
Why is Houttuynia gotuy grass called "harmful grass"? What happens when you eat houttuynia regularly? The article is clear

author:Dr. Choi popular

Houttuynia cordata is the "female man" in wild vegetables, natural antibiotics, can regulate a lot of inflammatory houttuynia cordata, also known as folded ear root, because Dali is full of the shadow of houttuynia cordata, cold mix folded ear root is the most common dish found by Dali people.

Why is Houttuynia gotuy grass called "harmful grass"? What happens when you eat houttuynia regularly? The article is clear

The nature of houttuynia cordata is not gentle, wind and fire, very spicy, it has a special smell, very strong, very pungent, similar to the fishy smell, many people can not stand this taste, no blessing to dissipate, respect it.

People who like houttuynia, love to death, are willing to be captive for this special taste for a lifetime, and would rather have no meat for a day than a day without houttuynia.

Learn about Houttuynia cordata:

Houttuynia cordata is an herb included in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia, and the source of the herb is the dried aerial part of the tribaix family of plants. In summer, the stems and leaves are lush and the flower spikes are harvested for a long time, remove impurities, and dry in the sun.

Herbal traits: the stem is flat cylindrical, twisted, the surface is brownish yellow, with several longitudinal edges, the nodes are obvious, and there are residual whisker roots on the lower nodes; the texture is brittle and easy to break.

The leaves are alternate, the leaves are curled and creased, flattened and heart-shaped; the apex is tapering, full margin; the upper surface is dark yellowish green to dark brown, and the lower surface is grayish green or gray-brown; the petiole is slender, and the base is combined with the leaves to form a sheath.

Spike-like inflorescences are apex, yellow-brown, crushed with a fishy smell, houttuynia cordata smells spicy, cold sex, and belongs to the lung meridian.

Why is Houttuynia gotuy grass called "harmful grass"? What happens when you eat houttuynia regularly? The article is clear

What are the benefits of Houttuynia cordata for the body?

Houttuynia cordata has the benefits of diarrhea lung fire, lung pus discharge, bacteriostatic, and anti-inflammatory.

In clinical studies, it is believed that the chemical components contained in Houttuynia cordata can have different degrees of bacteriostatic effect on Staphylococcus aureus, Diplococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus A, Influenza Bacillus, Catarrhacoccus, Typhoid Bacillus, Conjugated Bacillus, Gram-negative positive and other bacteria, and it can also enhance the phagocytic ability of human white blood cells, improve the body's immunity, and have a good anti-inflammatory effect.

It has a good therapeutic effect on respiratory infections such as chronic tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, atmospheric pneumonia, and lung abscesses. In addition, there is also a certain cure for pharyngitis and dysentery.

Chinese medicine believes that this medicine has the effect of sterilization, bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, promoting tissue repair, analgesia and hemostasis, etc., and is a Chinese herbal medicine with great use value.

Why is Houttuynia gotuy grass called "harmful grass"? What happens when you eat houttuynia regularly? The article is clear

Why is Houttuynia gotuy grass called "harmful grass"?

First of all, according to relevant research, houttuynia cordata is the source of many allergies, such as houttuynia cordata contains houttuynia cordata, which will cause many people to have allergic reactions, resulting in bitterness, odor, acidity in the body's taste, nausea and vomiting and other situations.

In severe cases, it can also have a series of effects on the body, damage to gastrointestinal health, once there is acid reflux, damage to the esophagus, and may even produce anaphylactic shock.

Secondly, some people say that houttuynia cordata contains aristolochic acid, but in fact, this statement is not accurate.

In fact, houttuynia cordata contains the ingredient of aristolochia lactam, which is a metabolite of aristolochic acid.

Why is Houttuynia gotuy grass called "harmful grass"? What happens when you eat houttuynia regularly? The article is clear

Aristolochic acid in the human body can be metabolized into aristolochia lactam, and then excreted through the urine, although aristolochic acid carcinogenicity is already a matter of certainty, but whether aristolochic lactam is carcinogenic, it is still not very clear.

In addition, Houttuynia cordata injection is a previously produced injection drug purified by the traditional Chinese medicine Houttuynia cordata.

It can have the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, resisting some bacteria and viruses, and can be used for anti-inflammatory treatments such as upper respiratory tract infections, bronchitis, pneumonia, and even lung abscesses, with remarkable efficacy.

However, clinical statistics have found that many patients have allergic reactions when using Houttuynia cordata injection, which may cause shock and death when severe.

Therefore, the use of Houttuynia cordata injection has been prohibited, and other preparations, such as Houttuynia cordata syrup, can be taken, and there are fewer allergic reactions.

Why is Houttuynia gotuy grass called "harmful grass"? What happens when you eat houttuynia regularly? The article is clear

What happens when you eat houttuynia regularly?

It is not recommended to eat houttuynia every day or regularly.

Houttuynia cordata has a spicy taste, slightly cold, returns to the lungs, has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, eliminating carbuncle and draining pus, diuretic and drainage, and is used to alleviate lung-related symptoms, such as cough, pneumonia and bronchitis, and is a traditional folk Chinese herbal medicine in mainland China.

Houttuynia cordata is rich in protein, vitamins, oils and other nutrients, extremely high nutritional value, is one of the commonly used wild vegetables, and has been identified by the Ministry of Health as one of the plant resources of "both medicine and food".

Houttuynia cordata contains a variety of chemical components, mainly volatile components, flavonoids, phenolic acids and organic nitrogen-containing ingredients, pharmacological activity, houttuynia herb has a wide range of physical activity, with antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and other effects.

Its antiviral activity is particularly significant, although houttuynia cordata has so many benefits, but for cold deficiency and negative sores to avoid, eating too long, may lead to stomach and abdomen discomfort.

Why is Houttuynia gotuy grass called "harmful grass"? What happens when you eat houttuynia regularly? The article is clear

What other weeds with medicinal properties have you seen?

For example: willow leaves and willow buds, willow leaves can defeat the fire and clear heat, and detoxification, willow buds have a very high protein content, you can make tea or stir-fry to eat.

For example: yellow cauliflower, can clear heat, anti-inflammatory and stop bleeding, consume food, dampness, calm the eyes, for milk, insomnia, urination and so on have a better effect.

For example: toon, can treat stomach pain, rheumatism and paralysis pain, etc., has the effect of aphrodisiac tonic kidney, hair nourishment.

For example: dandelion, is the antipyretic antidote in the antipyretic medicine, sweet, bitter, return to the liver meridian, stomach meridian, has the effect of detoxification, dampness, swelling and disintegration, is the treatment of sores and carbuncles.

Cradle carbuncle, pulmonary carbuncle, intestinal carbuncle can be treated, of which the effect of treating cradle carbuncle is excellent, breast hyperplasia patients or breast cancer in the early stage of many with its soaking water to drink, have been greatly relieved, some have been completely treated.

It can also be combined with Artemisia annua to treat damp heat, jaundice, and yang huang.

Why is Houttuynia gotuy grass called "harmful grass"? What happens when you eat houttuynia regularly? The article is clear

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