
Costume dramas have begun to be popular hair bands, can you be a little more perfunctory?

The one-read jun who has a big head and does not wear a headband | Tongzi

With the development of the times, the shape of online costume dramas has "evolved" again.

Yi Yujun once wrote "Why are the current costume drama heroines all wearing their heads and distributing their heads, not panning their heads?" But recently, Yi Yuejun found that online costume dramas have entered the "hair band era".

Some netizens turned over many "hair band styles" of recent costume dramas, indicating that the styling of costume dramas is really becoming more and more perfunctory...

"Hairband styling" in some costume dramas

Some people joked: this is the studio city purchased a batch of fresh hair bands, which is conducive to recycling.

Whether the costume style wears a hair band is a personal aesthetic problem, but the use of this "hanging circle" type of hair band in the costume drama may be slightly unsafe.

Ancient Chinese hair bands are a kind of jewelry worn on the forehead, which is completely different from the position of modern hair bands, with aliases such as smearing forehead, forehead band, headband, hair band, eyebrow, brain bag, etc., which have appeared in a large number of costume film and television drama works.

Tripping over the face of the ancient handsome man's face

In fact, everyone is not unfamiliar with the forehead (an alias for hair bands). In the costume drama "Chen Qing Ling", the "long" thing on the brain door of the teenagers of the Gusu Lan family is to wipe the forehead, and then the forehead is jokingly called "the stumbling block of the ancient style handsome brother" by some netizens.

Costume dramas have begun to be popular hair bands, can you be a little more perfunctory?

The long face shape is matched with a thin material and a thin forehead, and the face is lined for a longer time...

But Yi Yuejun feels that this aspect is related to the material of the forehead, and on the other hand, it is related to the shape of the actor's face. Whether the appearance of the ancient handsome man has been tripped by the forehead, and finally he still looks at the face.

The shape of these ancient handsome men has obviously not been "stumbled" by the forehead.

According to literature, the forehead was invented by ethnic minorities in northern China, mainly for keeping warm, and later slowly evolved into an ornament.

It is cold in the north, and the forehead is warmed with mink skin, and it is attached to the crown, because it becomes jewelry, which is the indiscriminate pursuit of the forehead. - "The Book of Continuing Han and The Chronicle of Public Opinion"

The history of the forehead is long, and among the cultural relics related to the forehead that have been excavated so far, the earliest is the Shang Dynasty humanoid carved jade piece.

Costume dramas have begun to be popular hair bands, can you be a little more perfunctory?

The cultural relics have also become an important reference for costume film and television works

In the early days, this thing belonged to the jewelry suitable for both men and women, the modeling style and production process reached its peak in the Ming Dynasty, and after the Qing Dynasty, it gradually became a special jewelry for women's first clothes, which belonged to the "heavy industry" ornaments, the material mainly included brocade, animal skins, and hand-embroidered with exquisite patterns, and embellished with pearls and gemstones.

Costume dramas have begun to be popular hair bands, can you be a little more perfunctory?

Folk folklore of the true plaster shape classification

An important use of ornaments is to modify, in order to adapt to different face shapes, the forehead has also developed a variety of shapes. In the costume drama, the use of solid materials and suitable styles looks very high-grade.

How "fragrant" is the smear? Just look at the anime works of neighboring countries. In Naruto, the Forehead (originally known as the Forehead Protector) is an important symbol item for ninjas.

In Sailor Moon, the forehead is both the standard of sailors and the offensive weapon of the Water Ice Moon.

However, this shield is an all-metal structure

Even Princess Diana, who is at the forefront of fashion, occasionally "wears" a forehead. However, Dai Fei's forehead is actually a necklace, which is rationally used by Dai Fei and plays more decorative value.

Perhaps inspired by Concubine Dai, people found that the pure jewelry was also beautiful.

Art is derived from life and higher than life, and some costume dramas have made subversive innovations on the smear, which greatly increases the decorative effect and adds a lot of color to the character modeling.

Each wipe has its own characteristics

Ancient Chinese hair bands are located on the forehead, and their warmth function has a certain relationship, so why is the modern version of the hair band generally worn above the hairline?

Because the modern version of the hair band is mostly a Western-style headband style.

A headband transferred from royal power to commoners

The headband is one of the common head decorations in life, originating from the crown of the ancient Greek and Roman periods.

From the frescoes of the ruins of the ancient Greek palace of Knossos, the ancient Greeks used to wear the crown at the hairline to expose the door of the head. This may be due to the pleasant local climate, the headband does not have to play a warm role, or it may be because people are willing.

Costume dramas have begun to be popular hair bands, can you be a little more perfunctory?

Frescoes on the walls of the remains of the Palace of Knossos

The crown was called "diadein" in ancient Greek, meaning "tangled together", and due to the limited production of gold in early ancient Greece, the crown was made of a wide variety of metals. To add to the beauty of the crown, craftsmen decorate the crown with embossing or other motifs.

