
Why not grace Wang Jianlin?

Why not grace Wang Jianlin?

Chinese businessman Taoluo was the runner-up

2024-05-21 11:31Published in BeijingHuashang TaoluoProducer, creator in the field of finance

Why not grace Wang Jianlin?

Author | Bi Yajun

  In order to get 60 billion funds from investors such as PAG, Wanda Commercial has given up all the controlling shares;

  In order to repay the debt, he sold the actual control of Wanda Films, including the British Sunseeker Yacht Company acquired earlier, more than 10 Wanda Plazas, and even sold the Wanda headquarters building.

  But Wang Jianlin, who has sold so much property and cut so much meat, still does not seem to have gotten rid of the dilemma of poor money. Recently, there has been news that various Wanda shares have been frozen or even enforced. For example, today it was reported that:

  Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group has added a new equity freezing message, freezing the amount of equity of more than 1.124 billion yuan, and the freezing period is from May 11, 2024 to May 10, 2027.


  There is no love without a cause, and there is no debt without a cause.

  Wang Jianlin and Wanda's debts and troubles today are naturally too fierce in the early years, and they are self-inflicted, and they will have to be repaid sooner or later.

  But in 2017, he began to sell his property to pay off his debts, and every time he sold a lot, until now, how much debt does he owe, and why does this debt never seem to be exchanged.

  And even the more you get, the more you will be collected.


  It's normal for a large business to have debt.

  For a company like Wanda, being debt-free at all is neither realistic nor even normal.

  One of the driving forces of today's economic development, whether you admit it or not, and how you look at it, the reality that the world cannot turn back to is to put it bluntly, including borrowing.

Only when we appropriately borrow money for development will enterprises and even the economy as a whole be more dynamic and progressive. On the contrary, they may miss opportunities, lose their vitality, fall into stagnation, and retreat instead of advancing.

  Isn't the recession of the Japanese economy seen by many as the result of companies and households not actively borrowing money and not struggling with their balance sheets?

  Recently, our economy has not been very active, and many people think that everyone is not actively borrowing money, and we are constantly coming out with policies to stimulate people to continue borrowing?

  In this context, Wanda, which has sold so many assets to repay debts, should be trustworthy, and Wanda, which still has many assets, should also have space to borrow new to repay the old, so that it will not have to sell its property, it will not have to sell its property, and it will not be more and more fierce to collect debts.

  Could it be that behind this, the door of Wanda Financing is still closed, and the creditors are unwilling to let Wang Jianlin breathe?


  It should be said that since Wanda was in distress in 2017, Wang Jianlin's performance has been enough to be a man and responsible.

  Just like some netizens said, he didn't choose to cash out and run away, didn't choose to repay his debts, lie flat, and didn't cheat, poke out huge holes and engage in some indiscriminate, but has been trying to find ways to solve the problem, including constantly cutting off the flesh of the love to fulfill the contract and pay the bill.

  On the other hand, Wang Jianlin's business soared and floated a little in the early days, but in general, he was still very capable and diligent.

Among the Biaohu and fluttering entrepreneurs of the times, he is also the earliest to learn a lesson, the earliest to rein in the precipice, and the more sincere and thorough reform.

  Including the problems encountered by Wanda today, the primary responsibility is naturally to play the problem in his abacus, but it cannot be ignored that the general environment of the past few years has had a great impact on Wanda's business, whether it is offline retail, cultural tourism and sports, etc.

  At the last level, Wanda's development does not say how much it has contributed to the society, but from another point of view, such a 70-year-old entrepreneur who is still working hard, losing weight several times and still working hard, and can take on things when something happens, such a large enterprise, with a wide range of industries and employment, if something happens and collapses, it is at least not a good thing for the society.

  On the contrary, to help him get through the difficulties, maybe it will be better for him, hello, and everyone will be better.

  So, the question for me is retarded, why not forgive Wang Jianlin? Give him a little more time, space and conditions to catch his breath and solve problems more calmly and better.

  Of course, there may be unknown circumstances in this, but that's another story. I just think that after looking at the public information over the years, although Xiao Wang is really not good, it is not easy for Lao Wang to be true, and he is not the kind of bad guy who is high-sounding and foolish behind his back.

  The old man is not worthy of forgiveness, but if people do have difficulties in trying their best and do not want to cheat, they should still give a little more understanding and support to the extent possible.


  Welcome to pay attention to [China Business Strategy], know the people, and read the legend of Taostrategy.

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  • Why not grace Wang Jianlin?

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