
The anchor said that the simulcast丨 opened the password of this "city of the future"?

Today is the 5th anniversary of the establishment of Xiong'an New District. From "a blank piece of paper" to "joint growth", what is the dazzling code of Xiong'an New Area, the "city of the future"? Anchor Bao Xiaofeng thought of a word, poking the video

Today is the 5th birthday of Xiong'an New District. 5 years ago, Xiong'an was still a hot word, and now Xiong'an has become a hot land. Overlooking Xiong'an, you can see The xiong'an station, the largest high-speed rail station in Asia, and you can see the landmark buildings scattered.

The anchor said that the simulcast丨 opened the password of this "city of the future"?

△ Xiong'an Station on March 31 (drone photo).

Some people say that every day in Xiong'an is new. What's new is the cityscape, but also the weather. What is the brilliant code for Xiong'an to paint a wonderful picture on "a blank piece of paper" and build a "city of the future" on "a flat land"? If I were to say, it could be described in one word: high. From high starting point planning, to high standard construction, to high-quality development, a "high" word runs through the development of Xiong'an.

There is a detail that in the first two years of Xiong'an, almost did not move a brick and tile. This is because "every inch of land is clearly planned before construction begins", carefully promoted, in order to leave no regrets. Whether it is relying on the wisdom of dozens of academicians or building a scientific and rigorous planning system, it reflects the planning before construction.

The anchor said that the simulcast丨 opened the password of this "city of the future"?

△ Xiong'an Citizen Service Center on March 31 (drone photo).

The word "high" is also reflected in the fact that Xiong'an New City is built on the ground, and it is also built on the "cloud", the cloud of wisdom. This statement is very vivid, saying another feature of Xiong'an construction: building a smart city. From the digital platform, to the intelligent transportation, to the exploration of unmanned operations, Xiong'an is becoming more and more "smart".

The anchor said that the simulcast丨 opened the password of this "city of the future"?

△ On March 18, in the smart charging area of the Jucun substation in Xiong'an New District, the plug-in gun robot charged an electric vehicle.

I noticed a set of data: at the beginning of spring this year, 43 key projects were started at the same time, and more than 200 key projects will be arranged throughout the year. The Xiong'an New District, which pressed the fast-forward button, is now majestic and vibrant, and this "city of the future" will continue to lead the future.

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