By 331 BC, after Alexander the Great opened the gold supply of the Persian Empire, the crown of ancient Greece entered the "Golden Age", not only the material was replaced by more expensive gold, the design style was more and more complex, and the main design direction was to move closer to the plant corolla.

Ancient Greek customs held that wearing flowers and leaves on the head symbolized honor, love or victory, so the golden crown continued this tradition and was favored by some great people of great merit in later generations.

Such as the founder of the Roman Empire, military commander, politician Julius Caesar.

Another example is the Nineteenth Century French military and politician Napoleon I.

The portrait of Napoleon's wife, Empress Josephine, wearing a crown of the same type, has also survived in large quantities.

Costume dramas have begun to be popular hair bands, can you be a little more perfunctory?

Celebrities were leading fashion trends, and under the "leadership" of the Napoleons, this vintage crown became popular among women in high society and became known as the (jewelry) bandeaux.

Compared with the crown (tiara) that "the head will fall off", the jewelry headband is more comfortable and convenient to wear, and can also be fixed to the top of the head with a ribbon, becoming a new popular fashion item to replace the crown.

Princess Diana's jeweled headband

After entering the homes of ordinary people, the headband in order to match ordinary clothing, less jewelry luxury, more bright colors, but in the bride's head still emits a brilliant light.

The luxurious headband is still a few points worse than the hairband style in the costume drama. Some netizens found that the hair bands worn by costume dramas are now more similar to the crown of the Virgin Mary.

Of course, the shape in the costume drama is not so exaggerated

So what is the Crown of the Virgin Mary?

The crown of the Virgin Mary forcibly "glowing"

The Crown of the Virgin Mary is an extremely exaggerated headband, belonging to the classic version of the lolita headdress, which is different from the ordinary hair band in that the strong behavior wearer adds a sacred "aura".

As the name suggests, the Crown of the Virgin Mary is an imitation of the halo on the (early) head of the Virgin Mary in Western religions.

Costume dramas have begun to be popular hair bands, can you be a little more perfunctory?

In fact, the crown of the Virgin Mary is not uncommon, standing on Liberty Island in the United States, the Statue of Liberty, wearing the crown of the Virgin Mary.

Due to the exaggerated shape of the Crown of the Virgin Mary, it is rare in daily life, and it only occasionally appears in foreign fashion shows and celebrity red carpet styles.

Costume dramas have begun to be popular hair bands, can you be a little more perfunctory?

Of course, the Virgin's crown is not only the Virgin. As we all know, the gods and saints of the whole earth have their own aura, and the position of the aura is behind the head.

Costume dramas have begun to be popular hair bands, can you be a little more perfunctory?

There are many explanations for the source of the divine aura of the same model worldwide. A more sci-fi theory is that the reason why the gods are superior is because they come from aliens with higher civilizations and advanced technologies, so they need to wear helmets, and helmets are reduced to "halos" by the ancients.

Costume dramas have begun to be popular hair bands, can you be a little more perfunctory?
Costume dramas have begun to be popular hair bands, can you be a little more perfunctory?

Scholars believe that the "halo" may have originated from the worship of the sun, and pointed out that the earliest use of the "halo" is basically the sun god. It's just that the "aura" positions of the older gods and immortals of various countries are different.

The ancient Greek sun god Helios (aura" behind the head, is a radiant sun; Horus of ancient Egypt is the guardian of the sun and the pharaonic monarchy, his "aura" is on top of the head; the human-headed snake-like Fuxi also performs the duties of the sun god, so the "aura" is raised in the hand (nuwa holds up the moon)

There is also a theory that the "halo" shape of the global gods and immortals originated from Indian Buddhism.

Behind almost all Buddha statues, there is a backlit "aura" art model, this "aura" is also called "Buddha light" and "round light".

This backlight, or round light, is both a symbol of the boundlessness of the Dharma and a sign that the Buddha is the messenger of light. In the Later Han Dynasty, it is said: "The Buddha's body is six feet long, golden in color, and the light in the necklace is bright, the changes are endless, and there is nothing inferior, so it can transform all things and greatly benefit all sentient beings." ”

Since the aura aura overhead is indeed powerful, this aura is met with madness from the gods of the world.

The world's hair ornaments are a big "copy", there are so many hair ornaments and hairstyles in ancient China, will there be no "collision" with the crown of the Virgin Mary? In fact, there are still some, but the ancient Chinese hair ornament is not as convenient as the crown of the Virgin Mary, and it is necessary to insert multiple hairpins into a "halo".

Figure 1 is the closest

In contrast, the crown of the Virgin Mary is really time-saving and labor-saving, and it will also let the heroine have her own special effect of "protagonist aura". As long as it is a delicate ornament made with heart, even if it is randomly put into the costume drama, it will not disappoint the audience.

So, do you like the Crown of the Virgin in costume dramas?


WANG Chenxu. The historical evolution of headdress and its inheritance and development[D]. China University of Geosciences(Beijing), 2009.

Wang Yiwen, Liang Hui'e. Research on folk eyebrow modeling and pattern art[J]. Silk, 2018.

[3] The Daily Antique Story – A Brief History of Tiara's Crown

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