
Night reading | the sound of flowers falling

Night reading | the sound of flowers falling

The anchor reads the classics and accompanies you to say goodnight. Hello everyone, here is the lightning night reading, I am Wucheng Rong Media anchor Sun Jinyi, today to share with you Zhang Ailing's essay "The Sound of Flowers Falling".

The sound of flowers falling

Zhang ailing

There were roses in the house, and within a few days, in the middle of the night, I heard the sound of flowers falling. At first, it was a tentative "pop", like a drop of rain hitting the table. Immediately after, in the "snapping" sound of the crowd, countless butterflies that were shot fell from the sky.

Night reading | the sound of flowers falling

The night at that moment was so quiet, so quiet that listening to one's breath was like listening to the rising tides. The whole person was suspended in mid-air by the sound of flowers falling, pointing his ears, and listening to it in shock, like listening to a conspiracy and trick that was brewing.

In the morning, a table full of falling flowers lies there quietly, peacefully and quietly. One can't believe that it had been through such a thrilling night.

Even if the rose petals fall, they are still alive and fresh, still have a greasy texture, satin luster and warmth. I didn't believe it was the corpse of a flower at all, and always didn't let my mother clean it up. Watching them break away from the crowding of the branches and lie there freely, it seems that there is a kind of relict and independent beauty than clustered in the branches.

Night reading | the sound of flowers falling

In this world, every day you seem to hear the sound of flowers falling. Flowers as gentle and flowing as cherry, pear, and peach, I never see their debauchery as a kind of death. They only realized in the soft call of the wind that they had been angels with wings, so they tried to break free of the branches, tried to fly, and flew out gently...

There is a flower that scares me. It did not ask any questions, without any warning, and in the sudden, the whole flower rolled down recklessly and irresponsibly, which was really frightening.

Night reading | the sound of flowers falling

Once raised a pot of camellias, this is such a shocking way to die. I was horrified and was afraid of camellias from then on. Afraid of its extremes and fierceness, and that kind of suicidal tragedy. I don't know how such a gentle and calm tea tree can bloom such a tragic flower.

Night reading | the sound of flowers falling

Only the small daisies in the countryside bloom without publicity, and Xie De is also implicitly silent. Its withering is not a storm, it just comes, it is still quiet and warm snuggled on the flower tray, little by little emaciated, little by little haggard, and then without a trace in the winter depression, with the whole season to grow old.

About the Author:

Night reading | the sound of flowers falling

Zhang Ailing is a modern Chinese female writer. He has created and published novels such as "Jasmine Piece", "Love in the Fallen City", and "Red Rose and White Rose". In Zhang Ailing's prose, she successfully integrates sensibility and rationality, specific current life experience and profound philosophical thinking, so that her prose has a rational speculative color in the interest.

Anchor Profile:

Night reading | the sound of flowers falling

Sun Jinyi is the anchor of Wucheng County Rong Media Center.

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