
Pr | make a frame-drawing card point effect

Now the more popular short video production method is to keep the video picture conversion and the accent of the audio in the same frame, that is, the frame card point effect, so that the audience can give people a very smooth and smooth feeling when watching the video. Let's follow the mosquitoes to see how to make a frame card point video!


Create a new project file named "Frame Drawing Card Point" Double-click the blank space of the Project panel, open the Import dialog box, select the video and audio footage to be imported, and click the Open button, as shown in the figure.

Pr | make a frame-drawing card point effect


Import the footage into the Project panel, drag the video footage into the V1 track, right-click the footage, and select the Unlink menu item in the pop-up shortcut menu, as shown in the figure.

Pr | make a frame-drawing card point effect


Click to select the audio file in the A1 track, press the Delete key to delete the audio, and drag the audio material from the Project panel into the A1 track, as shown in the figure.

Pr | make a frame-drawing card point effect


Use the Razor tool to crop out excess audio so that the audio footage aligns with the video footage, as shown in the illustration.

Pr | make a frame-drawing card point effect


Move the mouse pointer to the edge of the A1 and A2 tracks, the mouse pointer changes to a up and down arrow shape, click and drag the mouse down to make the A1 track wider, move the current-time indicator to the position of the first wave of the audio, and click the Add Marker button as shown.

Pr | make a frame-drawing card point effect


Use the same method to mark at the subsequent peak positions, marking a total of 6 points, as shown in the figure.

Pr | make a frame-drawing card point effect


Use the Razor tool to arbitrarily cut the video footage into 6 copies, as shown in the picture.

Pr | make a frame-drawing card point effect


Click and drag the second video footage to the left until a black line appears indicating that it is aligned with the marker point, release the mouse, as shown in the figure.

Pr | make a frame-drawing card point effect


Use the same method to move the position of the later footage for alignment, and crop out the excess audio with the Razor tool, as shown in the figure.

Pr | make a frame-drawing card point effect


View the card point effect in the Program Monitor panel, as shown in the figure.

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