
DNF: Version 110 "again" is going to last! The 3 major mechanisms have changed, and the proportion of awakening has been greatly reduced

In terms of output type, the dungeon can probably be divided into "outbreak" and "endurance" 2 types, if it is in Hanbok, the outbreak and endurance may have their own advantages, but in the national service, it has always been a set to take away, never waste the second set, so it has been based on outbreaks, but in the 110 version, it has brought different content.

1. The current situation of national uniforms: why is it mainly an outbreak?

How to balance the current version of the national service status quo? You can arbitrarily choose a profession to go to the cultivation ground test, and you will find a very interesting phenomenon: the proportion of double awakening damage in most occupations is often more than 50%, and some occupations can even break through 60%!

DNF: Version 110 "again" is going to last! The 3 major mechanisms have changed, and the proportion of awakening has been greatly reduced

"High proportion of awakening", is the most typical status quo of the current dungeon, and the awakening damage is too high, resulting in the problem that other small skills are not important at all, we enter the map as long as we ensure that the awakening hits, then basically can take away the boss.

On the contrary, if the awakening is empty, the impact on the damage is also huge, directly affecting the bombing or not, so to some extent, it is precisely because the awakening damage is high, so the planning does not allow the empty awakening, basically all the three senses of all occupations are full-screen bombardment.

DNF: Version 110 "again" is going to last! The 3 major mechanisms have changed, and the proportion of awakening has been greatly reduced

Since the awakening damage is high and the skill is not empty, the arrival of the "burst version" is also logical.

2, the new version of the 3 major changes: awakening status decline

The awakening damage is too high, and it will not be interrupted, nor will it be empty of skills, everyone will pursue the ultimate awakening damage, which will bring the explosion as the king, so on the contrary, if the awakening damage is not high, is it disguised to change the situation of the outbreak version?

(1) Start with equipment to reduce the awakening damage increase! The most typical example is that the "CP weapon" is stronger than the "standard weapon", while the "CP weapon" does not add awakening damage; most equipment, including the "hand rubbing sleeve" and "colorless sleeve", does not have awakening damage after triggering the entry.

DNF: Version 110 "again" is going to last! The 3 major mechanisms have changed, and the proportion of awakening has been greatly reduced

(2) Premium copy does not reset CD cooldown! This point has been used by the national costume Ozma at present, in fact, everyone can feel that the more you can't reset the copy of the CD, the more you rely on small skills, because most of the time the awakening can only be put once, and whether it is to clean up the mobs, or continue to output bosses, you need small skills to support.

(3) Remove cd potions to improve the status of CD equipment! Take the current situation of the national service as an example, because there are mental stimulants (-20% CD), as long as you eat THE CD medicine, any equipment becomes an endurance pack; but in the 110 version, the CD drug will be removed, and the REDUCed CD cooling can only come from the equipment, so it will improve the status of the CD equipment in disguise.

DNF: Version 110 "again" is going to last! The 3 major mechanisms have changed, and the proportion of awakening has been greatly reduced

From the above three aspects, the proportion of awakening has declined, the CD is not reset, and the CD potion is deleted, all of which are all unfavorable factors for awakening, and the most direct impact is that since the awakening damage has become lower and the CD has not been shortened, then we can only rely more on small skills.

In this way, the version that relies solely on the awakening explosion has been substantially changed.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the reduction of the income of awakening?

In the current version, the most common phenomenon is this: throw the awakening into the picture, good seconds, change a diagram and then throw the awakening!

DNF: Version 110 "again" is going to last! The 3 major mechanisms have changed, and the proportion of awakening has been greatly reduced

And partial awakening is the most uncassing skill, especially the three senses, all the three senses of the whole profession are basically portrayed in a mold, so the 100-level version is not only an explosive version, but also a version of watching three senses cartoons.

When the awakening benefit is reduced and the monster adds a toughness mechanism, it is not enough to have an awakening. First of all, you have to use small skills to break the defense; secondly, you have to prevent various monster mechanisms; and then, with various skills to cooperate with the output, the awakening damage is still high, but because of the long CD and the damage drop, it is no longer the core output means.

DNF: Version 110 "again" is going to last! The 3 major mechanisms have changed, and the proportion of awakening has been greatly reduced

Therefore, the disadvantage of the reduction of the awakening income is that more operating mechanisms are needed, and it is no longer a simple second to pass the level; and the advantage is that it indirectly returns to the action of the Andersen era, needs more defense breaking and walking mechanisms, and the player's sense of participation is stronger.

Personal summary

In fact, the positioning of "outbreak" in the national service is more awkward: on the one hand, everyone wants more operating space, rather than a simple outbreak of seconds; but on the other hand, everyone is frantically pursuing extreme damage, can take away one set, and will never put the second set of mud and water.

Personal speculation, even if the Hanbok setting is very inclined to the endurance mode, it is estimated that when it comes to the national service, it will have to go back to the old road of outbreak, if not, it is mostly because the construction is not in place.

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