
A man who likes you but doesn't initiate contact with you is the root cause

A man who likes you but doesn't initiate contact with you is the root cause

Some people like you, but they only dare to hide in their hearts, for fear that if they reveal their inner love, you will never be able to go on again.

We often say that loving someone will take the initiative to contact, not to contact that can only show that the heart does not care, but in some cases, men's ideas are different from women's, such as when he is not sure of the other party's intentions, when he has not yet thought clearly, he will not dare to get too close.

Maybe one day, he is sure to go down with you and give you the happiness you want, he dares to stretch out his hands to embrace you, and then he dares to take the initiative to contact you.

Therefore, whether a person will take the initiative to contact you, but also depends on what kind of mentality he is, not as long as he does not take the initiative, it means that he does not love, only if you understand his intentions, you know how to deal with it.

If a man likes you but doesn't take the initiative to contact you, this is the root cause, and when you understand, you know how to do it.

A man who likes you but doesn't initiate contact with you is the root cause


He was really busy and had no time at all

Sometimes, men will use busyness as an excuse to refuse your offer or not respond to your messages, which is not a no-no, but most of the time, even if he is busy, he will talk to you.

A person who does not have time to take the initiative to contact you, and not taking the initiative to contact you at all, is two different things, no time is an objective factor, he can inform in advance, or he can reply to a message after the busy, which will make the woman feel warm in her heart.

And he doesn't take the initiative to contact you at all, because he doesn't have you in his heart, then he can't think of this matter, and it doesn't matter if he doesn't contact you.

If he is usually very busy at work and sometimes forgets to reply to you, then this situation is forgivable, and you can also communicate with him which time period is more available, and the two people can talk again.

A man who likes you but doesn't initiate contact with you is the root cause


He's afraid to bother you, he's afraid to annoy you

There are also some men, after meeting someone they like, they will become inferior, afraid that they are not worthy of you, afraid that you will not like him, hesitate to hesitate, or dare not take the initiative to find you.

He often has some inner drama, afraid that his initiative will disturb you, and even more afraid of annoying you, so it is better to look at you from a distance like now, which is also a kind of happiness.

For such a man, it is not that he does not want to contact you, not dare to contact you, he will have a lot of ideas, there will be a lot of worries, rather than this, it is better to maintain the status quo.

If he thinks so, don't force him, wait until he slowly figures it out, wait until he is brave, he dares to take that step.

A man who likes you but doesn't initiate contact with you is the root cause


He hadn't thought about it yet, and didn't dare get too close

Relatively speaking, men think more than women, and when he feels he can't give you a future, or isn't sure if two people can go on, he will back down and don't want to get too close to you.

Only when he thinks everything clearly and is sure that two people have a future will he give his all, and he will take the initiative to contact you and want to be closer to you.

Maybe this practice makes you too angry and feels that he is not responsible, but you also have to respect his ideas, if he has been worried, then even if they are together, they will not be happy, it is better to go with the flow.

When he doesn't think clearly, give him some time, let him sort out his thoughts, and believe that he will give you a satisfactory answer.

A man who likes you but doesn't initiate contact with you is the root cause



If a person likes you but doesn't contact you, at this time, you have to think about why he is doing it.

He really doesn't love you, he is not willing to take the initiative, or he loves you too much, afraid to contact you, when you understand his intentions, you know what to do next.

If you also have feelings for him, but he is afraid to take this step, you can give him some confidence and let him understand that you also love him very much, and he will become braver.

Don't miss each other because of each other's hesitation, then you will regret it, why didn't you fight together in the first place, instead of that, it is better to give each other a chance now and boldly love!

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