo Zhenqing was born in Tianjin. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Lao Guo's family returned to his hometown for refuge, and after the end of the Anti-Japanese War, the family returned to Tianjin City.

"Double Gun Li Xiangyang" hosted China's first Spring Festival Gala, and his grandson Guo Xiaoxiao was involved in Hou Yaowen's legacy case

(Gate Six)

Tianjin is the hometown of qu art, Guo Zhenqing went to Hebei Bird City and Nanshi City to watch the performances of old artists, loved to listen to the cross-talk of small mushrooms, Liu Baoquan's Beijing rhyme drum, and imitated in his heart while listening. He learned single strings, counting treasures, cross-talk, opera commentary, Peking Opera, and liked to step on stilts and practice martial arts.

At the age of 17, Guo Zhenqing went to the tram company as a conductor, got up at 3 a.m. every day, and worked 12 hours. The tram company has an amateur Peking Opera troupe composed of white-collar workers, Guo Zhenqing mao introduced himself, and the person in charge made an exception to absorb Guo Zhenqing, and he became the only blue-collar actor.

At the end of the 1940s, Guo Zhenqing was selected to study at the North China Staff Cadre School. After graduation, he applied for the Tianjin Federation of Trade Unions Workers' Cultural and Labor Corps, and was admitted after a series of examinations such as playing waist drums, twisting rice songs, singing, and dancing.

"Double Gun Li Xiangyang" hosted China's first Spring Festival Gala, and his grandson Guo Xiaoxiao was involved in Hou Yaowen's legacy case

(Young Guo Zhenqing)

Guo Zhenqing officially appeared on stage for the first time, playing the male protagonist in "One Step to Improve", which reflects the life of textile workers. This role was originally scheduled to be played by the head of the cultural and industrial troupe, the leader of the group went to Beijing to study, Guo Zhenqing took the initiative to ask for help, did not expect to be blindfolded as soon as he got on the stage, stood stupidly, did not know where to put it properly, and his lips were straight up, making the audience laugh.

But Guo Zhenqing was indeed a good actor, and soon after he was transferred to the Tianjin People's Art Theater to play the protagonist ma Shunbao, a railway worker, in the drama "Not a Cicada". Ma Shunbao was nicknamed "Ma Zhi". The drama premiered in the auditorium of Yew Wah Middle School, and was subsequently performed more than 100 times, and after the drama master Ouyang Yuqian saw it, he gave high recognition to Guo Zhenqing's performance.

Guo Zhenqing's first film was "Gate Six". "Gate Six" is a wharf on the Haihe River in Tianjin, where a large number of foot porters are concentrated. The film "Gate Six" is based on a drama created by the Tianjin Porters Collective, filmed by the Northeast Film Studio (Changchun Film Studio) and directed by the famous director Lu Ban. Lü Ban loved crosstalk and comedy, and later he formed the "Spring Comedy Club" with He Chi and others.

"Double Gun Li Xiangyang" hosted China's first Spring Festival Gala, and his grandson Guo Xiaoxiao was involved in Hou Yaowen's legacy case

Assistant director Suri came to Tianjin to select actors, and when picking actors with negative roles and bullies of the eighth generation, he selected Chen Shihe, a book critic. Chen Shihe was more than seventy years old at the time, and Suri asked the old man to recommend a candidate who could play the male protagonist Hu Er. Chen Shihe recommended Guo Zhenqing. "Gate Six" was filmed in Tianjin, and Xie Tian, Ge Cunzhuang, and Zhao Kuiying and Ma Yihua of Tianjin's music and art circles also had wonderful performances in the film.

Li Xiaogong, a young actor who played Hu Er's wife in "The Sixth Gate", came from a film school class, and at this time had participated in the filming of the movie "Glorious House", and with certain experience, he and Guo Zhenqing often exchanged acting skills, and the two had a long-term relationship and became married.

In "Gate Six", Guo Zhenqing became famous for his well-defined, thick-eyed positive image and unsculpted acting skills, and he was first transferred to the Beijing Film Actors Troupe, and then to the Changchun Film Studio, as a key training object, to participate in the Chinese Film Week held in Czechoslovakia.

