
Dialing the clouds to see the end of the day sometimes, keep the clouds open to see the moon


It is the 839th day that we have fought the epidemic together at the Mountain Engineering Institute

Yangchun in March, Fangfei in April

Mountain climbing, travel, playgrounds,

We plan to envision a wonderful campus life

But it was masked, online classes, full staff nucleic acid,

Campus disinfection, all-round prevention and control of these alternatives


We will feel our youth

Our wonderful college days have been delayed by the pandemic

There will be complaints, there will be regrets

But when you see the tired and rickety bodies of the paramedics

The restaurant staff who prepare food for us even if they are busy

Be diligent at all times

Don't let go of a security uncle who comes in and out

These patiences, these regrets

It is also the most unforgettable memory of our lives

The virus is merciless, and there is love in the world

May spring be full of joy, and the mountains and rivers be at peace for you and me

Recommended in previous periods

Dialing the clouds to see the end of the day sometimes, keep the clouds open to see the moon
Dialing the clouds to see the end of the day sometimes, keep the clouds open to see the moon
Dialing the clouds to see the end of the day sometimes, keep the clouds open to see the moon


Written by | Zhao Yadi

US version | Bian Yuqi

Audit | Chen Hao Kang Lu

-Produced by the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of Shandong Agricultural Engineering College-

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