
With 1 million yuan in hand, should I save money or buy a house this year and next? Wang Jianlin gave his opinion

author:New Talks on Real Estate

Whether to buy a house or not, this may be a problem that many people are very concerned about at present, especially in 2022, many families who just need to buy a house are in the stage of needing to buy a house and worrying about the decline in house prices. From 2020 to the present, the society has accumulated a large number of just-need families, these families have temporarily postponed the purchase plan in the past two years, but as a just-needed, the home purchase plan cannot be postponed indefinitely. There is also a reason why people are worried about the decline in house prices, because the current house prices in the mainland are still in a very high position, according to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, as of 2021, the average house price on the mainland is still as high as 10139 yuan / square meter. This is only the average house price, in most hot cities, house prices are more than 15,000 yuan / square meter, and the house prices in many cities are often tens of thousands of yuan a square meter.

With 1 million yuan in hand, should I save money or buy a house this year and next? Wang Jianlin gave his opinion

In the face of such high housing prices, buyers who just need to buy a house need to spend all of a family's savings, and finally have to carry a mortgage for twenty or thirty years. Therefore, if you choose to buy a house, you are concentrating all the wealth of a family and most of the future salary on the house. Therefore, once people buy a house, the price of the house falls, which means that the wealth of a family has depreciated. This is not alarmist, and many home buyers will face this problem in 2021. After June 2021, due to the impact of the tightening of financial regulation and control policies in the property market, house prices in many cities have fallen. Especially for the suburban real estate in some first- and second-tier hot cities, some housing companies have launched a lot of promotional activities with great price reduction in order to withdraw funds.

For example, a fan of the author Zhengzhou bought a 120-square-meter house at a price of 12,000 yuan / square meter in June 2021. But what this fan did not expect was that just half a month later, this real estate launched a large number of special-priced rooms, with a unit price of only 8900 yuan / square meter. That is to say, this fan lost nearly 400,000 yuan in only half a month after buying a house, with an average loss of more than 20,000 yuan a day. In this regard, the fan said that he did not think that house prices would fall, nor did he expect house prices to fall so much. In fact, it is not only the Zhengzhou property market that has appeared in this situation, after the second half of 2021, Qingdao, Harbin, Shenyang, Wuhan and Kunming and other cities have a similar situation, and many real estate prices have been reduced by more than 30%, which has made buyers who bought houses in the early stage face a lot of losses.

With 1 million yuan in hand, should I save money or buy a house this year and next? Wang Jianlin gave his opinion

Entering 2022, in the past few months, the regulation and control policies of the property market in various places have gradually shown signs of relaxation, and many cities have introduced rescue policies. According to statistics, more than 30 cities have introduced property market rescue policies since the Spring Festival, including many hot cities such as Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Qingdao, Harbin and Fuzhou. Among these policies, some are to relax the purchase restrictions, some to reduce the down payment ratio, and some to reduce the mortgage interest rate. With the continuous introduction of these favorable policies for the property market, many people think that house prices will rebound and rise as in the past, but what many people do not expect is that in recent months, house prices have not only not rebounded and risen, but have continued to fall. So, what is the reason for this? In this regard, many people in the industry said that the current capital chain of housing enterprises and investors is very tight, and now that favorable policies have been introduced, housing enterprises and speculators can just borrow profits to sell houses to return funds. Therefore, since the Spring Festival this year, many medium and large housing enterprises have opened a new round of price reduction promotions, all of which want to take advantage of favorable policies to sell more houses to withdraw funds, so as to alleviate the tight capital chain.

So, in today's property market environment, should people buy a house? If you have 1 million in cash, should you save money this year or next year or buy a house? In fact, for this problem, the fundamental reason still depends on the future trend of house prices. In this regard, Wang Jianlin, founder of Wanda Group, gave his own views. In 2013, Wang Jianlin talked about the trend of house prices in the next 10 years on a tv show, and Wang Jianlin believed that house prices in first- and second-tier hot cities will continue to rise in the next 10 years, because these cities have developed economies and more jobs, which can attract continuous inflow of population. Houses are inhabited, and as the population continues to flow in, people's demand for housing continues to increase, and house prices will naturally continue to rise.

With 1 million yuan in hand, should I save money or buy a house this year and next? Wang Jianlin gave his opinion

For most third- and fourth-tier cities, due to the continuous loss of population, Wang Jianlin is not optimistic about the housing price trend of third- and fourth-tier cities, and believes that the housing price trend of third- and fourth-tier cities in the next 10 years will be very limited. In addition, when talking about the reasons for the transformation of Wanda Group, Wang Jianlin said that the prosperity period of the real estate industry in any country has not exceeded 50 years, while the real estate industry in the mainland has been developing rapidly for more than 30 years. Therefore, Wang Jianlin believes that the development space of the mainland real estate industry is already very limited.

It can be seen that Wang Jianlin is not optimistic about the future development of the real estate industry, but at the same time, he does not completely deny the real estate industry, and Wang Jianlin is still optimistic about the housing price trend of first- and second-tier hot cities. Of course, housing prices in not first- and second-tier hotspot cities will continue to rise, which means that you can invest in houses in first- and second-tier hotspot cities. At present, "housing is not speculation" is still the bottom line of the property market regulation and control policy, and this policy will even become a permanent regulation policy. Therefore, if you hold 1 million cash in your hand, it is not recommended to invest in a house even in a first- and second-tier hot city. If you just need to buy a house, then it is recommended to buy a house, because the house you buy is for your own residence, so the sooner you buy, the better. In addition, at present, the capital chain of housing enterprises is tight, and now the price reduction and promotion of housing enterprises is relatively large, so they just need to buy a house this year and can also enjoy relatively large discounts.

With 1 million yuan in hand, should I save money or buy a house this year and next? Wang Jianlin gave his opinion

Overall, the current property market has not picked up, and the market is very poor. But now all localities have begun to introduce rescue policies to stabilize the property market, which means that over time, the trend of the property market will slowly stabilize. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the rebound in house prices, of course, there is no need to worry about the sharp fall in house prices. Therefore, whether to buy a house in 2022 or not depends on its own needs and its own economic conditions. Finally, I would also like to point out here that the global economic environment is unstable, and holding a certain amount of cash can cope with some sudden difficulties. Of course, if you are worried that inflation will cause your cash to depreciate, you can choose to buy some rare precious metals to resist inflation. In this regard, are you ready to buy a house in 2022?

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