"Double Gun Li Xiangyang" hosted China's first Spring Festival Gala, and his grandson Guo Xiaoxiao was involved in Hou Yaowen's legacy case
"Double Gun Li Xiangyang" hosted China's first Spring Festival Gala, and his grandson Guo Xiaoxiao was involved in Hou Yaowen's legacy case

(Double Gun Li Xiangyang)

At this time, Guo Zhenqing was already a little famous, but what made him really famous in the country was the classic movie "Plain Guerrilla". This film is adapted from the drama "Guerrilla Captain", which can be called China's first thrilling film on the theme of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, which tells the story of the guerrilla group led by Li Xiangyang against the Japanese and traitors against the background of the Japanese army's sweep of the Jin-Cha-Ji Border Region.

The Plains Guerrillas were filmed by Changchun Film Studio and co-directed by Suri and Wu Zhaodi. Suri is from the martial arts team, Wu Zhaodi was born in The United States, And when filming, the two were also a scene that shot a positive role, and another a scene that filmed a negative role. Suri was already very familiar with Guo Zhenqing when filming "Gate Six", so he naturally chose Guo Zhenqing to play Li Xiangyang.

At the beginning of the film, Li Xiangyang gallops with both hands off the reins of his horse, crossing the rain of bullets blocking the necessary road, the right-handed box cannon, the left-handed fast and slow machine, waving the gun to kill the enemy, and rushing to the headquarters to accept an urgent task - the most classic heroic image in the history of Chinese cinema turned out.

"Double Gun Li Xiangyang" hosted China's first Spring Festival Gala, and his grandson Guo Xiaoxiao was involved in Hou Yaowen's legacy case

In order to play Li Xiangyang well, Guo Zhenqing worked hard. Before filming, he and the crew went to Baoding Ranzhuang, which made the Japanese army feel frightened, to experience life, go down to the tunnels, visit heroes, and feel the actual combat environment of iron-blooded gunfire. Guo Zhenqing used to close one eye and aim when shooting a gun, which contrasted with the legendary image of "double gun Li Xiangyang", because Li Xiangyang was a sharpshooter, and there was no need to aim to shoot. Guo Zhenqing practiced again and again, from pistols, rifles to machine guns, fired thousands of empty bullets, and finally changed the problem of closing his eyes and aiming. Then he practiced riding for another month, and he tasted the taste of being thrown.

Later, when Cui Yongyuan filmed "Movie Legend", he found the old director Suri and remade the classic shot of "Plain Guerrilla", Guo Zhenqing's son Guo Xiaoqing played Li Xiangyang, and fang Zhidan, the son of Fang Hua, who played the Japanese squadron leader Matsui in the old version, also played his father's role that year.

After "Guerrilla on the Plains", Guo Zhenqing played Zhang Zhenhua, the commander of the Volunteer Army, in Wu Zhaodi's "Heroic Children"; in Wang Yan's "Independent Brigade", he played Ma Long, who transformed from a good man in the green forest to a revolutionary fighter, which is Guo Zhenqing's favorite role.

"Double Gun Li Xiangyang" hosted China's first Spring Festival Gala, and his grandson Guo Xiaoxiao was involved in Hou Yaowen's legacy case
"Double Gun Li Xiangyang" hosted China's first Spring Festival Gala, and his grandson Guo Xiaoxiao was involved in Hou Yaowen's legacy case

("Heroes and Daughters")

Throughout the 50s, to what extent did Guo Zhenqing fire? One example is that he hosted China's first Spring Festival Gala, and the people who attended it were all top figures: Ba Jin, Lao She, Guo Moruo, Zhou Libo, Qian Xuesen, Hua Luogeng, Mei Lanfang, Zhou Xinfang, Xin Fengxia, Wang Wenjuan, Yuan Xuefen, Hou Baolin, Guo Lanying, Zhang Ruifang, Bai Yang, and Zhao Dan.

It was in 1955, when the Central News Documentary Film Studio filmed the film documentary "Spring Festival Gala", which was screened during the Spring Festival in 1956. The general director of "Spring Festival Gala" is Zhang Junxiang, who has filmed "Chicken Feather Letter" and "Doctor Bethune", the up-and-coming Xie Jin is one of the four executive directors, and the stage supervisor is Xie Tian. At that time, Xie Jin came to the door to ask Guo Zhenqing's opinion, could he serve as a rapporteur (host) in the "Spring Festival Gala"? Guo Zhenqing was very happy.

