
Topic丨 Qingming Day, there are words sent far away

Guests in this issue:

Song Xiaojuan Liang Jinxing Liu Bingkuan Hang Jianxin Xing Fei

Tian Jianling, He Xin, Luo Huan, Liang Wei

Spring rain thinks clearly

Wen 丨 Song Xiaojuan

The clear rain sprinkled on the earth, with the crisp sound of large beads and small beads falling on the jade plate, playing a spring song.

Qingming is a festival of distant thoughts. Like the raindrops that leave people's tears, the misery and gentleness of rendering a longing, so the spring rain becomes entangled, there is no summer rain, there is no autumn rain, the spring rain is always eager to talk back, and the mood is also covered with shallow sorrow.

The memories of the Qingming rain are those pure pasts of childhood, always accompanied by flying rain, lined up into the martyrs' cemetery of the ancient city, stood in the square of the rain, to complete a ceremony, and then went home and wrote in a dignified manner on the text: "With a sad mood, we see the golden shining characters of the martyrs' cemetery through the cold rain: "The people's heroes are immortal!" "Write it once a year, until you say goodbye to your student days.

When I remember my childhood, I liked to pick willow branches and various wildflowers and weave gorgeous garlands together, such wreaths have grassy fragrances, floral fragrances, and pale greens and pure whites, like a very late childhood. And I like to look for a martyr in the martyrs' cemetery, silently read his deeds, and gently wear this colorful garland on his tombstone. These memories emerge in the wet qingming rain, like naughty grass leaves on the ground, drinking the spring rain and thriving.

Thoughts in the drizzle, like swallows with wet wings, return from the far south, looking for the eaves of the memory, and then pulling the branches and blades of grass, little by little to build their own nests. Then hide in the world you have created, thinking and reminiscing.

Qingming remembers lovesickness

Wen 丨 Liang Jinxing

It used to be normal for people to live to be eighty or ninety years old. As everyone knows, I will also add a little lovesickness with the wheel of the years. However, what is it like in my heart that my relatives who are still old have left me? Whenever it comes to Qingming, this sorrow is even stronger.

That month, absent-mindedly, I lay down on the next step as high as the Xinhua Dictionary because I stepped on the air.

The first few weeks of recuperation at home were still quite painful. In the small talk with my cousin WeChat, I learned that my aunt was gone. Later, I learned that my family did not tell me because my foot fracture was not completely better. Indignant, he called his father and confronted him. Whenever we talk about when my aunt left us before I was sixty years old, looking at the beautiful life of the moment, our brothers and sisters all sighed.

My aunt brought me a baby. The wife said that when the aunt saw the baby, she slept soundly.

The swaddling child inevitably cries at night, either hungry or uncomfortable. "Wow, wow" the cry emanated from the side of Kangtou's daughter-in-law and resounded through the cave. The aunt sat up and said to herself, "Is Baby hungry?" Seeing that the child's quilt had long been kicked away by her own little foot, the aunt first pulled up the quilt to cover the baby, and then patted her body with her right hand and hummed the tone of the baby. At this time, the wife who saw the eldest aunt hurriedly dressed under the kangtou was hooked by sleep. On the small tea table is already a set of milk powder, in advance cool boiling water bottles, spoons, aunt lifted the kettle with hot water, scooped three spoons of milk powder, tightened the lid, gently shake a few times... Drop a few more drops to the tip of your hand, use your tongue to pay off, and feel that the milk is not hot before stopping the shaking bottle in your hand. On the kangtou, the aunt took the child in her arms, tucked the pacifier into the child's lips, saw the child sucking, and then slowly lifted the bottle, adjusted the height of the bottle at the right time, and ensured that the child could drink until it was finished. Sometimes, while eating, the pacifier is stretched next to the child's mouth, and the aunt knows that the child is almost eaten and sleepy. After placing the bottle, dry the milk from your mouth with your child's small apron. The well-fed little one went back to sleep peacefully on her "sleep". The aunt went down to the kangtou to clean up the bottle, prepared boiling water, and cleaned up the food utensils eaten by the baby on the coffee table.

