
Eight characters | The numerology of people who will not voluntarily pay back the money

Eight characters | The numerology of people who will not voluntarily pay back the money

In real life, we always hate people who borrow money and don't pay them back, it can be said that such people are far away, but many times we believe in these people. So in numerology, what are the characteristics of the eight-character numerology of people who will not take the initiative to pay back money?

Than the robbers

The yen represents itself, and the star god with the same five elements as himself is called the robbery star and the shoulder star. On the eight-character life plate, there are too many star gods with the same five elements as themselves, which means that the fate is too strong than the robbery star, such as: the yen five elements belong to the soil, the eight characters are more than the ugly soil; the yen five elements belong to the gold, and the eight characters are more geng xin jin.

In terms of numerology, bi-robbery star is the star god of the Lord's restraint on the fortune star and the consumption of the fortune star. Therefore, those who are more popular than robbers are often the most heroic and extroverted in dealing with people, spending money is also generous, it is easy to spend money, and they cannot save money. So when they borrow money from you, they usually say things like vows and brotherhood, but when you make them pay it back, it's difficult and you have to work hard to get it back.

Eight characters | The numerology of people who will not voluntarily pay back the money

Partial printing is too strong and the star is weak

People who are jealous of India and prosperity have a hard life, learn more and achieve less, and often have nothing to do. Moreover, people who are too heavy on printing are often too self-centered, pay too much attention to themselves, ignore others, are typical egoists, and it is not easy to get along with people, and it is not easy to coordinate and cooperate with people. The fact that the life is partial to India and the wealth star is weak shows that such people attach great importance to the gains and losses of money, and they are often reluctant to return the money in time.

Those who eat too much and have no money

The Book of Fortune says: "Eat more and have no wealth, although clever and poor", this sentence refers to people who have too many God Eaters, although they are intelligent, but there is no transformation of the fortune star, thus forming a fate of bad luck, such people are most likely to become "poor talents" or "poor scholars". Therefore, in life, they are often dressed in the cloak of high education and reputation, but they are not satisfied with the money they make money, and when such people reach out to borrow money from you, it often means that they are in a difficult situation. But when you ask for money, this kind of person will put on an arrogant posture, which can be described as a good intention in exchange for a sin, and it is not interesting to beg for yourself.

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