Readers of Beijing Daily voted for the most popular film actor in 1956, Guo Zhenqing ranked fifth, and Guo Moruo wrote an inscription to Guo Zhenqing: "The crested dove sees the mulberry, and the independent branch thinks." Self-intoxication can not be delayed, flying high to the seas to praise peace, laurel chrysanthemum can be found. ”

"Double Gun Li Xiangyang" hosted China's first Spring Festival Gala, and his grandson Guo Xiaoxiao was involved in Hou Yaowen's legacy case
"Double Gun Li Xiangyang" hosted China's first Spring Festival Gala, and his grandson Guo Xiaoxiao was involved in Hou Yaowen's legacy case

(Hero Driver)

Leaving Tianjin's artists, there are particularly few leaves returning to the roots, and Guo Zhen's liquidation is one. In 1981, Guo Zhenqing left changchun film studios and returned to his hometown of Tianjin to work as a director in the Tianjin Radio and Television Art Troupe, co-directing the children's film "Big Tiger" with Yin Zhiming, which is a common memory of the "post-70s".

Guo Zhenqing said: "I thought for a long time that many provinces and cities across the country have made their own films, but tianjin, a big city, is a blank. I volunteered to come back. The TV series "Dragon's Mouth Big Copper Kettle" and "Tianjin Wei Has a Stilt Mania" filmed by Tianjin Television Station left Guo Zhenqing's last character image.

Guo Zhenqing has loved crosstalk since childhood, and although he has become a hot movie star, he has never given up crosstalk. In the early 1960s, a party of film actors and music performers was held in Tianjin, and Guo Zhenqing cooperated with zhu Xiangchen, a famous artist, to perform the classic cross-talk "Selling Estimated Clothes". There is a tacit understanding between the teases, and the whole program is flowing and tightly sewn.

"Double Gun Li Xiangyang" hosted China's first Spring Festival Gala, and his grandson Guo Xiaoxiao was involved in Hou Yaowen's legacy case
"Double Gun Li Xiangyang" hosted China's first Spring Festival Gala, and his grandson Guo Xiaoxiao was involved in Hou Yaowen's legacy case
"Double Gun Li Xiangyang" hosted China's first Spring Festival Gala, and his grandson Guo Xiaoxiao was involved in Hou Yaowen's legacy case

("Fourth Class Station")

It is said that Guo Zhenqing's "Selling Estimated Clothes" was learned with Wang Baotong, a disciple of Mr. Hou Baolin. Later, on different occasions, Guo Zhenqing cooperated with allegro master Li Runjie and cross-talk master Jiang Baolin. The cooperation with Jiang Baolin was in the 80s, Jiang Baolin was praised, Guo Zhenqing was teased, and the two cooperated tacitly. Guo Zhenqing is already the year of Hua Jia at this time, his performance is more relaxed and free, the opening pad is positive, the transition is natural, and the porcelain is solid and stable.

In the 1980s, Guo Zhenqing, Hou Baolin and Xie Tian attended a party together. Guo Zhenqing mentioned that he wanted his son Guo Xiaoqing to learn cross-talk with Hou Baolin, but Guo Xiaoqing did not want to learn at all. Hou Baolin said, that is easy to do, when you have a grandson, if you still want to learn cross-talk, then worship my son Yaowen as a teacher.

"Double Gun Li Xiangyang" hosted China's first Spring Festival Gala, and his grandson Guo Xiaoxiao was involved in Hou Yaowen's legacy case

(Elderly Guo Zhenqing)

Sure enough, Guo Zhenqing's grandson Guo Xiao began to learn cross-talk after graduating from primary school, and later entered the junior college class of Chinese opera and opera, and in 2004, he took Hou Yaowen as his teacher and worked in the railway literary and labor troupe, and his partner Liu Yuan was Zhang Qingsen's grandson, who studied under the famous cross-talk artist Li Lishan.

But then Guo Xiaoxiao was involved in the lawsuit. Hou Yaowen died suddenly, leaving no will, and it is said that Hou Yaohua and Guo Xiaoxiao drove away the things in Hou Yaowen's villa. Hou Yaowen's two daughters, Sister Hou Zhao, took Hou Yaohua, Niu Chengzhi and Guo Xiaoxiao to court. Guo Degang resolutely sided with the Hou Zhan sisters. (Text: He Yuxin)

"Double Gun Li Xiangyang" hosted China's first Spring Festival Gala, and his grandson Guo Xiaoxiao was involved in Hou Yaowen's legacy case

(Guo Xiaoxiao)

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