Now, it has been almost two years since my aunt left us.

I buried my lovesickness deep in my heart. After the Qingming Dynasty, there are two more months, which is the second year of the eldest aunt.

May she not be alone in that world.

It's time for clarity again

Wen 丨 Liu Bingkuan

When it was clear again, the rain was still coming as expected in previous years. "Rain during the Qingming Dynasty" - the rain of the Tang Dynasty is like the pure bells of the deep mountains, cold and long. Staring silently from that distant village, it was like a mother's eyes, and like a father's figure. Loving, forbearing, thick, affectionate.

Hometown tung tree flowers should bloom, when I was a child, I always folded a branch full of flowers, picked the flowers, and licked the sweet flower buds, really sweet, sweet but not greasy, sweet and refreshing. In addition to the over-folded rape flowers, the most folded ones are the tung flowers. In the spring, it rains a lot and rains for a long time. The roads in the countryside were mushed into a layer of mud, and the fallen flowers were stirred in the mud along with the branches, and when the rain stopped, they all dried into mud blocks, where there were any flowers. Children from school wear large mud shoes on the dirt road, and if they don't walk well, they will fall into the mud.

However, such rain is also like a child's temper. You look forward to the sun, and he deliberately rains and overcast, overcast and rainy. Because there is a lot of rain, there are many people in the field (the old casino in the countryside), old men, half-big old men, middle-aged people, guys, gathered in a laneway, three or five stalls or five or six stalls, smoke, crowded, big drinking, this smart child, find a broom stick, dip the stick head with some mud, and stick the money that the gambler puts at his feet. I don't know which one saw it: "Go, take it and buy candy." Then there was another uproar.

Now that the cement road has been built, many people have gone out to work, and there are not many people in the countryside on rainy days, and several of the old men who gambled and entertained in the field were dead and went to that eternal place.

Sometimes I think about it, the rain is really psychic, always falling in the heart.

Reflections before the Qingming Dynasty

Wen 丨Hang Jianxin

In March, several sandy weather blows green everything, and in the distance, the weeping willows are like the hair of a young girl, flying in the wind.

A hang brother called and left me in deep thought. The overall planning of the Shi'an site to be declared a World Heritage Site and the acceleration of archaeological progress means that the relocation of Hang's ancestral tomb around the Qingming Festival cannot be delayed.

The four-thousand-year-old Stone Ridge is the eve of Chinese civilization, and our ancestors "camped and camped" on the imperial city platform more than 200 years ago. In Shi'e Mountain, I often wondered whether the ancestral tomb was a gift from the queen and the royal family of Shi'e, and whether we were descendants of the ancestors of Shi'e.

I can't remember how many times I stepped on the wind, but on the day of the Qingming Festival, in front of the tombstone of the ancestors, I offered a bouquet of flowers, lit a blazing incense, and sprinkled a glass of wine.

Gazing at the ancestral graves in the grass, they have become lower and lower over the years, and naturally I also thought of the queen who was high on the imperial city platform. Some paper money was lit, and a few vultures swirled low, and those offerings would be their pockets.

Looking around, a golden avenue surrounds Shiya Mountain. Look through the rolling hills, archaeological museums, villages, cooking smoke, and the distant past. One beacon after another seems to be telling the thunder of war drums in Gaojiabao and the Bald Tail River Valley.

At this moment, I began to think newly, which is the common sentiment of human beings.

At a symposium between the Gaojiabao government and the Hang clan, it was clear that the clan members had a sense of awe and attachment to the ancestors of the Imperial City Terrace. Shi'an is no longer the pride of Gaojiabao, Shenmu and Shaanxi, but the top archaeological heritage of China and even the world, let us wait and see.

As my brother said: Our ancestors were big families who knew things, knew the rules, and had prestige. For the better development of the Shi'an site, in the matter of the ancestral tomb moving out of the imperial city, although the Hang family has no choice but to do so, it will be indispensable in the end.

