
Because of this upgrade, I am ready to start a domestic high-end flagship!

In order to impact the high-end, domestic mobile phone manufacturers have made full efforts, which can be seen from the new flagship recently released by the head manufacturer OPPO. At the publicity level, OPPO found Jiang Wen to shoot a short film for him, "forced" directly full; in terms of products, OPPO Find X5 Pro not only carries the top flagship chip on the market (Qualcomm Snapdragon 8/Tianji 9000), but also equipped with independent self-developed NPU, plus the top screen and camera, which is full of ambition.

In fact, since the release of Find N at the end of last year, and even retroactively since the debut of the first generation of Find X, OPPO has made great progress step by step.

Because of this upgrade, I am ready to start a domestic high-end flagship!

However, in addition to the product, the high-end mobile phone is expensive, and consumers will inevitably have some concerns when purchasing.

Xiao Lei knows some friends who are willing to pay for high-end mobile phones, such as friend A, who is a "Native of Shenzhen", and what he cares most about is not the price, but the problem of "peace of mind". He said that now many mobile phone brands although the products have been done, the service has not kept up, in case of any problem with the mobile phone has been enough to worry, if you encounter customer service "play Tai Chi" or return, repair period is very short then it is really intolerable, if you buy a high-end mobile phone but there is no corresponding high-end service, it is better to buy a low-end mobile phone to use on the line. Another friend B, he said that he is usually too busy at work and wants to change domestic high-end mobile phones, but he does not know which to buy purely depending on the product parameters, and he is worried that if he feels that he does not like it after buying it, the cost of replacement is also relatively high.

Although the idea of Xiaolei's friend may be only an isolated case, it is undeniable that the service has indeed become one of the key factors influencing the average consumer's decision to buy which mobile phone. In our view, based on such user needs, it is imperative for mobile phone manufacturers and sales channels to join hands to improve services, but what Xiao Lei did not expect is that someone has already "shot".

How much can the "emperor-level" service really be?

When it comes to online and offline all-platform sales services, Xiao Lei believes that's reputation should be the highest. Its own logistics system ensures the delivery speed, and the responsible sales and exchange service has been affirmed by the majority of consumers. Generally speaking, smartphones sold by enjoy up to 180 days of "only change and no repair" after-sales protection, and the insurance cycle is also the longest in its peers, ranging from 7 to 30 days. Such a service level is already very good compared with other channels, but when everyone feels that Jingdong's existing service level has reached the ceiling, Xiao Lei found that the after-sales service of the OPPO Find X5 series (adding links or hyperchains here) on Jingdong has been raised to a new level.

In terms of specific data, OPPO Find X5 series sharing has three major rights: 30 days of worry-free return + 30 days of insurance + 365 days of only change and no repair, in the Tianji version also for the first time to provide 99 yuan can enjoy the annual unlimited broken screensaver service, as well as the benefits of trade-in to high subsidies of 1000 yuan. The degree of thoroughness of after-sales service is completely beyond Xiao Lei's cognition.

Because of this upgrade, I am ready to start a domestic high-end flagship!

As mentioned earlier, the target consumer has a certain understanding of the product itself when considering high-end mobile phones, and the overall performance of the mobile phone has reached the psychological expectations of consumers before it is possible to enter the target list. Then, in addition to the comprehensive strength and brand influence of the product itself, the only factors that can influence their decision-making are after-sales concerns.

And what are the after-sales concerns? Specifically, there are nothing more than the following points. First, what should I do if I regret buying it back? If the actual experience of electronic products worth thousands or even tens of thousands of smaller ones does not meet expectations, can it be returned for a refund, and will the platform provide "regret medicine"? Second, high-end mobile phones to buy back, will not encounter a big promotion price reduction, buy loss? Now that the price of consumer goods fluctuates so much, does the sales platform have any policies to reassure users? Third, the smart phone is not a bad body, in the life cycle of the problem is also possible, if it takes many months, six months, what if there is a failure? Manufacturers, platform management does not care?

In response to the above after-sales concerns, in fact, both manufacturers and sales channels have launched corresponding solutions, but on high-end products, if you want to make the corresponding consumer groups recognize and form stickiness, then there is no solution alone, but also to do a better service, or even "inner volume".

Returning to this set of service policies of the JD & OPPO Find X5 series, with the comprehensive upgrade of the three dimensions of experience time limit, insurance time limit and replacement time limit, Xiao Lei can boldly say that the purchase concerns of potential users of high-end mobile phones have been basically eliminated, and the pain points of purchasing high-end mobile phones have been officially ended. In fact, the current high-end smart phones have been difficult to open up obvious differences, in the case of product strength to form a balance, the improvement of service can always bring unexpected effects: in the case of product strength is almost the same, why don't I choose a more perfect and worry-free product after-sales?

As Xiao Lei mentioned "Friend A" and "Friend B", high-end consumers represented by them have paid thousands of yuan to buy high-end mobile phones, and they must hope to solve any problems encountered after purchase quickly, conveniently and worry-freely. The OPPO Find X5 series of posting single reviews seems to prove that the improvement of after-sales service has indeed added a lot of points to the product. The competition of high-end smart phones has entered the white-hot stage, from the beginning of the fight for a single product to the fight for the brand, and now it has entered the stage of fighting ecology. Xiao Lei can assert that the key to the next competition is whether the after-sales network is perfect and whether the service is thoughtful. Obviously, at this level, the OPPO Find X5 series, which has been empowered by's after-sales service, has obvious advantages.

Because of this upgrade, I am ready to start a domestic high-end flagship!

In fact, as early as last year when the Release of Find N, OPPO and Jingdong also reached a similar cooperation, launched an experience officer activity, so that users can try the phone within 30 days, worry-free, within 30 days after receiving the goods, as long as the mobile phone is intact and meets the conditions can be refunded, giving users a "regret medicine" to experience the folding screen mobile phone, the response is also very good. It is not difficult to see that when consumers' consumption pain points are solved, their consumption potential will be released, which is not a new idea for mobile phone manufacturers.

Manufacturers and consumers need this kind of "BUFF"

Sales channels and mobile phone brands cooperate to launch upgraded versions of the service, which is obviously a win-win for consumers and manufacturers.

The benefits for consumers are very obvious,: lowering the threshold for consuming high-end products. The threshold mentioned here is not all the price threshold, but also the threshold of the psychological level: spending a lot of money to buy high-end mobile phones is not "gambling", not a desperate bet, but a platform to provide comprehensive protection, so we can easily make decisions and rest assured that we can consume.

For manufacturers, the most direct benefit is naturally to drive the sales of high-end mobile phones, and incidentally can also enhance the brand's reputation. Looking at the high-end market in many consumer areas around the world, we can find that high-end products can be recognized, and word of mouth is very important. The formation of word of mouth and service are strongly related, especially for high-end consumer groups, the flaws in the after-sales link may bring a domino effect, on the contrary, the service is done well, and the word-of-mouth effect is natural.

Perhaps, in the future, this kind of upgraded service jointly customized by brands and channels will become the norm, and the service competition between different platforms may become more intense. For Jingdong, this cooperation with OPPO is also a good opportunity to show the parent board, originally Jingdong is known for its service, before the industry "inner volume" through cooperation with the head manufacturers to lay their own service mentality, Jingdong's reputation in the hearts of consumers, naturally will rise.

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