
Younger diversified options The new Lincoln Z arrives at the store

On March 12, 2022, the official price of the new Lincoln Z was announced, and the price of 252,800-340,800 yuan can be clearly seen, lincoln is coming with full sincerity this time. At the 2021 Shanghai Auto Show, the Zephyr Reflection mass production concept car refreshed people's understanding of Lincoln's new design, and now the launch of the new Lincoln Z has also brought Lincoln closer to the brand rejuvenation. Recently, the new Lincoln Z has arrived at Lincoln Center everywhere, and we also came to the Aojitong Lincoln Center in Beijing's Chaoyang District to experience a new Lincoln Z.

Younger diversified options The new Lincoln Z arrives at the store
Younger diversified options The new Lincoln Z arrives at the store
Younger diversified options The new Lincoln Z arrives at the store
Younger diversified options The new Lincoln Z arrives at the store
Younger diversified options The new Lincoln Z arrives at the store
Younger diversified options The new Lincoln Z arrives at the store
Younger diversified options The new Lincoln Z arrives at the store
Younger diversified options The new Lincoln Z arrives at the store
Younger diversified options The new Lincoln Z arrives at the store
Younger diversified options The new Lincoln Z arrives at the store
Younger diversified options The new Lincoln Z arrives at the store
Younger diversified options The new Lincoln Z arrives at the store
Younger diversified options The new Lincoln Z arrives at the store
Younger diversified options The new Lincoln Z arrives at the store
Younger diversified options The new Lincoln Z arrives at the store
Younger diversified options The new Lincoln Z arrives at the store

In Lincoln Z, we see the direction of Lincoln's future rejuvenation and diversified transformation, and we are full of expectations for Lincoln's future. In terms of user experience, Lincoln has been accelerating the modernization of the network layout, and strives to create a "trend vane" for architecture, experience, and social networking. Lincoln's New Retail 2.0 Demonstration Store The new Lincoln Way Experience Center was put into operation, marking another milestone in Lincoln's Way 2.0 innovation. With the design concept of "American Luxury Club", it perfectly integrates "immersive American luxury with the times", "digital experience of online and offline boundless integration of exhibition halls", "more personalized exhibition hall customer reception and experience process", builds a longer and warmer customer relationship, brings customers luxury, scenario, youth, social and modern experience, and will become a new Internet celebrity punch card resort.

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