Topic丨 Qingming Day, there are words sent far away

Go to the grave

Wen 丨 Xing Fei

Every year on the Qingming Festival, a large group of men in our household carry long money made of colored paper, and carry flower steamed buns and stir-fried vegetables in cages to the graves of their ancestors. Only men go to the graves and women cook at home.

That year, Grandpa died, and I often dreamed of Grandpa's hunched figure cutting grass and chopping wood to feed cattle and water. Qingming Festival is coming, Dad wants to lead his brother and uncles to go to the grave together, as in previous years, or a man of all sizes, I can't help but tell Dad, I also want to go to Grandpa's grave, Dad said then go. I was overjoyed and followed them to the grave. Grandpa's grave was in the middle of that field, just arrived at the ground Dad said, you stand here, I was stunned, did not dare to take another step, in the distance watched them burn paper, prostrate, eat vegetables, and then wrap the rest of the dishes in paper and bury them in the cemetery, put a bottle of wine in front of the grave, each of them prostrated their heads and got up and left. It was the first time I gave my grandfather a grave before I left my hometown for school as a child, and it was the last time. Until in recent years, people's concepts have changed greatly, daughters-in-law and granddaughters can now go to the grave, I once again followed my father to the grave of my grandfather, where there is more than one grandmother's grave, every time I stand here, although it is already full of golden rape flowers, the spring breeze is blowing, but there is no taste of spring in my heart, the scene in front of me is still the bitter days of my grandparents' life decades ago, in the spring, my grandmother's plate is always boiled with vinegar and salt, and my grandfather always drinks yellow cattle to plow the ground at dawn. In the afterglow of the setting sun, you can always see his toddlered figure carrying heavy grass.

It's another year of green grass

Wen 丨 Tian Jianling

I miss my mother, I miss the "Ling" that my mother called me. No one called me like she did, no one hurt her little daughter like she did. I sat on the couch, where my mother had sat cross-legged. She did needlework; she watched qin opera; she told me over and over again about "Three Niang Godsons", "Eight Pieces of Clothing", "Five Classic Slopes"... My mother couldn't read, but she sang the lyrics verbatim.

Her mother is a typical traditional woman, she is gentle and charitable, she has never blushed with the people around her, and she is obedient to her father all her life.

At this moment I was sitting alone under the west window, and countless times I had sat side by side with my mother, and there was no one to gossip. Mother's ear back, but this did not affect our conversation at all. When my mother was there, the desert outside the window was being cleared, and the road construction car had not yet crushed the road. In less than a year, the place has changed dramatically, and the wide asphalt road has become an internet celebrity avenue, but my mother did not see it.

The living room was full of mothers. She stood under the bay window and rubbed her pussy; she tapped her elbow; she lifted one foot independently... Although my mother was old, she walked briskly, and sometimes I couldn't catch up. My mother loved to play in the mountains and waters, because there was a "Tour west lake" in the Qin Cavity, and the eldest brother took his mother to Hangzhou to tour the West Lake. Grandma was a person who ate and prayed to the Buddha, and once went on foot to worship at Mount Hua. My mother followed in her grandmother's footsteps and climbed to the top of Mount Hua at the age of nearly 80. I climbed with my mother through the Taibai Mountain, Xiling Mountain, Maiji Mountain, and red river valley, and walked all over the ditches and ridges of Zhongnan Mountain.

It had been a full year since her mother's death, and the days before her death were often clearly visible. I regret it when I think about it, maybe we shouldn't have taken her to the hospital for treatment. On the day I went to the hospital, the weather was very good, and along the way, the peach blossoms and plum blossoms showed the most beautiful self, and I saw the light in my mother's eyes. I said to the eldest brother who was driving: "Let's not go to the hospital, how good is my mother today, let's take her to see the colorful rape flowers in Chang'an, okay?" The eldest brother said, "A hundred and ten miles is a bit far." He was afraid that his mother was too tired. Who would have thought that in less than three days, my mother would close her eyes forever in my arms.

