
Who is paying for domestic high-end mobile phones?

Domestic high-end mobile phones in the past two years is in the limelight, the market share is also increasing step by step! In the past, when it came to high-end mobile phones, everyone first thought of Apple Samsung, and now it is a hundred schools of thought.

According to relevant statistics, from the market performance of domestic smart phones in the past two years, the performance of the domestic high-end mobile phone market is not satisfactory. While domestic first-line mobile phone brands are accelerating their respective flagship models, the overall price of high-end mobile phones is also rising rapidly, but the market performance is declining, what is the reason for this?

Who is paying for domestic high-end mobile phones?

Simply put, brand effects, limited consumer awareness, and vicious competition among manufacturers are the key to this situation.

So you have to ask who is paying for domestic high-end mobile phones, that is, of course, those who do not like Apple's operation (system), do not like Apple's brand patriotic users, users with lower budgets, users who like to experience different forms (or large screens) mobile phones, and die-hard fans of those brands.

Another point has to be said is that Apple has a ceiling as a high-end field, but he is not the best in all fields. Compared with the domestic high-end, the images have their own advantages and disadvantages, and may even surpass Apple.

Who is paying for domestic high-end mobile phones?

First of all, domestic consumers pay special attention to the brand effect, which is also the consequence of the domestic mobile phone market being in the environment of overseas brand division for a long time.

In addition, ordinary people's cognitive ability for digital products is limited, in the case of not understanding the product, consumers will take the "brand" as the entrance ticket, "mobile phone only Apple and other" This kind of thinking, even at the moment, still dominates the consumer psychology of many people. Huawei's success at that time was to win the brand effect on the basis of product advantages.

In addition, the development speed of domestic smart phone manufacturers is too fast, and the vicious competition between manufacturers is also the reason for this situation. Many times, the process level and optimization ability of their own products can not reach the flagship level at all, but they still adopt the "catch the duck on the shelves" type of pushing new efficiency, and force the sharing of hardware stacking and marketing means, which is not uncommon in domestic flagship products in previous years.

Who is paying for domestic high-end mobile phones?

Although the performance of domestic smart phones in high-end categories has stabilized in the past two years, the "unsatisfactory" in the early stage has hurt the hearts of many consumers, coupled with the continuous rise in product prices, it is slightly inferior to want to directly benchmark with products with both strength and brand advantages such as Apple.

Finally, I hope that consumers can give more opportunities to domestic mobile phone brands and have more understanding of the advantages of domestic mobile phones. Only in this way will our domestic brands become better in the future!

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