
Mom must collect a good list of zinc supplements

Bin Sister Nutrition Classroom

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Issue 208

Zinc supplement food list

Doesn't your baby love to eat? Want to design a zinc supplement recipe for your baby? What to do?

First of all, be sure to first clarify whether the baby is really "zinc deficiency".

So far, there is no good way to diagnose "zinc deficiency", and it is necessary to make a comprehensive judgment based on the high risk factors for zinc deficiency, the baby's clinical manifestations, laboratory test results, and the baby's growth and development status.

Serum zinc may partially reflect the nutritional status of zinc in the body, but serum zinc deficiency is sensitive and can remain normal in mild zinc deficiency.

If you really need to "supplement zinc" for your baby, you can eat more of the following foods:

Mom must collect a good list of zinc supplements

Image from Parenting Mutual Nutrition and Food Supplement Group: Ono Mama

1. Aquatic products: including oysters, scallops and so on.

2. Animal liver: like pig liver, duck liver, chicken liver contains more zinc. However, due to safety problems, animal liver needs to be eaten in moderation, 1 to 2 times a week, and do not exceed 30 grams each time.

3. Lean meat: lean beef, lean pork. The amino acids produced after the decomposition of animal foods can help the absorption of zinc, and babies with zinc deficiency should also pay attention to eating some lean meat appropriately.

4. Plant foods: Although the absorption rate is lower than that of animal foods, it still has a certain role in supplementing zinc, such as common wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, gluten and mushrooms.

Mom must collect a good list of zinc supplements

About author:Wang Bin, child nutritionist, China registered dietitian, national second-level public nutritionist, national senior nutrition lecturer. Good at combining medicine with modern nutrition knowledge, focusing on the field of maternal and infant nutrition and health, teaching you to feed your children scientifically.

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