After my mother left, I became obsessed with white. White gauze flowers, white trench coats, white snow robes, white skirts. I hid a nostalgia in the white.

clear and bright

Wen 丨 He Xin

Qingming, we want to fly like swallows, how to fly? Fly on a swing! On weekdays, our parents always scolded us for being too playful, but when it came to Qingming, they would happily pull a thick hemp rope on the beam of the gate or the bullpen, indulging our playful nature. The hemp rope hurt so much that we put a sack on the hemp rope, and the swing flew up, and the sack under the ass snapped and snapped, and the whirlwind of panic blew. The person pushing behind him got bigger and bigger, the person on the swing flew higher and higher, his toes touched the eaves, and his whole body was flipped upside down to the sky, and the screams startled the sparrow swallows at the head of the wall and flew away in a hurry. We flew in a different pattern, one person riding on the neck of the other, flying on the swing with his feet, and two people facing each other and flying together. On the swing, the clear heart gives birth to wings and flies freely between the blue sky and white clouds.

Qingming, only in Qingming, we girls can find the same reason to fly equally as boys, and adults always warn us: "Girls should not be too naughty, girls should be dignified and stable, girls should be..." Watching the boys go up the tree to dig birds, go down to the river to touch the fish, we only have envy. Only on the swing frame, we are like a bird flying freely, the thick braids fly, the soft waist is twisted slightly, the smile of youth is like a flower, the laughter of the silver bell is gentle, "the swing in the wall is outside the wall, the pedestrians outside the wall, the beautiful people in the wall laugh", the hearty laughter is like a breeze, and a circle of ripples ripples on the heart lake of the amorous man.

Spring rain nostalgic

Wen 丨 Luo Huan

A spring rain, moisturizing silent.

The green in the memory is still so clear and moving. Everything seemed to have never changed, but it was obviously a little strange. The innocent years in your mind, the playfulness of childhood, all of them have become a cherished past with the footsteps of time, and those who have grown up with you since childhood are now blurring their faces, I don't know how they have lived in the other world over the years? Do you miss us loved ones too?

The "Stone Bridge Old House" in my hometown will always be the foundation imprinted in my bones, and this side of water and soil has nurtured me and my ancestors and witnessed our growth process. Whether it is busy everywhere, or the wind and rain, they have never dared to forget the "fallen leaves to the roots". Here are my relatives, my youth, my soul, my heart, my heart, my heart. Whenever I think about the past, I am always extremely religious, and it seems that only at this time can my heart be truly undistracted and truly enter that state of utter peace.

Reminisce about the past and leave a sacred place for the soul. Looking to the future, when you know the deceased, you should know the past.

Qingming Festival, I would like to say

Wen 丨 Liang Wei

Before my mother died, I didn't understand that Qingming Festival was still a festival.

Everything recovers, lukewarm and lukewarm, and everything shows a new atmosphere that is both clear and clear. These all changed their taste after my mother went.

Mother left us, forever from the world she had once attached. I know life and death, and I know parting, but I didn't expect to be by my side, which was unexpected, desperate, helpless, and felt the grief that cut into my heart.

I remember my mother always being what she was before she was sick: smart and tidy. To this day, I can't imagine my mother's image when she was older. For more than ten years, she must have continued everything, just as we who were born continued in this earthly world. In the huge magnetic field of thinking about the mother and child connection, my mother and I saw it in the dream, she smiled, but it was that wordless smile, and I was even more sad, regret and heartbroken for waking up. I hope to have that dream, but I no longer want my mother to see me, to see my son, who is now a bit of a vicissitudes, afraid of making her sad...

Mother, the eldest granddaughter you have brought in your hometown for three years has gone to college; the little granddaughter you have not had time to see is clever and well-behaved; you do not have to pinch your fingers, the old father is also nearly eighty, his legs and feet are still sharp, and he goes up and down the stairs many times a day. Since you went, the old house has been occupied by no one and has fallen into disrepair. Recently, he insisted on taking people to repair: the bathroom was newly repaired, the toilet was replaced with a pump, the doors and windows became new, and the whole body was not changed in the slightest. Because that's where you've lived all your life, the place you know best, the place you'll always find...

It was clear again, and the drizzle was like a complaint.

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