
The wilderness of time has sprinkled the same dream as ever, and I have protected this life in a silent and tenacious time and space

author:Jiayi my heart

Yi Nengjing said: "The experience of life is not in vain, whether you are kind or malicious to me, I have already sniffed it out with my sense of smell." I like my age, dare to cry, dare to love, dare to laugh, dare to enter and dare to retreat, there is a way out, you don't let me live to this age, I didn't know that this age can be so good. ”

Under the accumulation of years, we slowly have our own proud family and children, although we have experienced all kinds of difficulties and dangers, we finally have to taste what we want, maybe we have never been satisfactory, but to achieve such results, we have exhausted our full strength, so we will cherish and love more.

It has never been perfect, but everyone is striving in a more just and reasonable direction, and only by chasing along the established trajectory of the heart can we completely have no complaints and no regrets in this life. The first half of life's journey has come to an end, because of the energy can meet more people, see more scenes and feelings.

With his own enthusiasm, still in the itinerary of his life, although no matter how hard he tries, he can't stop the water, but he has experienced hundreds of battles in so many of his life journeys, even if he can't push himself to the highest point, he already has the calmness and vastness of looking down on life and death, no longer stuck in the whirlpool of gain and loss, and will not let himself be disappointed to the extreme.

Life is our own, we must be careful and careful to take care of it, because it is really fragile, but also very thoughtless, we just need to let ourselves cherish the beauty and happiness in front of us, those large and small cumbersome and complicated will not affect ourselves in the slightest. This life is already a little exhausted, and we must use our own strength to protect the rest of the time.

Therefore, to live a little selfish, when unhappy, to repair themselves well, will not seek excessive dependence and dependence, and will not endlessly consume and damage their own energy and calories, they are so precious, and our greatest responsibility is to continue to find more nutrition and sources for them to provide for themselves, in order to meet softer warmth and beauty in the impermanence of life.

Although the heart is very repulsive to negative things, they are like the yin and yang five elements of life, always interdependent relationship, good and bad are like twins, only by doing our best to put life in a calm and positive state, those bad emotions can be far away little by little. Therefore, to maintain their own good form and mentality, life can slowly grow into a more intimate existence in the way forward.

The wilderness of time has sprinkled the same dream as ever, and I have protected this life in a silent and tenacious time and space

Su Qian said: "Women see the world more, travel, read, but everything that can make the heart richer, even if you force yourself to try more." People's narrowness, entanglement, and weakness are all because the world has seen too little. Years will turn you into a woman, but experience will make you a rich woman. We have to work hard to become the person we like. ”

Some things seem difficult, but in the process of slowly persevering, they also have more cognition and improvement, which is the result of forcing themselves, and later it has become their own willingness and willingness, because the essence of life is the existence of profit and avoidance of harm, they like beautiful things, especially reject things that they do not like.

As a woman, there are both sad elements and lucky companionship, which is the most true portrayal and presentation of life, they will always be in a state of joy, unconsciously mixed with a little compassion, but will not let it show the opportunity and challenge to grasp the overall situation, because life can only get enough returns and recognition in the continuation of joy.

The world is still so cold and determined, the strength of men always appears more fierce and powerful, as women, we must expand and extend the weakness and tenacity of our own nature infinitely, which is the most sincere expectation and vigilance from the depths of life, always prompting us: what kind of problems encountered must be transformed into a soft form, in order to face and solve more favorablely.

Every day, we must strive to ask ourselves to improve a little, that is the self-discipline and self-improvement of being a woman, but also the ability and wisdom required by being born as a person, only the continuous progress and growth of women can obtain more favors and strengths of fate, only in this way can they get a world in this challenging society to be able to accommodate themselves, that is the process and results that they have won through their own efforts, only their own uniqueness.

The weaknesses and defects in the depths of human nature need to be restrained and improved through their own continuous efforts, and with the passage of time, our lives will show a clearer and more visible state of mind and mentality, and the accumulation and precipitation day after day is the best gift and grace that life gives us. A woman's life seems simple and ordinary, but she must assume the inheritance and responsibility of nurturing life, and let her ordinary life emerge with colorful brilliance.

The wilderness of time has sprinkled the same dream as ever, and I have protected this life in a silent and tenacious time and space

Liang Yongan said: "You feel that it is difficult to complete a big thing. But no matter how difficult it is, it is also done day by day, and the things that come to the front every day are concrete. That big thing you compare with your own strength, you can't complete it. But once you put it in each day, you can walk it over. Many people are intimidated, but they are actually intimidated by the whole. ”

The combination and composition of life is such a simple to complex, and finally it is necessary to return to the simple process and result, seemingly inconspicuous day after day, but the energy and value contained in it are really used to the fullest, they will make life more praise and reputation under the continuous nourishment, and will make the colorful light of light and shadow into the joy of the heart.

The more you yearn for simplicity and happiness, the more you must let yourself manage your own heart and ability, no longer let greed and inadequacy occupy the dominance and guidance of life, and strive to collect more essences and essences in the process of time passing. Your busyness and fulfillment will only help you become more mature and stable, and in the future days of life, only you will continue to accumulate and accumulate, and condense more life for the simple life in the future.

Every seemingly ordinary day, always hiding too many surprises and surprises, you have to use more time and energy to explore and seek, but also let yourself in such a life to adhere to the bottom line and principles, will not allow any negative emotions to affect their own positive and hard work, such persistence and persistence will make you encounter more beautiful scenery and warmth on the road in the future.

The long life path that belongs to us, always unable to see the edge and edge, every step in the process will encounter heartbeat and excitement, that is, the beautiful things in life are constantly leading and calling, so that those troublesome thorns are far away and invisible, may not be abandoned forever, but can get rid of more tiredness and palpitations in the time they grasp.

No matter how difficult and bitter the day, into each day's time is only a little bit of bitterness, we have to make ourselves try to add more honey and sugar, in order to be able to stick to the blossoming day in such years, you will not only get more intoxicating fragrance and strength, but also their long-term persistence and perfection, enough to make you have a more growth and maturity.

The wilderness of time has sprinkled the same dream as ever, and I have protected this life in a silent and tenacious time and space

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